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Fede Alvarez shares Alien: Romulus sequel ideas and direction!
Scified2024-08-22 07:28:25
Written by Chris5,529 Reads19 Comments2024-08-22 07:28:25

Director Fede Alvarez has some ideas of where an Alien: Romulus sequel could go and he shared his thoughts with The Hollywood Reporter recently. While the film itself takes place in between Alien and Aliens, there's still plenty of time and events which could be explored in between and all around this timeline. His version of an Alien: Romulus sequel would follow Rain and Andy when they finally get to Yvaga and what horrors might await them there. Fede also touches on the importance of waiting enough time between films if a sequel is to be made - adding that Alien: Romulus should gestate with audiences for more than 2 years before a sequel is considered. Read on for an excerpt of what he said:

Yes, I definitely can. We tend to do that naturally, not even thinking about sequels. For us, movies have not become franchises, tentpoles and sequels. This is a language that I’ve only learned in the last ten years of my life working here. For me, it’s always been about story. So, once we finished, we started thinking, “What do you think happens when or if they get to Yvaga? Is it going to be great? Or is it a terrible place?” We tend to believe it’s probably a terrible place that they think is great and fantasize about, so we naturally started thinking about where it goes and what’s going to happen. And then, a few minutes in, we go, “Oh, that sounds like a sequel.” 

But we really try to think about it more in terms of story and if it needs another chapter and whether people want to know what happens next. So we’ll wait to see what people think and if people ask for it. My philosophy is that you should never make [a sequel] in two years. You’ve got to get away. You’ve got to get the audience to really want it. If you think about Alien and Aliens, there’s seven years between them. But we definitely have ideas about where it should go.

In addition to a potential sequel to Romulus, Fede Alvarez did allude to the idea of teaming up with Prey director Dan Trachtenberg for a reboot of Alien vs. Predator - another potentiality Disney might consider following the success of both Prey and Romulus respectively.

Ultimately it will be up to audiences whether or not an Alien: Romulus sequel gets made, but given the film raked in over $100 million on its first opening weekend, things are looking promising for future Alien movies.

Where would YOU like to see an Alien: Romulus sequel go? Should the next Alien film be a direct sequel or a stand-alone entry? Sound off in the comments with your opinions!

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MemberNeomorphAug-22-2024 8:24 AM

If they get enough new things and do the characters right, then maybe. My concern is if they use the Xenos so much so it becomes a joke. Keep the monsters in the dark, it's more effective that way if you want to create horror. Got to see Romulus to see how they do the monsters, and so on.


MemberXenomorphAug-22-2024 8:38 AM

Lol! I just started a topic like this!


MemberXenomorphAug-22-2024 8:41 AM

@Chris can you delete my topic?

And have you heard from BigDave?

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphAug-22-2024 8:54 AM


If the sequel does get in the works, let's pray they don't go with the Alien 3 route of killing off characters at the start. Or Covenant where David goes nuts and kills Shaw.

I really like Andy.


MemberXenomorphAug-22-2024 1:50 PM

I hope they don't introduce an evil Andy synthetic (let's call him "Dany").

Imagine this:

Rain: "Is that you, Andy?"

Dany: "Yes." turns away from Rain, gives an evil look to the camera

Plugging in Rook probably allowed him to update Weyland-Yutani's on the goings on... So, I think they are coming for Rain and Andy.


MemberChestbursterAug-22-2024 2:31 PM

Either continue with the voyage towards Yvaga or introduce yet another story.

Should the story continue where Romulus ended maybe have the Corbelan running out of fuel, having an emergency error that interrupts the statis sleep or being intercepted by either of the following:

  • A W-Y ship (that received a distress call from Rook) taking Rain and Andy into custody. An outbreak of facehuggers or xenomorphs shuts down all security systems, allowing the protagonist to escape.
  • Nasty yet organized space pirates on a prison ship either taking (or already stolen) a Z-01 compound (black pathogen) or having those plastic bags with xenomorphs on. Alternatively they dock with a seemingly abandoned ship or land on a planet where they encounter the xenomorphs. 
  • Why not have David arrive in the Covenant ship for some dual film closure.

(Big No-no's:

Copy-pasting from previous entries.)


Possibilities are endless. Hopefully Romulus does well enough at the box office for Disney to greenlight another film. But I'd rather wait a couple of years rather than have Disney oversaturating the franchise like they did with Star Wars. Let the hype build again. 


MemberPraetorianAug-22-2024 11:04 PM

Hopefully Rain and Andy survive to the next film and still be the protagonists.

I highly doubt that David would spend 40+ years on the Covenant doing nothing until coincidently bumping into the Corbelan to kick off a movie plot. Shouldn't he already been doing his little science project on Origae-6?


MemberXenomorphAug-23-2024 7:23 AM

What if Rain experiences a medical emergency, and Andy tries to use the network to find help? Rain insists he avoids regular channels, forcing Andy to turn to the dark web. There, he encounters a mysterious figure named "David" through a monitor. David offers his assistance, but his intentions remain unclear.


MemberXenomorphAug-23-2024 10:01 AM

If they create a trilogy, what should the final scene be? Rain peacefully lying in a grassy field, admiring the stars while Andy picks flowers nearby? Or Rain's lifeless body in the same field, her final sight being the stars?


MemberXenomorphAug-23-2024 11:08 AM

Neomorph wrote: "Nasty yet organized space pirates..."

Yes, that works. They capture Rain and take the accelerant. One of the pirates suggests injecting Rain to see its effects...


MemberChestbursterAug-23-2024 12:27 PM

@MZ both those ending ideas on Yvaga would be compelling. Hopefully they're both okay on that planet, both gazing at the sunset from the top of a mountain before the screen fades out and the credits roll. It would be a much needed and satisfying closure for the first time since Aliens imo. Alien 3 despite its troubled production is good and original imo (especially AC version) but not the most happy ending, or beginning for that matter. 


MemberXenomorphAug-23-2024 12:43 PM

Yeah, I'm fine with either ending, but I'd personally prefer the happy one. Though, I can imagine fans complaining about a "Disney happy ending!" or being upset if Rain dies. 


MemberPraetorianAug-25-2024 9:04 PM

Question, would the Pirates even know what the accelerant even is to do such a thing on Rain? I highly doubt it. Pirates are not mad scientists; They are cut-throat survivalist they care only about money, their own survival, and fast-clean-murder

More than likely they would steal the pathogen and try and sell it to make money, sounds something a pirate would do.


MemberNeomorphAug-26-2024 9:32 AM

I would like them to use the Engineers as bad guys. We haven't seen a lot of those things to it would be nice as a change.


MemberPraetorianAug-27-2024 10:45 AM


Finally we agree on something! :)





MemberXenomorphAug-28-2024 10:57 AM

"More than likely they would steal the pathogen and try and sell it to make money, sounds something a pirate would do."

How do they sell something if they don't know what it is? ( Is it food, fuel, laxative...?)

Pirate "To the highest bidder!"

Bidders "What does it do?!"

Pirates "we haven't a million credits to start!"



MemberPraetorianAug-28-2024 12:01 PM

Well if it looks valuable they would probably sell it on the black market, I highly doubt they would use the stuff themselves just to see what IT is. 

They would be smart enough to gauge its value and determine if this fluid is medicinal or some sort of sciency-thing.

MonsterZero, you underestimate the Black Market and their collection of odd goods.


MemberPraetorianAug-28-2024 12:08 PM

It wouldn't take a genius for the pirates to guess the black fluid is some sort of bioweapon. There would be plenty of buyers for any sort of bioweapon, one such bidder would be the UPP (Union of People's Progression)


MemberPraetorianAug-28-2024 12:12 PM

Yes I made a contradictory statement, but hear me out, sorry for tripple posting since I can't edit my posts.

yes the pirates wouldn't know what the Pathogen does but they would likely assume it is a bioweapon and definitely wouldn't "test" it. It would be more valuable if they don't use any of the vials and just sell the whole set (or what's remains of the set since Kay already took one)

If they find out it was originally from a Weyland-Yutani science lab, even more reason to sell it to the black market, the UPP or a rival corporation would pay a fortune to get a hold of those vials.

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