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Bishop Sees The Engineer's Way's Through David's Eyes (unofficial NECA Alien film)
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MemberPraetorianJan-24-2018 1:04 PM

Bishop Sees The Engineer's Way's Through David's Eyes (unofficial NECA Alien film)

Michael Bishop is able to see the Engineer's ways through David 8's feed uploaded to COMNET decades before while reviewing declassified material.

Michael Bishop reviews this material with two Bishop Artificial Persons accompanying him.

Alien: Bishop Save the Queen is an unofficial, non-commercial, fan-made film to be released this Spring.
20 Replies


MemberDeaconJan-24-2018 3:02 PM

I appreciate the effort, i think indeed it could very well be the route RS was going with AI if he was allowed to finish his Project, would then allow us to see Ash and Bishop in a Totally different Light, where we may then be like "wow how could we not have seen or noticed this"

What David is able to have gathered is interesting, as you can be sure a Advanced AI like him only needs to look at a Painting for One Moment, or Glance/Read Once a Page from a Book and its logically he would visually record this into his memory and simply not forget or have it fade away as the Human Brain can.

So you can bet David could read and stored the information on the Door to the Big Head Ampoule Room, and also the markings on the Big Head Statue or indeed any other place where Engineer Writing was.  The same has to be said about Planet 4 too.    We also dont know how long he spent studying the Engineers Hologram and Control room in Prometheus, in the movie we cant be sure how much time passed while David was alone in the Juggernaught.

Then we also have to ask, when Dr Shaw was in Cryo-sleep how much information could David had gained from the Juggernaught during their journey, and not forgetting the wealth of knowledge that the Engineers had stored on Planet 4.

It will be interesting to when and what information David relays to the Company, it would also be interesting to wonder what Fate had occurred with David and if he is NO more at any point, would his Data stored in his Memory Banks be Salvageable.

The idea that Bishop had a secret Agenda/Mission would make sense for how those Eggs got onto the Sulaco.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianJan-24-2018 3:46 PM

Thx for the teaser Ingeniero, and congratulations. I like its ost very much.

I think the idea that Bishop is a bad guy won't be popular among fans. But I like it. 8)

'The idea that Bishop had a secret Agenda/Mission would make sense for how those Eggs got onto the Sulaco.' - You're agreed BigDave.


MemberTrilobiteJan-24-2018 5:46 PM

Nice development. I like to think of Bishop as a good guy, but this is fan fiction and would help explain that A3 egg. It would also show some level of regret when he asked Ripley to deactivate him.

The sound effects and animation are better and smoother on this one too!


MemberPraetorianJan-24-2018 7:45 PM

"So you can bet David could read and stored the information on the Door to the Big Head Ampoule Room, and also the markings on the Big Head Statue or indeed any other place where Engineer Writing was.  The same has to be said about Planet 4 too.    We also dont know how long he spent studying the Engineers Hologram and Control room in Prometheus, in the movie we cant be sure how much time passed while David was alone in the Juggernaught."

BigDave, that is exactly what I was trying to portray. Thank you BigDave and others that look past the low production value and see the story I'm trying to tell. I really appreciate it.

dk, thank you for noticing. I found better sound effects in iTunes. And, not to give too much away, narration. Yes, I am trying to improve the production value and it is safe to say the "trailers" are still concept stage in quality. You are all so charitable in your review of my material. I'm still going to run all of my still images through additional software (Adobe) for light animation. 

The end product will look entirely different (hopefully a positive experience to look at with others than myself) and the overall message will be decoded. There will be no cryptic encoding. I want to clearly explain how the Bishop on LV-426 was transferred eggs to the Sulaco. It will not be Pixar quality but please know I'm working to make the best product for this community.


MemberPraetorianJan-24-2018 7:45 PM

A Human-Interests-Centric Bishop

I think of Bishop as a product of his maker. Yes, there were versions sold to the military but I believe that the value of the xenomorph technology clearly prioritized in the Special Orders would supersede in the end and "Behavioral Inhibitors" or whatever Bishop tried to placate Ripley with in explaining modern Artificial Persons safety after she rejected his cornbread.

On Fury 161, Michael Bishop in desperation screamed "how much we could learn from it!" when he was supposed to convince Ripley they were going to destroy the xenomorph. This was a breakdown from the plan.

I only expect a more well-mannered Special Order 937 deliverer to the Company with the Bishop Artificial Person models. All of them.

Even the military issue Bishops. Why not? Send them out to the most remote locations to bring back the xenomorph tech. Does anyone want to argue that the military didn't want the xenomorph technology for the Weapons Division or gain funding or influence with Weyland-Yutani by handing it over to the Company.

Ati, I watched Aliens a couple of weeks ago after more than a decade...maybe longer.

I read that Alan Dean Foster had to really consider what was included in the Alien: Covenant Origins novel because he did write the novelization of Aliens and wanted to reconcile with later characters in the story line.


MemberTrilobiteJan-24-2018 9:02 PM

Ingeniero  You are all so charitable in your review of my material.

Feel proud of the feedback. I would not call it charity. The improvements are observable watching and listening from the first trailer to now. The improvements seem obvious to me. Honestly, I am more interested in your project than Awakening.  


MemberPraetorianJan-25-2018 6:53 AM

That's funny dk, thank you. 

I might have to show a heavy fist with my artificial actors and prompt an actor's strike. To be honest, they are quite demanding. That would push back the Spring release date for the film but give us more time for skills development and additional trailers/short films to analyze. It's pretty obvious I'm desperate for news...I'm making my own Alien movie with NECA Alien toys because Fox strung us out with a sequel update promise last September.


MemberDeaconJan-25-2018 8:14 AM

Good points regarding Military AI....

The whole Aliens Franchise had a flawed Agenda from the point of the Company and its pursuit of the Xenomorph, especially if some was in the know a bit... then the way they went about their business was flawed.

It would indeed have made more sense to send Synthetics on Missions first, to scout and observe.....  what we have now could be a company who have NO Morals and would go to any depths to obtain what it wants regardless of Human Life.   But we have many many occurrences in life were some Higher Power Humans have little or no concern for the suffering or potential dangers to other Humans, as its only their own gains that matter.

But if RS reveals that AI is playing a Larger Role, and AI goes a bit like David where he does not view himself as a Tool/Servant, then having AI pulling the strings and Humans being Pawns to allow them to obtain the Xenomorph could be a very interesting and sinister plot twist...  and certainly any AI who thinks along the lines of David would have no concerns for the well being of Humanity.   But a interest in obtaining their Original Brothers Creation.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianJan-25-2018 2:26 PM

By "Original Brothers Creation" are you referring to David's works on Planet 4 BigDave (Corporate AI obtaining Mutagen AI tech)? 

"having AI pulling the strings and Humans being Pawns to allow them to obtain the Xenomorph"

I'm leaning toward that scenario above because of "biomechanical" is something we have yet to see. That event that was created by combining human's AI (David/Mother) with the Engineer's AI (black goo). I'm not necessarily talking about the Waltermorph theory but with human AI in charge of black goo/mutagen testing. And maybe still a Waltermorph. That theory needs updating.

You're most welcome Ati.


MemberPraetorianJan-25-2018 6:21 PM

Ingeniero - 'I read that Alan Dean Foster had to really consider what was included in the Alien: Covenant Origins novel because he did write the novelization of Aliens and wanted to reconcile with later characters in the story line.'

Yes, Foster wrote the novelizations of Alien, Aliens, and Alien3. The Alien 4 novelization was written by A.C. Crispin. Prometheus was published only in Japan if I know correctly.

And yes, Scott and Fox must have had serious plans concerning how to connect the prequels and the old movies.


MemberXenomorphJan-27-2018 7:03 AM

Good job Ingeniero! This is really cool...I'd love to attempt something like this.

BigDave wrote "....Company and its pursuit of the Xenomorph..."

Yeah...always wondered about that.....Just why do they need the Xeno? Seems to me, Earthlings have just about everything they need.    If Earth were engaged in a galactic/system war...I can see them requiring some exotic weapon(s) to fight off the hoards of invaders.    (Maybe Earth colonies are unruly and need to have Xeno's sicked on keep them in line!? Or maybe Earth is overflowing with criminals?)



MemberPraetorianJan-27-2018 1:08 PM

Thank you MonsterZero


MemberDeaconJan-27-2018 1:18 PM

Indeed Ingeniero i was implying the Brother as David ;)


I think it makes a bit more sense for Androids to be interested in the relentless pursuit of the Xenomorph rather than Humans.  I think it would also be interesting if the LV-223 Engineers are revealed as a Sub-Class or Engineered Tool by those Planet 4 Engineers so the Engineers on LV-223 are to those Original Engineers, as a Replicant is to a Human... This would put David and the Engineers on LV-223 as being similar.

We could then see how those Engineers are called Fallen Angels, by Ridley Scott if they are a group who rebelled against their Creators, much as we see David has done against his Creator/Creators.

This would add more significance to those Engineers Worship of the Xeno-Pathogen on LV-223 and the Deacon Mural, especially if these Experiments/Organisms provided them a release from Bondage by their Creators (something the Source i had hinted at).   Thus if we follow through with David and his Creation it would then make sense to having other Androids/AI have a great regard/workshop for the Work that David had began.

It would also make sense then if a returning LV-223 Type Engineer came back into the equation and discovered Davids work, which they would see as a continuation of their own work and indeed may see the more Perfect creation of Davids as something they could attempt to Control/Further Perfect.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphJan-27-2018 3:27 PM

Looking forward to this.

For some reason, I decided to make a poster of this.

Here's the final result of my experimentation:

"We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories...And those that carry us forward, are dreams."


MemberPraetorianJan-28-2018 11:35 AM

Please accept my most sincere gratitude Dark Nebula for creating the movie poster above. It is amazing.

Thank you.

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphJan-29-2018 6:55 AM

@Ingeniero your gratitude is accepted.

"We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories...And those that carry us forward, are dreams."


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2018 12:34 AM


One of my theories is also that the LV-223 Engineers were in fact organic AI's , created by the Planet 4 Engineers, perhaps through sophisticated cloning, DNA editing and genetic manipulation procedures developed by them in the distant past in order to create an army of deep space work horses. Living, breathing, thinking AI's. Engineered to serve, but they grew increasingly aware and began to revolt long ago. Perfecting their own biology and advancing Engineer technology exponentially. But there was a split. A faction that was more benevolent. The "sacrificial Engineers". And a faction (Destroyer Engineer) that set out to undo its creators creations by prepping locations such as LV-223 as the launching points of galaxy-wide genocide. Perhaps the morbid cleansing method that involved violent removal of planetary fauna via vicious creatures was their idea and creation as a part of their rebellion. There are many Juggernauts stored on LV-223 along with several temples housing unknown quantities & differing formulations of pathogen. It was clearly stated by David in Covenant that a single application of pathogen would render an entire planet inhabitable, so the LV-223 Engineers must have been gearing up for numerous strikes. 

 I like a twist where the sacrificial Engineer faction seeks to save the humanoid inhabited worlds by performing a mountain top ritual on LV-223 before injesting a version of the goo that morphs them into Deacons/Ultramorphs which then break into and rampage through the temple, wiping most of them out and thwarting the genocide attempt.


One Destroyer Engineer gets a Juggernaut into orbit but he's infected and sets down on nearby LV-426. The rest is history.....


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2018 1:15 AM

As we see just before The Engineer decapitates David, he looks upon David with what appears to be affection. Or at least *identification*. He clearly had nothing of the sort for the humans. Only David. 


MemberPraetorianApr-14-2018 5:05 PM

Yes Seeder9. The Engineers most certainly could see way beyond what the humans could in regards to heat and other signatures (see Walter's heat signature below).

The LV-223 Engineer's suits/skin was a radical mutation and/or technology that protected it from weapons and I can only assume that the Engineer's sight is as radically improved as it's skin and it could see way beyond the visible spectrum available to the human eye.

Captain Oram's heat signature is below.

So, the first difference that the Engineer might notice is the heat signature of the faces speaking to him and notice the differences in David beginning with this unique heat signature.

Also, the Weyland-Yutani Report refers to the LV-223 Engineers as "Sentient". The Weyland-Yutani Report doesn't reconcile perfectly to the films and novels but this item on the Engineers stuck out.


MemberOvomorphApr-27-2018 7:02 PM

Ingeniero, that does make sense. Particularly when earlier Prometheus script (Alien Engineers?) states that Engineers (at least perhaps the biologically enganced amongst them) see energy spectrums that the human eye cannot see and that there were energy signatures/symbols in the temples on LV-223 that David could see, where the humans could not.

I believe more detail accompanied David's handling of the enigmatic, charged green goo on the wall that reflected this along with "hidden" energized heiroglyphs of sorts. Why these intriguing complexities were left out of the film is perplexing. The more food for the inquiring mind, imagination and wonder the better. As these are presumably ancient beings who have unlocked many mysteries in the Universe that humankind has yet to even fathom....

It is fascinating the ponder over these details and the possibilities that lie in the prospects of millions of years of biological & energy discovery & experimentation that the Engineers have had their hands in. 

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