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What is the purpose of the green gem/rock in the room with voles of black goo?
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38258 Views64 Replies


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2017 2:59 AM

Let's hear peoples thoughts on what they believe is the purpose of the green rock in the room with the head and pods of goo in Prometheus... Could it have a meaning or purpose

64 Replies


MemberPraetorianJan-09-2017 3:04 AM

Yeah the rock is a little bizarre...

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2017 3:07 AM

Every time I watch it I wonder what is it there for...the way Holloway looks at it  the looks at the mural is intriguing.... Is it connected to the xeno/black goo itself


MemberPraetorianJan-09-2017 3:15 AM

The mural im pretty sure is meant to resemble a xenomorph,cant say about the rock

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphJan-09-2017 3:19 AM

need to see it again as I think I have missed it


MemberPraetorianJan-09-2017 3:22 AM

Very easy to miss i sort of forgot about till he mentioned it

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2017 3:23 AM

I have a crazy theory even tho it lacks any evidence

What if the green rock is the original source of the ooze...and it is placed in the room with the head,ampules and murals as it is source of all these creations..maybe it was found on a planet oin abundance by the engineers and when drilled/broken open ooze seeped from them..something happened to alert the engineers to the capabilities it holds...maybe they are from the xeno home world and the rocks/crystal whatever it is ,are a sectetment from the original xenos...I could come up with so many theories but again no evidence or even a suggestion...I just feel it could be an intriguing way around the origins of ooze

...I'm babbling now lol...but its a thought


MemberPraetorianJan-09-2017 3:23 AM

Its shown right in the middle of the chamber when they first enter

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberFacehuggerJan-09-2017 3:24 AM

It never served a purpose, but seemed to have significance. It was one of those nagging things that never got explained

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberPraetorianJan-09-2017 3:25 AM

Thats a pretty crazy theory lol

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberPraetorianJan-09-2017 3:30 AM

Wonder if Covenant will shed any light on it.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2017 3:44 AM

It is a crazy theory ninxeno426  lol....but wouldn't it be absolutely out there if turned out to have some similar significance lol....with what we were all given in Prometheus all we can do is speculate and drum up crazy theories


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2017 3:45 AM

Maybe we will see another in convent...maybe in the engineers temple..


MemberNeomorphJan-09-2017 4:03 AM

good theory, just look at how they create the dinosaurs in the original jurrasic park. an insect perfectly preserved in tree sap millions of years old and its dna is intact. this rock has THE original xeno dna inside it in the for of some parasite even the xenos wernt immune to. or the rock itselg is whats left of a much larger piece and is infact hardened blood???


MemberChestbursterJan-09-2017 4:04 AM


Ok but seriously I think it's solid green goo that David was tampering with although in fluid form earlier.

Probably excavated from LV-223 or another planet (asteroid impact?) and used as an ingredient to create "life"or a bio weapon (black goo) something in the line of what xenowarrior mentioned.


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2017 4:16 AM

It could be any of these things ali81 or neomorph or it could be something else or even nothing....that's what I love about the universe ridley has built, it keeps us guessing, postulating...many people slammed Prometheus but without it what else would be getting us alien fans imaginations ticking over... I'm a bit of a film buff but the alien universe has opened everyone's minds and with some of the theories we all come up with no matter how wacky some may be we could all come up with multiple ways of making these films ourselves lol


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2017 4:17 AM

Still we only got 129 days n we may get some answers........ Or maybe more questions


MemberChestbursterJan-09-2017 4:36 AM

I think we'll be spared the same amount of questions like in Prometheus, given the indications that this seems to be a more straightforward action/horror film, or at least that's how it looks judging by the trailer. 

Also, new writers who probably aren't "lost" in scriptwriting but on point. 


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2017 4:40 AM

I don't mind being left with some questions in fact I pray we do have some to debate on til next prequel comes in but there are just to many with Prometheus and not enough answers...if ridley gets these films right they could turn into his defining creations along with alien and blade runner.. I've not been this stoked to see a film .


MemberNeomorphJan-09-2017 5:05 AM

totally agree, no other film has left ppl asking so many questions as alien and Prometheus. I think all in all, ridley has regretted not being involved years ago, by his own words. over the years he has thought 'this is how I wouldv done it' but theres far too much detail for just the one or 2 movies. we needed Prometheus, I for one enjoyed it as I took his advice and before I watched it, I looked upon it as something completely different than alien but would later lead to answers connected to the alien film. some have said ridley says that Prometheus does in fact have a lot of answers that we just don't see and maybe once all the films r connected together wel look back at it and give it more credit than its gotten so far. hes an exceptional visualist, evidence on that is how, by using storyboards to allow the money men at fox to see what he saw, he got them to double the budget. there will be one or 2 wee things he doesn't have an answer for as in mistakes and plot holes but all in all he will get us there in the follow ups. I for one am really itching to see covenant and the rest. I also hope that paradise isn't lv426 and david isnt the creator of the xeno we know in alien. to me this is a weak revelation as I want there to be millennia of history between the engineer culture and xenos


MemberChestbursterJan-09-2017 5:16 AM

Ridley is indeed an amazing visualist, as evident in Prometheus as it is in any other of his artfully striking films.   


MemberNeomorphJan-09-2017 5:27 AM

I agree with xenowarrio's last post tho, I don't really want ALL the answers, just enough to satisfy my curiosity such as an insight into engineer culture, why they wanted us dead and the purpose behind the goo. mind u that would answer everything lol


MemberChestbursterJan-09-2017 5:39 AM

Personally it would be sufficient for me if one bloody major question was answered in Prometheus, and then leave the rest of the questions for the sequels.

I felt as if Prometheus set up a ton of questions but there was no payoff at all in terms of explanation. Only blank slates and a a log filled with illogical things from the script like I mentioned before.

I also mentioned before that I appreciate fans' opinions on Prometheus as there's always a possibility of something to gather, more insight provided that it makes sense. Bashing sense into Prometheus is a very hard task but I admire it.


MemberNeomorphJan-09-2017 5:53 AM

I at first assumed the black goo in the vases to be the same as the substance in the opening of the film but I doubt this now. if it is the same substance then to me the xeno/decon and other types r flukes. bare with me....if it is indeed a weapon I would design it to have its best effect when consumed. now how best to deliver such a weapon? dump it into the water supply for greatest results. if this is true then what happens between shaw and Holloway is a freak chance variable, whats the chances of a weapon being designed to infect male or female then wait for them to mate for the end result to wipe out the species yet leave a dangerous organism roaming about...unless, we have been bred for this purpose or the xeno has a short life span. if they go with my first theory then we get wiped out but life would evolve again as in the opening scenes


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2017 7:39 AM

I feel it was quite obvious, the rock held the genetic code of the Xeno and or proto/neomorph..etc.. The code was used in conjuction with the Black Goo to create what was in the vases which is a bio-weapon which they were going to bomb earth and eradicate all life.


MemberFacehuggerJan-09-2017 8:37 AM

Maybe the rock is the engineer's god XD

Look upon my works, you mighty, and despair


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2017 9:30 AM

I'm glad this question has peoples minds wandering as when I first thought of it I was unsure how wacky I may have gone but some good theories popping up

Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerJan-09-2017 10:43 AM

This one baffles me and after the day I've had I'm not gonna touch it ;)  Some good ideas here though!


MemberFacehuggerJan-09-2017 10:46 AM

Look upon my works, you mighty, and despair


MemberChestbursterJan-09-2017 11:36 AM

There's the green goo on the panel where David starts the hologram, there is the green stone in front of the mural and there's the green orb raising the cockpit. The green substance might be some kind of power source?


MemberPraetorianJan-09-2017 12:37 PM

Hey xenowarrior1 have given any as to whether the green rock has any connections to the green slime David finds?

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 

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