Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerJul-06-2016 10:20 AMHm... I wonder if there will be some aliens running after his character...

MemberChestbursterJul-06-2016 10:49 AMIt is nice to see McBride possibly getting a chance to show off a bit more than his comedic chops in such a big movie. Patient Leech asked a good question, will he be running from any aliens? The mention of running from them may have just been to drive the practical effects point home too.

MemberNeomorphJul-06-2016 11:37 AMI wonder if he will die the way Ferro (pilot) died in Aliens? For those that don't know who Ferro is check the link.
Hopefully they won't do a re-make of that scene but what is important is the movie as a whole.

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerJul-06-2016 2:52 PMSo it sounds like the Covenant is looking for a new planet to colonize?? That's interesting...

MemberFacehuggerJul-06-2016 3:52 PMI think he's a perfect choice to be the Pilot ^_^

Michelle Johnston
MemberChestbursterJul-07-2016 12:15 AMSeveral weeks ago we were discussing the linkage between the choice of Paradise as the target of Covenant and the coincidence that it just happens to be David (and Elizabeths) destination. Danny's remarks suggest this is a community leaving somewhere to start again who "find" Paradise believing it is the answer for them to set up their alternative life style hinted at by Michael in his remarks connected to his comments about the sets that they are pursuing a simpler more uncomplicated approach to life "eating noodles".
If they are incoming with an upgrade of David he may carry the W T agenda and help "find" the planet. The idealistic innocents lead down to a less than ideal outcome.
By the Covenant having difficulties in flight this immediately enables us to get to know the key personal rather than trope the hyper sleep wake up routine.

MemberDeaconJul-07-2016 9:28 AMAgreed Michelle....
But i do think they would go the same Hyper-sleep routine again, but it is not needed..
I think the first 30 minutes of the movie we would be introduced to the Crew of the Covenant i feel this is where the movie would start off with.
But will we see a scene of the ships David (doppelganger) on his own like in Prometheus?

MemberChestbursterJul-07-2016 5:10 PM@BigDave, that is an interesting question. I think, if handled properly, a few minutes of just David on the covenant could be very interesting. Maybe create some parallels with Prometheus

Michelle Johnston
MemberChestbursterJul-08-2016 5:44 AM@BD YOu know I have always believed the Prologue belongs to David and Elizabeth. It re establishes the thread from Prometheus and can introduce Paradise. Then cut to the new story 10 years on and we get to see what all that emblematic stuff in the prologue meant. It also enable the wider audience to see David Covenant established as a quite separate personality. To introduce him within an animated ship with crew awake anchors him to the Covenant a lone David might cause confusion. Indeed to start with a lone David immediately causes a confusion is this the same guy?
They will play the doppleganger as drama but to start a tentpole movie with whose this guy where does he fit in feels a risk.
Indeed the more I think about it if you introduce David Covenant before David Prom you have to have robot dialogue about upgrades amongst the crew whereas for the audience to know from the get go by interpretation there are two of these guys feels clear and more interesting.
When we finally meet David P and Shaw real time they are gonna be very changed and so to make the link at the beginning with their old selves feels logical Spock.