MemberPraetorianOct-22-2021 4:28 AM10/22/2001 is AVP2's birthday.
This was my first Alien and Predator game, bar the movies without this game I don't think I would be the biggest Alien/Predator fan that I am today.
What makes AVP2 stand out from the other AVPs and even other alien and predator games was that is blended the two main series style into a cohesive unit. Also it blended the movie universes with the dark horse universes.
Three campaigns based on each species with unique playstyles that interconnect into a greater storyline
Thank you AVP2 for being a fun lore driven venture in this awesome cinematic universe.

MemberDeaconOct-22-2021 8:15 AMIndeed such a Fantastic Video Game for its Time....
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberNeomorphOct-22-2021 8:43 AMI immediately thought of AVPR, because that's AVP 2 movie-wise. Fortunately for me I continued reading your post, so I saved myself from a complete shock. :D

MemberPraetorianOct-22-2021 2:37 PMSorry I should have clarified its the anniversary of the video game AVP2 and not AVPR

MemberDeaconOct-22-2021 5:09 PMHa Ha.......
Yeah to be FAIR something similar to THIS VIDEO GAME is WHAT the AVP Movie should have done..... SET in the TIME-LINE like between a 2150-2250.
I Actually think a REBOOT of the AVP Franchise (Theatrical) thats SET after ALIENS or like the Video Games, is the SAFEST OPTION for DISNEY to make Money from ALIEN/PREDATOR Franchises..... IF its done Right!
It does-not even have to Connect to ALIEN/ALIENS... it can be a Alternative Canon where Xenomorphs and Predators are Encountered, but their First Encounter/Origins does-not have to be as we saw with Predator or Alien etc.... but you have to have it SET in the Future in Space like say HOW ADVANCED we see Mankind are in say ALIENS.
Sorry for being OFF TOPIC.... i was just saying that the Video Games for the Most Part are Good and this Game from 2001 is a FINE EXAMPLE and a Influence that they should have looked at for the Eventual AVP Movie..... but ALAS!
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianOct-22-2021 8:22 PMBigDave
I agree 110%, I remember being so excited when the AVP movie was announced back in the day. But was very disappointed after watching the end product.

MemberPraetorianOct-26-2021 7:01 AM I'm thinking of installing AVP2, just need to figure out how to get it to work with Windows 10. I wished the AVP movies and later Alien and Predator movies would have incorporated the ideas of AVP2/Primal Hunt.
The Empress was my favorite rendition of the Queen Alien since she was basically the Queen among Queens. I also loved the idea of the Praetorians, queen-like guardian xenomorphs that mature from common xenomorph in case any of the Queens were killed off.

MemberDeaconOct-26-2021 7:35 AM" I'm thinking of installing AVP2, just need to figure out how to get it to work with Windows 10"
Not a Problem for me as my Computer is from 2007 LOL... But ALAS many Programs and Sites do-not work well because of HOW OUT OF DATE my OS is.
But ONE Benefit is the Ability to Install and Play Games from like Prior to 2010 (Run Slow though well those from after 2006).
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianOct-26-2021 9:14 AM"Not a Problem for me as my Computer is from 2007 LOL... But ALAS many Programs and Sites do-not work well because of HOW OUT OF DATE my OS is."
Well I do have an old Windows XP. Also a part of me is waiting for it to appear on GOG