Don Digimon Farrakhan Magic Juan
MemberOvomorphApr-21-2017 7:02 AMPart 2,
4. The Prometheus viral website for David gives some pretty dark insight into his potential. For example: "David 8 is willing to perform any task that he is assigned, without question or resistance. He will not flinch at even the most disturbing or seemingly irregular assignment, and he will dutifully persevere until reaching his final objective."
As well as: "The new sensory-data processor in David 8 combines perfect human reasoning with the most advanced cybernetic computing power. Owing to such technology, David 8 can function autonomously in any human environment, displaying complex human intellectual traits such as curiosity and self-motivation towards a final objective.
5. Given his capacity to reason exactly like a human as stated, lets think about what factors he has to consider. Weylands holographic speech can be reasoned to express that David is the closest thing to the son *of a man who states to the Engineers considers himself to be a God* will ever have. Followed by "He will never grow old, and never die". That's Immortal. The Engineers head explodes, David says "Mortal after all", at that point he reasons that he is in fact superior to both species, but also that they both lack a clear or as yet defined objective . David is task oriented, free from authority and cant sit idle.