MemberOvomorphJul-10-2017 6:45 AMSo I've watched Alien Covenant twice now, and does an engineer shout "Traitor(s)" ? I swear I can keep hearing it lol. But then it dawns on me why would they speak english.. I need clarification been doing my head in.. cheers.
Also just signed up to the forum, been reading a lot of theories and information on here! very informative an interesting (big fan of the story and alien universe).
Thanks :)

MemberFacehuggerJul-10-2017 2:19 PMThey guy that played the engineer screaming is a member on here. He said they were told to scream "run" to capture their face expressions.
Is there an agenda the mods are not telling us about? ;)

MemberDeaconJul-11-2017 8:40 AMThats interesting BlackGooDrinker
As to me he Spoke in somewhat a Alien/Engineer Dialect, it was not English and my interpretation was indeed something like RUN or GET THE HELL AWAY..
So its nice that the Actor had confirmed this.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphJul-16-2017 11:51 AMMy first guess was that it meant "save yourselfs" or "run for your life" meant.
But it really sounds like "traitor" :D and it would make sense haha
But surely they dont speak english