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James Cameron gets salty about Alien Covenant
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Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphFeb-26-2017 9:47 AM

James Cameron, patron saint of sci-fi sequels, is weighing in on a sci-fi sequel. Speaking in an expansive, otherwise excellent interview with Vulture, Cameron was asked about Ridley Scott's upcoming Alien: Covenant, and had this to say (emphasis my own):

"The franchise has kind of wandered all over the map. Ridley (Scott) did the first film, and he inspired an entire generation of filmmakers and science-fiction fans with that one movie and there have been so many films that stylistically have derived from it, including my own Aliens, which was the legitimate sequel and, I think, the proper heir to his film."

Shit, dude. "The legitimate sequel"? That's pretty rich. Aliens was wonderful, but replaced the vibe of Scott's tightly-wound horror with an all-action badass adventure movie. Both are masterpieces in their own right, but the middling Prometheus is still more thematically linked to Alien.

Like any good aging, increasingly out-of-touch filmmaker who doesn't know what's good for them, Cameron went on:

"It's like, okay, we've got it, we've got the whole Freudian biomechanoid meme. I've seen it in 100 horror films since. I think both of those films stand at a certain point in time, as a reference point. But is there any validity to doing another one now? I don't know. Maybe. Let's see, jury's out. Let's see what Ridley comes up with."

Let us not forget James Cameron is the dude in the midst of making four consecutive Avatar movies, passing judgment on what counts as a "legitimate sequel". In the coming decade we will be getting, presumably, over six hundred minutes of more Avatar, and, according to Cameron, all of it apparently vital.

What an arrogant dick.

Source : GQ online

The poster was good though!


54 Replies


MemberFacehuggerFeb-27-2017 5:05 AM

The point wasn't that you think he makes bad movies, it was that your post spent more time highlighting the fact he didn't sign a kid's autograph.


Good or bad director his personal conduct outside the chair has nothing to do with that.

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterFeb-27-2017 6:20 AM

Yeah that was me responding to the actual point of this thread, when Necronom 4 finishes this topic calling him an arrogant dick. This topic according to the author is pretty much about him being a dick, it's not about whether his movies are good, bad or shit. This topic got so sidetracked because of certain people, so I end up responding to other stuff, which I was actually happy too until it became a contest of who knows more about movies. But don't forget, initially I was responding to the point of the thread of him being a dick, which I absoulutely agree with Necronom 4, which is why I initially wrote all the things I did. Good day, I say good day(Fez's voice from That 70s show)


Something Real

MemberTrilobiteFeb-27-2017 8:19 AM

DR. CURT CONNERS - Please, I implore you to cease with the utilization of profanities in your posts. It not only cheapens your words, but also cheapens the quality of SCIFIED. You have proven that you are an intelligent man; please step away from harsh language. However, if you prefer to make your cursing slightly more comical, censor it by utilizing symbols such as @#$%!. :)

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterFeb-27-2017 8:28 AM

@Something Real   My apologies to you sir, those are not intended for you. If you read the article that Lone wrote, which I saw you commented on, you know where I am coming from. Sorry to you again, it's how I talk and they are just words that someone made up but again sorry if you are offended. I will try to be more civilized. Sorry to you again, there is no disrespect to you good sir.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteFeb-27-2017 8:34 AM

DR. CURT CONNERS - Hahaha! You do not have to apology to me, goofball! I am fully aware that your words have not been directed at me in any way, shape or form. I simply desire for others to engage one-another in civil discourse that befits the intelligence I know they possess. You have in no way disrespected me; you have simply caused me a moment's pause. Oh, and, if you are going to stick around (which I hope you will) you should know that I am Miss - not a Sir. ;)

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterFeb-27-2017 8:37 AM

@Something Real  Yes I will be sticking around and my apologies indeed Miss. Thanks and I hope to get to read your thoughtful words and analysis.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteFeb-27-2017 8:42 AM

DR. CURT CONNERS - You are most welcome, my friend. Please, enjoy your time here at SCIFIED! It is always quite agreeable to have new men and women amongst us! :)

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterFeb-27-2017 8:45 AM

Glad to be here @Something Real


MemberXenomorphFeb-27-2017 1:06 PM

"Yeah that was me responding to the actual point of this thread, when Necronom 4 finishes this topic calling him an arrogant dick."

Necronom 4 deliberately edited out the bit where Cameron effusively praises Ridley Scott and puts the whole thing in a different light, simply to push an angry agenda.

So, mission accomplished I suppose...

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphFeb-28-2017 1:25 AM

@SM "Necronom 4 deliberately edited out the bit where Cameron effusively praises Ridley Scott."

Was that really my intention? I took the quote directly from the GQ article and in no part of the GQ article did I read a quote from Cameron praising Ridley. It was the GQ author of that article that left out the closing comment, not me. 

I've only just read the Vulture interview and indeed it does close with a compliment to Ridley, however, that doesn't change the fact that he's an arrogant dick, does it? 

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphFeb-28-2017 1:27 AM

Hi Lone! Great to see you old pal! *Runs over and gives a big hug*

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphMar-03-2017 8:45 AM

that sounds like jealousy, you only say something if you are envious or jealous. I bet he is just pissed off that Ridley was allowed to come back and he wasn´t


MemberXenomorphMar-03-2017 2:14 PM

"Was that really my intention? I took the quote directly from the GQ article and in no part of the GQ article did I read a quote from Cameron praising Ridley. It was the GQ author of that article that left out the closing comment, not me."

You linked to the Vulture article, so I guess both you and GQ were being disingenuous.


AdminEngineerMar-03-2017 2:38 PM

Definitely leaving that second quote out paints Cameron in a different light concerning this incident at least. Not surprising, mind you as GQ probably wanted more clicks and a headline like "Cameron bashes Alien: Covenant" is bound to stir people up more than "Cameron talks Alien movies". 

Oh well, I'm happy to see he still has respect for Scott and his pursuits. 

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberXenomorphMar-03-2017 3:31 PM

I don't think 'arrogant' is the right word.  Generally that means you can't back up your big talk.  Cameron is definitely full of himself - but he's backed up the talk repeatedly.


MemberTrilobiteMar-03-2017 3:49 PM

James Cameron is a dick, and the first person to agree with you on that point would be James Cameron himself.

During the production of Avatar, he is rumored to have nail gunned someones Mobile/Cell Phone to the set because the owner kept getting text messages. Like Michael Bay, James Cameron is a "no-nonsense director" that can be seen as blunt, cold and callous to those more sensitive thespians. Actors like Michael Biehn, the sadly late Bill Paxton, and Lance Henriksen have commented repeatedly on Camerons on set brashness. Sigourney Weaver originally felt Cameron was too brash during the production of Aliens, but has since u-turned on her opinion and is one of Camerons many supporters.

In terms of his off-set behavior, not signing a child's autograph is but the smallest of his sins - During the production of Terminator 2 Cameron started an affair with its star Linda Hamilton, behind his wife's back, filed for divorce and subsequently married Hamilton. His wife at the time was Gale Anne Hurd, producer of AMC's The Walking Dead.

James Cameron is a dick, but he is also possibly one of Hollywoods greatest directors. Not only are Avatar and Titanic the two biggest grossing films of all time, Aliens and Terminator 2 are generally considered the best sequels of all time.

Cameron and Ridley had once planned on returning together to the Alien franchise, but the release of the AvP movies saw Cameron instead concentrate on Avatar while Ridley developed what would become Prometheus. Yes, Cameron, as have we all, has criticized Prometheus' narrative and characterization, but that is his right as a fellow director and fan, like all of us. And like a select few of us, Cameron is more anxious about Alien Covenant, which is unsurprising given Ridley Scotts directing history.

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterMar-03-2017 4:20 PM

So finally this thread can be done. As the author claimed Cameron is a dick, that was his whole point for this post. So he was right and everyone who said yes he is were right. And everybody else claiming how great his movies are and how much money they make and using the Rotten Tomatoes score and multiplying that by the square root of 7 and then taking the IMDb score and squaring that, then dividing the totals by the number of movies Cameron has directed equals they know more about movies than you was pointless. Obviously not you Mr. Singleton, you were of the correct category............................

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterMar-03-2017 7:11 PM

I should reach the frontier in about six weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Dr. Curt Connors, last survivor of this thread, signing off.


MemberXenomorphMar-03-2017 9:53 PM

Somebody sure is salty... lol


"Sigourney Weaver originally felt Cameron was too brash during the production of Aliens, but has since u-turned on her opinion and is one of Camerons many supporters."

I've never heard Weaver saying anything bad about him.  Going back years she said whatever issues were going on with the crew, she never experienced it.  I'd be interested to know what she said originally.


"During the production of Terminator 2 Cameron started an affair with its star Linda Hamilton, behind his wife's back, filed for divorce and subsequently married Hamilton. His wife at the time was Gale Anne Hurd, producer of AMC's The Walking Dead."

He was married to Kathryn Bigelow when he started an affair with Hamilton.  He and Hurd had divorced in 1989, and she'd since married Brian De Palma.

But if you want people talking shit about Cameron, look into the production of The Abyss.

Stan Winston (deceased)

MemberFacehuggerMar-08-2017 12:29 AM

I'm going to be the one to say Cameron is over-crediting Scott! Scott didn't write the script and Scott didn't design the alien. Cameron did write Aliens and did design the queen. His creativity is on par (if not surpassing) Scott's.

His being an unpleasant human being may be a necessary evil to create box-office hits.


MemberXenomorphMar-09-2017 1:52 PM

Cameron, by his own admission, stood on the shoulders of a giant with Aliens.

As for being unpleasant, you don't hear stories about George Lucas or Peter Jackson being unpleasant, so I dunno if it's a pre-requisite.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphMar-09-2017 2:05 PM

OK dude we get it, you love James Cameron. To each their own. 

The poster was good though!



MemberXenomorphMar-09-2017 3:14 PM

I wouldn't go that far.  I love Aliens. I liked The Abyss.  I liked Titanic.  I'm a casual Terminator fan.  Avatar looked pretty but was excrutiatingly predictable.

But if you want to indulge in lazy generalisations - to each their own.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphMar-10-2017 12:27 PM


The poster was good though!


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