Set for a 2017 premiere, AMC has teamed up with producer Sir Ridley Scott on a limited series. The Terror is a fictional work by Dan Simmons, based off the travels and hardships of the very real Sir John Franklin. The show is being called an anthology series, in a limited ten episode run. The Terror follows the lives of John Franklin and his crew as they endure death and disease in the Arctic while being eerily followed by a creature called the Tuunbaq.
This comes on the heels of Ridley Scott's foray back into his own dark material, the world of ALIEN. Already deep into pre-production on ALIEN: Covenant, a sort-of-sequel to Prometheus, Ridley Scott will serve as executive producer on The Terror. David Kajganich will write and act as show a co-showrunner with Soo Hugh of AMC's The Killing.
This series has fantastic potential to be something truly unique and terrifying. Immediately I'm reminded of The Thing, with a familiar Arctic setting, and something unknown picking off members of a crew, one by one. The hope is that they can develop a creature that's truly truly frightening in archetecture. The description of the Tuunbaq has it looking a bit like a polar bear. The designers on the show should pivot away from that idea, developing something wholly unique, while embodying the spirit of the creature.
For an in-depth description, check out this link What Is A Tuunbaq?
JM Prater for