Alien Director's Cut rules movie cannon because of two words tying it all together

MemberTrilobiteDec-29-2018 1:52 AMWe missed the egg morph scene in the Alien theatrical cut, but the DC seems to show that it should be the ultimate cut since a common thread ran through the Qudrilogy- KILL ME!
Alien DC
Aliens- KILL ME!
Alien Resurrection- KILL ME!

MemberPraetorianDec-29-2018 2:37 AMMy opinion is just because we didn't see it in the theatrical cut of Alien doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Main reason it was cut was because it threw the pacing of the film off.I think Tom Skerrit said the full scene is about ten minutes long.Ripley is on a time limit until the Nostromo self destructs,she doesn't have time to talk to Dallas.Even the scene included in the directors cut is a bit jaring and detracts from the urgency of the situation.I would have maybe edited to where she finds Dallas shortly before Parker and Lambert die.
That's a bit off topic so back on point.I believe egg morphing is happening even though it wasn't seen in the og cut of the movie.Makes sense considering its sort of insinuated that the big chap didn't kill Dallas "No blood,no Dallas"
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberTrilobiteDec-29-2018 2:47 AMI thought the DC was fine. The noise volume dropped and the pace slowed, but I thought it was well done. It was a short scene that plucked us out of the action, put us in a different creepy vibe and then threw us back into the fray. Pacing sounds like a lame excuse and it seems more like what FOX wanted looking at their watches and wallets.
The OP proves it. the whole KILL ME thing originated with the DC and remained a consistent theme in the Quadrilogy.

MemberPraetorianDec-29-2018 3:53 AMNothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberPraetorianDec-29-2018 4:00 AMI get what you mean though.Here it is being used in a nightmare sequence in Batman vs Aliens 2.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberPraetorianDec-29-2018 2:03 PMNice pick up dk!!
two more to add.
1. Sebastian "you have to kill me"
2. The Audience reaction to AVPR "Kill me now"

I Moon Girl
MemberChestbursterDec-29-2018 4:20 PMNice find!
I've never really thought about it before.
I'm glad I now know this.

MemberPraetorianDec-29-2018 9:41 PMI think your sargent in AVP(2010)Asks this as well.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberDeaconJan-02-2019 5:49 PMThey could have continued with this with a explanation to what happened between David and Dr Shaw!
I could imagine she became ILL and David tries to save her by removing the infection or attempting too, but then view her changes as Evolutionary...
We could imagine at some point Dr Shaw begs David to KILL-HER... but then he reveals he has BIGGER plans for her and then see the SHOCK on her Face when David suggests he can Evolve her Instead and she should accept not FIGHTING the changes but accept them as Evolution.
Then he shows her a Organism, created from her Egg Cells and Proclaims that she can give life to Perfection and Create a New Eden... which she refuses and then the Horror on her Face as she knows what David has planned, and then he KILLS her!
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

I Moon Girl
MemberChestbursterJan-03-2019 3:26 AMWhat about Alien: Covenant?
I can't think of anything, but it has been awhile since I saw it.