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Ash was wrong
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MemberTrilobiteJul-01-2019 11:55 PM

No one has seemed to challenge Ash's claim that the Xenomorph is a perfect organism. After all, with the exception of perhaps Prometheus, the Xeno was always either outsmarted or outright killed by humans or the vacuum of space. Perfection suggests stagnation and/or no need for further evolution or adaption. 

There is no perfect organism.

As always- discuss!

6 Replies


MemberDeaconJul-02-2019 3:35 AM

Certainly there is no such thing as Perfection....per say!

You could have the most Perfect Holiday but there is always something else that could have made it more Perfect, you could have the Most Perfect Wedding Day but something else could have made it more Perfect (example a Recently Passed Relative or Friend could have made it).

And so with the Xenomorph it could always Benefit from Extra Traits that would make it more Perfect but your always going to have Flaws.....  i think the Perfect Term for the Xenomorph could be that the Organism can ADAPT to its Environment.

Who knows how more Perfect we would have seen Ridley Scott have explored the Organism... he had gone on about Evolving the Beast, Exploring Different Procreation and he had mentioned the Xenomorph in Alien Covenant would have REGENERATED.

So a Organism that Adapts to Environment, that can Regenerate and has Multiple Methods of Procreation would make the Xenomorph more PERFECT... but then there would always be room for Improvement and so NOT quite Perfection.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerJul-02-2019 6:20 AM

Ash admires its purity, and comments that its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.

From a certain viewpoint, the influenza virus could be regarded as verging on perfection. It too is a survivor, lasting for millions of years. Your body slaughters trillions of the little buggers, but the important thing is that their genome persists.

Likewise with the Xenomorph.


MemberPraetorianJul-02-2019 11:10 AM

^ I agree with this statement



MemberTrilobiteJul-02-2019 10:36 PM

It seems possible that the concept of perfection is/was a nod to Nietzsche? Basically All human life would be given meaning by how it advanced a new generation of human beings. The aspiration of a woman would be to give birth to an Übermensch, for example; her relationships with men would be judged by this standard

IDK- I am really just interested in hearing what the Forum has to say.


MemberDeaconJul-03-2019 6:59 AM

Regarding Übermensch i think indeed this is something that RS was going to explore on Various Levels.

When he made the Revelation that the Planet 4 (Space Hippies) where the ORIGINAL Engineers this points us to maybe consider the Prometheus Engineers are a Übermensch variation.

I had interpreted his comments about "what kind of a world" that David would Create, in a Movie that is NOT about Xenomorphs, and would be about AI... and how RS had considered the Replicants to be AI..  Then this draws me to assume that David would be Engineering those Human Embryo's to be his Übermensch Creations..

He could maybe Rule over these and Declare/Teach to them that he is their Creator and GOD!

What happens when another being Turns Up who looks like their GOD (Walter) and other Humans and then David's Creations Discover the Truth of their Origins (Human Embryo's) and that David is Actually only a Creation by their OWN Species (Humans) of which NOW we would see that those Engineered Humans would now consider themselves the Superiors... 

This FITS with the Themes of Prometheus... its what my version/plans of Alien Covenant 2 would have covered based off my Interpretation of RS comments.

And indeed it seems that his Raised by Wolves TV Series could be using some of these ideas!

so indeed a lot of Nietzsche Philosophy seems to be at play and the Übermensch could be Introduced, and also indicated to had been something achieved prior.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianJul-05-2019 2:35 PM

“The thing about perfection is that it is unknowable, it's impossible, but its also right in front of us, all the time”

Kevin Flynn from Tron sure agrees with you dk, as do I.

I do like the trial and error notes David took during his development of the "perfect organism", above.  

The organism may not be perfect but his approach is "something to see" when choosing growth over nutrition needs...good stuff!  This sure matches up with what we saw with the Trilobite so David must be on the right track.


Raised by Wolves

I think we're getting snuckered on the details because it ties into something Alien but that is just me.  


Great comparison hox.  The xenomorph represents an upright lethal fast-acting flu.
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