What if: Neill Blomkamp includes both David and Bishop in his Alien 5?

MemberPraetorianAug-01-2016 10:49 PMI just thought about it....
Will another David meet Bishop in Alien5, even with the large gap of time?
I thought it would be interesting.
Knowing the great Lance Henriksen did Aliens 30 years ago...with todays technology of age manipulation...it may be possible to do it... In antman, Micheal Douglas was in his "Romancing the stone" look...I mean, Bishop shouldn't age since he's synthetic...will Lance even be in Alien5 at all? I sure hope so.
Although this is a stretch as far as connecting these totally (time) different characters..it would be pretty mind boggling..I wouldn't know if it would be a good, or bad thing, but certainly an idea..... even seeying another Ash as scrap of older models would be a trip!
Just throwing fun theories out there for my Scified colleagues! Im always interested in what anyone thinks lol
"Must be something we haven't seen yet.."__Bishop

Something Real
MemberTrilobiteAug-01-2016 11:09 PMHAWLEY GRIFFIN - If David and Bishop were to share the screen together, I would be utterly ecstatic! What a very fun premise! Can you imagine the conversations in which they would engage? They would undoubtedly be extremely compelling! :)

MemberXenomorphAug-02-2016 6:14 AMWould be cool...but I really haven't got the feeling that Bishop is going to make it to A5...All the talk is Ripley, Newt and Hicks?

MemberFacehuggerAug-02-2016 6:49 AMOh they should include Bishop, and come up with a flimsy explanation for his having aged 30 years just to further deprive the project of any dignity.

MemberDeaconAug-02-2016 7:43 AMAll hints are indeed Bishop would be in Alien 5... but we have to ask what capacity as indeed all the Actors have aged 30 years since Aliens but Alien 5 is set 20 years latter...
Which would pose a problem for a Synthetic... mind you look at the condition he was in Alien 3 and so yes if his skin is not in good condition then they could get away with it.
It would be interesting for a David to Meet Bishop..
Oh by the way i love that Picture of the Two of them
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianAug-02-2016 9:26 AMgreat comments everyone! and thank u!
"Must be something we haven't seen yet.."__Bishop

MemberPraetorianAug-02-2016 9:31 AMI also thought about how David is such a high-tech android, while Ash wasn't, and Bishop was an improved model from the Ash model...All kindov confusing in a way since David came before Ash and Bishop...
In the Ridleyverse, it seems that you wouldn't know what else came after Ash. Until Cameron showed us his version with Bishop. I just wonder, these Prometheus sequels....would that show the ending course of David? or will Davids still be in the original "Alien" times of Ripley, Ash and the nostromo crew...
or had the David model gone extinct by the time it came to Alien 79?
"Must be something we haven't seen yet.."__Bishop

MemberFacehuggerAug-02-2016 10:39 AMNeill could use the same explanation used for Arnold aging in Genisys. I'm sure JC would approve.
How is David more advanced than Ash, other than being prettier? Consider: one of many advances could be styling to blend better with humans. Also, the David we know from Prometheus is not yet a production model, right? As a custom AI he may not have the protocols and safeguards that you'd think law would require.

MemberDeaconAug-02-2016 3:29 PMThe clues are there from the Weyland Files and Site, and also Aliens when Bishop said the earlier Androids where a bit twitchy...
The Weyland background information seems to indicate potential faults in David models particularly the David 7 models.... and so seems to be showing the seeds of rebellious nature that we also saw in movies like I-Robot
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Top Hat Gyaos
MemberOvomorphAug-02-2016 4:39 PMIf they meet, chaos would hopefully ensue.
And I would enjoy every second of it.
Be yourself, for everyone else is taken.

MemberOvomorphAug-03-2016 10:40 PMI suspect that as in a couple of the Comic story lines, Bishops body may well have become some kind of incubator for something new and when found in his cryotube is no longer recognisable. Perhaps Lance Hendrickson could voice this new being. If a being he has actually become. David on the other hand could certainly be in the movie as is.

MemberNeomorphAug-04-2016 3:17 AMFacehuggers!: Ha ha ha!
MFS-Type 3: Or they might tell stories to each other about what they have been through. Maybe they are like C3PO, “not very good at telling stories” (as he said in EP4). :D