Alien Movie Universe


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MemberPraetorianApr-14-2017 11:42 AM

I’ve reread the Collider Alien Covenant summary and I think I’ve found something interesting regarding the mysterious shot revealed in the Take Me Home tv-spot. As you know, the shot shows a room, a strange window, wheatears are moving outside, a record is being played, a shadow is moving on the right, etc…


The relevant piece of info is hiding in the Sets, Visual Effects, and Production Design section:

'The sets were built as a “LEGO kit” by which they could connect hallways to rooms with a “shared language” throughout the film so that the hallways and rooms could be redecorated and repurposed multiple times throughout the shoot. Shaw’s cabin, a very small space, was shot for five different sets.'

I don’t want to jump to too brave conclusions, but I think it’s possible that the shot of the room on the planet surface reveals Shaw’s cabin. My theory is that the movie will start with these shots, we see the planet, the mountains, the bay, the lake, the cabin, everything is calm, and they might reveal Shaw around the cabin…

If there is a movie before Alien - Covenant, it might end with Shaw’s escape from somewhere chased by David. It would explain human technology concerning the cabin and its interior.

So we see this paradise and David arrives (alone) in the Juggernaut, he starts bombing, etc. Then cut! We don’t know what follows, we jump to a space scene showing Walter and the spaceship Covenant approaching. It is probable that there are more years between these two scenes.

15 Replies


MemberDeaconApr-14-2017 12:19 PM

Well its a interesting idea...

Track 4  of the Soundtrack is a Cabin on the Lake

And this shot is indeed on the edge of the Lake, i did make a Topic to discus the relevance of this shot and i did this Giff

In the Take Me Home Trailer/TV Spot we hear this Music being played and see the Record Player in this Shot and then we see the sound get muffled as we see something submerged under the Water where indeed this room could be located.

Then Shaw is humming to this Track in the same Trailer/TV Spot is this a Coincidence? or not?

Here are a few explanations i can think of.

1) Its Daniels Apartment in a Flash Back Scene, but then its a bit of a Coinsidence the back drop looks like the landing location in Alien Covenant... but then the David/Weyland Prologue is set in the same Room by the looks of it as the Meet Walter Viral and also in the back ground is a lake that could be the Scene from Prometheus at the begining or indeed the lake from the area on Paradise... but this surely is Coincidence...  and the Weyland/David Scene the backdrop could be the same changing Scene Video Screen Technology that Vickers had in her Suite on the Prometheus Ship.

This Scene in Covenant looks like its actually a Room that is overlooking a Actual Back Drop that Matches the Scenes in Covenant (the Landing Zone).

2) This is part of the Covenant, as it has many Modules that would indeed link up like Lego, that the Transport Rig at the end of the 2nd Trailer would transport down to the surface, maybe one was already attached to the Drop/Transport Ship when Tennessee went to rescue Daniels and it Fell off and landing near the Lake.

This seems Logical... but not if the Track Listing is relevant to how the Scenes Chronologically appear in the Movie.

3) Indeed this is a Room, that is part of a Ship maybe or something, that was on Paradise prior to the Covenant but is no longer there when the Covenant arrives.  This would thus give us reasons why

a) David has different Clothes than he did in Prometheus.

b) David manages to change his Hair Color and Cut it

c) David obtains the Flair Gun, and other Human Technology that we can clearly see in his Work Shop (The Lighting).

d) Why Shaw would be humming that Tune...

So yes it seems option 3 is most likely which will raise the big Questions of How and When did Shaw/David come across this Human Technology.



R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Lady Anne

MemberFacehuggerApr-14-2017 2:23 PM

I like your line of thought and it does make sense to me at least lolol I'm like you though and don't want to "over think/infer" yada, yada, yada lololol but yes I do think that could be a definite possibility! Lady Anne ^^ö^^ 

Lady Anne


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2017 4:41 PM

Not trying to be a jerk but did you see Shaw tucking a turntable under her arm when she was putting David on the Juggernaut? No. 


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2017 4:59 PM

Just going to throw this in - what if take me home is at the end of AC and not the beginning? Seems like it's a tune Tennessee would have? Good old country music for the guy with the cowboy hat? can't imagine where this could come from apart from the Covenant itself - maybe the bio-habs that each couple would use initially whilst setting up the colony? 

All we hear is a woman singing - Daniels? Shaw? 


MemberTrilobiteApr-14-2017 5:13 PM

BM- Sounds like a valid point. We really have no idea which part of the movie these are from or even if they are in the movie at all.


MemberPraetorianApr-14-2017 7:58 PM

Ridley Scott's quote regarding the time period in between Prometheus and Alien: Covenant is in the article below.

Alien: Awakening should answer all the questions on how Dr. Shaw came to possess human technology during the ten year period she traveled with David 8 in the Engineer juggernaut.


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2017 8:51 PM

You are still going on the idea that the record player is in Shaws possession. I doubt it. What did they do? Take a detour to earth then come back? Once again, that would be silly and doubtful. 


MemberPraetorianApr-14-2017 8:55 PM

It's possible they might have happened across another, smaller colonizer vessel or colony en-route to paradise. Perhaps a colony that David directed some nastiness toward, and the colonizer vessel they could hypothetically have encoutered might have been a wreck due to a mid-flight accident that killed the crew.
Distress signals from one of these, or both, would have a decent chance of attracting them to investigate, salvage a bit.






MemberTrilobiteApr-14-2017 8:56 PM

Weyland_Yootani I am thinking more that the record player was on a ship already there perhaps submerged or like BM said that the player was on the Covenant.


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2017 9:00 PM

I dunno  myself, I feel all of the speculation about Shaw is way off. From this theory to that of people believing it is her in the holographic images. I remember all of the crazy theories going into Prometheus on this page and seeing people melt down when none of it came to pass. I personally feel if this record room has anything to do with shaw, it will be silly and unbelievable. I feel it is the covenant and has to do with Daniel's more than likely. 


MemberTrilobiteApr-14-2017 9:10 PM

Good point. The feature might just be that and no turn table is in the movie at all.


MemberFacehuggerApr-15-2017 12:01 AM

Isn't there some kind of WY replicator device tech? Maybe they made the record player while on the planet. That wouldn't explain where they would get records to play on it though.


MemberTrilobiteApr-15-2017 12:04 AM

Having turn tables and vinyl at that time seems uber hipster lol! 


MemberFacehuggerApr-16-2017 2:31 AM


"Not trying to be a jerk but did you see Shaw tucking a turntable under her arm when she was putting David on the Juggernaut? No. "

If she was smart she tucked and hid 2 turntables ...and a microphone...



MemberPraetorianApr-16-2017 3:47 AM


Man...I just do NOT see Shaw as a DJ....that's almost as 'wrong' as an Alien with pink bunny ears.... :D





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