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Your thoughts on Prometheus
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Let the community know what you think of Prometheus, what are your thoughts? What are your concerns? WHat are you looking forward to? What would you like to see in the film? Post your opinions and thoughts here.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
178 Replies


One thing I would really like to see is the xenomorph "Alien" Homeworld. See how they live and what they look like on their own planet. I can't wait to see this film, It sounds pretty good.


Well, one of the plot features we do know of is a trip to the Alien homeworld! A definite setting most fans are hoping for.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


Hey Everyone,
I was reading that the Space Jockey's are going to be 8ft tall and animatronic Which means they can ambulate. Yet, in Ridley's original Alien film it was said that the creature looked like it grew out of the chair. I hope this is addressed in the film.

Also, the plot is about alien DNA so I hope this will help tie the whole Genre together from Resurrection (which in my opinion killed the series) back to the original Alien. It will I can see shed some light on how The corporation knew of the signal and changed the Nostromo's course. Side Note. Any hints about the cut scene on the destroyed earth from resurrection being addressed?

Is there any word on whether Ridley is going old school with Alien suits or are they going to be all CGI?


Hi Y'all,
All I can say is that I am totally psyched about the potential of this film. Even the great Cameron-made Aliens can't compare to the visceral, brilliant horror created by Scott in Alien (yup, I know they weren't meant to be the same "type" of film). If anyone can expand the story it's Scott.

As for what I want to see...two words: space jockey. I have to admit that part of the mystique and long-lasting interest in the space jockey is it's lack of explanation, but with that said, I've always been major curious about the space jockey's story. I do hope that Scott uses today's technology combined with "old school" special effects to make a visually pleasing movie. Oh, and the fact that Giger is on-board for this project: all the better!

Would it be a little creepy if I put up a calendar counting down the days until this film opens?


Hey Tattoo,
I am as stoked about this movies as you are and agree the Space Jockey is going to be awesome but to keep up with the mystique of the original it "grew out" of the chair how is Ridley going to factor this in the movie? Will be interesting to see. Countdown would be cool but as of 4-20 they were only 3 weeks into filming. I don't think they're going to make the June 12 deadline.


Howdy Rick,
Don't know how the space jockey growing out the chair angle is going to be handled. I've paused on that scene and looked at scene stills till my eyes crossed to get more detail. I have heard that what we are seeing is biomechanical "armor". I will be a bit disappointed if we finally see a live space jockey and we have something less interesting that what were already familiar with in Alien. Again, with Giger being involved i'm hoping for something original and inventive.


You know when I think of the Space Jockey I can't help but think of the series Farscape where the pilot was actually transplanted into the space ship and became part of the living organic ship. That could be how the Space jockey's did it as well via biomechanics. Thus if they were masters of biomechanics then they could ahve easliy engineered the Aliens as well. On a side note I really hope they don't put any predators in this one. Well maybe a hint about how the Predators came across them would be interesting but just a "hint".


Hey Admin,
We need more news. I feel like a Prometheus "crackhead" jonesin for more info on the


Hey Rick,

I agree. Currently, we are only posting official news, not much so on the "rumours" that are flying around at the moment, but we will be hiring some news staff shortly. We are also working to improve and polish up the site. We're running off of a new custom software which he hope will take us to new hights, and open up some cool new features regarding the movie and the community interaction, but for the next week, news may be slow. If you feel you are a news junky for Prometheus and think you could benefit the site by posting news articles daily, or often enough, then send us an e-mail at and we'll get back to you!

This site isn't very old at all yet, but we love to see the ammount of hype Prometheus is getting! This will push us to polish the site and crank out the news alot faster.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


So is the official fan site here in anyway related to Fox Film Corp? Just curious. I wish you guys the best, so far so good and I'm spreading the word in Facebook. Helps having 1300 friends there and some affiliated friends with the History Channel that are also Fans of Ridley and the Alien Genre.


We are not directly linked to Fox Film Corp. and their staff, but do have connections with them. We hope to serve as the official fan site. Obviously they will release a promo site of their own a few months before the film is released as usual, but we hope to grow the fan base prior to then, and then continue the site on to promote the possible sequel.

We really appreciate you spreading the word Rick, we do have a facebook page of our own, and once we get our RSS feed live, we will be integrating it into our Facebook page so that fans can get the latest on both sites. But we encourage fans to join up here because as we near Prometheus' release, we will be hosting some prize giveaways where fans will be able to get their hands on official posters, copies of the movie when it hits DVD and BluRay as well as various other forms of promotional merchandise.

But thanks for the support Rick, we look forward to growing this site with your help and the help of the community!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


@ Psychosick: I too would like to see the homeworld for one BIG reason: They are order for the balance of nature to occur, the Aliens would have to have a natural enemy that HUNTS THEM!!!! Interesting, no?


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorph05/25/2011
Howdy Space Fans, You know...the original ALIEN film never made it clear, that the Space Jockey was "growing out of the chair." That was just what Capt. Dallas said it looked like. Also, regardless of what the DVD subtitles say, it almost sounds like Dallas says,"Fossilized...looks like it's grown ON TO the chair." So what the hell...who knows? Bottom line is, Ridley Scott was captivated by Giger's surreal style and worked it into the film wherever he thought it was appropriate. If you get a chance, just google the image of Giger's painting called NECRONOMICON V. In that piece, you'll see the inspiration for the "Big Alien" and the Space Jockey. The Jockey shape or figure will be the creature image on the upper left of the piece. It's pretty obvious. Even the hands are depicted in the same "handle holding" position. I don't beleive there was ever any real logical reason for the "biomechanical" fusion of elements. The point was that it looked...well...alien and very "cool." Now, everyone...including the filmmakers, are trying to REVERSE ENGINEER the whole alien or extra-terrestrial aspect of the planetoid, the derelict, the Space Jockey, and the Alien life forms in general. There is no way in HADES that the new film "PROMETHEUS" will ever be able to out do what our imaginations have conjured in their deepest recesses. If Sir Ridley is as smart as I think he might be, he'll steer clear of giving up too much of the "Magician's secrets," to speak. He'll make a more "human" film, that illustrates what can happen when mankind tampers with, and delves into the potentially volitile and dangerous subjects of cellular/genetic engineering and technology. A kind of "opening Pandora's Box"...cautionary tale. I mean...wasen't it Prometheus who who formed man out of clay, gave us the spark of life, stole fire from Olympus and gave it to us in defiance of Zeus. I think this film will be about discovery, responsibility, and the abuse of power. I just hope that it's not too "preachy", as some of his films tend to be, i.e. "Thelma and louise", "G.I. Jane" and "Kingdom of Heaven". Lets hope Ridley hasen't forgotten his cinematic roots. After all, as corny as it sounds, O'Bannon's "ALIEN" was originally called "STAR BEAST." ~Neurion


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorph05/26/2011
Hey Psychosick, In contrast to your hopes, I never want to see the Alien Homeworld depicted on film...if their even is one. It would never live up to my imagination, and expectations. I read that Ridley Scott once said, "It's not what you see that scares you...It's what you thought you saw." Besides, if it does indeed come to pass that the Aliens were genetically engineered, then the idea for showing there homeworld seems kind of moot. As far as a food chain is considered...Maybe the Alien is at the top.


It's very possible that there is no xenomorph home world. It might be fun to see a xenomorph roundup, but thats not necessary. They begin in pods. We're talking about creation in a labratory here. The xenomorph is a creation of "man". Prometheus, in mythology, stole fire "intellegence" from Zeus and gave it to human kind so they could be more like the gods. A Xenomorph is a very good analogy to the misuse of a gift or of power.


No Psychosick, not in the least bit. I'm thinking about the movie in Ridleys head, not yours.


I am looking forward to it. I am a huge ALIEN fan as well as AvP and Predator, I collect all things ALIEN/Predator and have a nice collection of items too. As for PROMETHEUS, I have hopes that Scott will salvage the franchise and open a new door for future films (like Abrams did with Star Trek), since A3 and AR were a travesty to the story line. AR did attempt to save the franchise and the saga could carry on. Since A3 killed Hicks and Neut (Who should not have been killed, they were suppose to live and Ripley could have dies or lived), AR could have replaced them with Johner and Call, which would progress the story forward like it was intented to.


The god Prometheus created man and stole fire from the god Zeus. He gave fire to man to make man equal to a god. Zeus severly punished Prometheus Ridley Scott says (paraphrased) ‘The Company's ship, Prometheus, travels light years into deep space as a challange to the gods’. In the movie, do you think the fire stolen by Prometheus will be the Aliens knowledge of teraforming or is that too literal? Was the derelict ship on it's way to punish earth for the events of the Prometheus voyage, and was the company looking for it? .........all priorities recinded! Also, the android in Prometheus will be technology 30 years pre-Ash. Twitchy!


Hey Astro good idea. Prometheus was actually a Titan in Greek Mythology, he is also known as Loki in Norse Mythology. To me if you read Loki's description (via wiki) your thoughts go straight to the alien with its ability to incorporate its host DNA with its own and shift its shape (to a degree) to that similar of its host. I think the corporation stole the Alien DNA code not knowing what they really had in our midst. But then again it could be the terraforming code as well because it Aliens Burke mentions the company has been doing a lot of terraforming. Then again it could be some sort of DNA code that allows the Alien and thus some sort of organic apparatus that converts atmosphere into oxygen/nitrogen. Recall that the facehugger kept Kane alive while his helmet was breached to LV-426's atmosphere.


I'll check out Loki Rick. Knowing Ridley sees this as a stand alone film, part of a grand mythology with strands of Alien dna in it, I think stealing a technology is not grand enough. The space jockey race surely knows much more than just terraforming. All the stops will be pulled out, 250mil, and it will be glorious. I cant wait to see Prometheus then go home and watch Alien.


I was just thinking the same thing Astro, ha. I am also looking forward to Prometheus, there is no doubt in my mind that it will be one of the best sci fi films to hit the big screen in a long time. With Ridley Scott back int he director chair, and with a killer cast lined up, you can expect Prometheus will be the "be all, end all" film of the year... and possibly for many years to come.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


I've been happering away at this for a week, most of those sick days. I'm about ready to give it a rest until I hear something that sparks my interest to re-engage. Here's why. Official Synopsis: "Visionary filmmaker Ridley Scott returns to the genre he helped define, creating an original science fiction epic set in the most dangerous corners of the universe. The film takes a team of scientists and explorers on a thrilling journey that will test their physical and mental limits and strand them on a distant world, where they will discover the answers to our most profound questions and to life's ultimate mystery." I now believe this synopsis completely. The definition of the word strand is (I believe this synopsis was carefully crafted) "to leave in a strange or an unfavorable place especially without funds or means to depart". If we rule out being rescued from a distant star system, whats left? I think it's acceptance of your fate as you contemplate "the answers to our most profound questions and to life's ultimate mystery". I think I'll watch 2001 A Space Odyssey again.


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorph07/3/2011
Prometheus an epic space odyssey! I need to snork some right now, the anticipation is killing me. They already got my money and the trailer hasn't come out yet. When it does I would even see a bad movie to see it, Better yet, a 3D movie just to see the 3D trailer.


These are all great ideas guys! I personally like Astro's post: [i]"The god Prometheus created man and stole fire from the god Zeus. He gave fire to man to make man equal to a god. Zeus severly punished Prometheus Ridley Scott says (paraphrased) ‘The Company's ship, Prometheus, travels light years into deep space as a challange to the gods’. In the movie, do you think the fire stolen by Prometheus will be the Aliens knowledge of teraforming or is that too literal? Was the derelict ship on it's way to punish earth for the events of the Prometheus voyage, and was the company looking for it? .........all priorities recinded! Also, the android in Prometheus will be technology 30 years pre-Ash. Twitchy!"[/i] I agree with this 100%! This has been my hypothesis for this film ever since the title was announced.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


I wish there was more out there about Noomi's charactor 'Shaw'. Fassbender, in a very cool interview for MTV, got very excited and got worried about what he could and couldn't say, but Noomi has said nothing except that Shaw, a scientist, is a real believer. I frequent her site,, but it's very slow to update. Today they finally updated the status of the film from pre-production to giving it's release date.


LMAO Astro what the hey. "In Space your Liver's never safe?"(via Noomi's webpage) Didn't they ever tell you the "The Liver is Evil and Must Be Punished !" Hold on gonna run and grab my Rum make sure I punish it with the good stuff.


@Astro, I agree, but I think it's for the best. The more they can keep secret, the better. But it would be nice to know a little about her character, and that of the rest of the crew.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


Idris Elba has joined the cast. I did frequent Noomi's site,, but while they set it up well with projects and news that was already established, updates are not serviced very well. A few days ago I notified the webmaster that the status of Prometheus wasn't "in pre-production", they were filming for 4 months. Took 3 days for that to be updated, but now they have posted the leaked outline as an official synopsis. Geez talk about being behind the curve.


Got an email response fom the webmaster for Noomi's site thanking me for the headsup. He posted the correct synopsis and gave me a mention. Cool


First, I am really excited that Ridley has returned to the Alien story, but any fan of the series knows that unless this movie is stunning in every aspect, its going to flunk badly, and I really hope that isnt the case. The plus points? Ridley scott, Giger's involvement, a top notch cast, oodles of mystique about the plot and 30 years of creative genius that led to this becoming the first part of a story that sets up Alien. The bad points? Twentieth Century Fox's inability to handle the franchise and allowing travesties like AvP! Apart from that, I think its safe to say that a trip to THE "Alien" homeworld is not on the cards as I sincerely doubt they have a homeworld. The Alien as we know it doesnt seem to be viable as anything other than a weapon. Its life cycle is not particularly stable for anything other than short term infestation, and as we know from Canonical material on the Alien directors cut, the beast from the first movie was dying at the end of the film because of the exertions of creating new eggs (not a spoiler, but if you dont know what Im talking about, go buy the blu-ray and put some money in Ridley's pocket!). I look at the Alien as a weapon, perhaps created by the Space Jockey race (Ridley, please come up with a better name for them!) and used to infest and destroy other civilizations, then dying off and leaving their resources intact. Its a great way to conquer a species and leave their technology behind for someone to come along and borrow it. If thats the basis for the plot of Prometheus, then great! I cant wait to see it, but chances are Ridley is several steps removed from our interpretation of his work, and he has all the answers which may or may not become clear next June. this is going to be the longest 12 months of my life!
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