Alien Movie Universe

ripley in prometheus 2,ultimate news

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MemberOvomorphApr-04-2014 3:53 AM
Thinks this was an April fool guys! Nearly posted it myself until i noticed the date on the original website post (was morning of April 1st! Link here - Hope it is anyway!


MemberDeaconApr-04-2014 4:29 AM

Well we shall have to wait and see, i would not put it past Fox bringing her on board simply for pulling power but a movie that becomes more Alien-y and brings in Ripley could indeed be just to please fans and get more bums on seats.

I dont think we should go that route as there is a lot more to Prometheus than just to now make a connection to Alien and the Xeno etc... someone i spoke to said that they had heard they are even going to show how the Eggs came on board the Derelict and the Space Jockey and the movie could be doing Time Travel..... i take that as a pinch of salt and hope not..

But yes i would hold my hands up and admit i liked the idea of a cameo role for Sigourney Weaver in one of Shaws Dreams.

I went futher to add her into a rough ideas for a draft and idea i had for Paradise, where Sigourney plays the Legal Guardian  of Shaw after shes loses her Father, and thus Sigourney plays Shaws Grandmother who brings her up only as Cameo and Shaw is brought up with another Grandaughter of Sigourney so Shaw was aged 11 in this dream scene and the other girl 17 whos parents had died in a Minining colony accident.

I would then have another Dream of a young Shaw as women in 20s at her grand mothers funeral.

Latter i would show another dream of Shaws just few years before Prometheus where the 17 year old girl was now in her late 30s and gives birth to a baby while Shaw was there in 2092 where Shaw talks about her findings and clues and that she hopes to get someone to take her seriously about sending a mission to the Star system on the Star Maps, at the same time the Women talk about their parents deaths and lifes and how there Grandmother had brought them  up then we see them name the baby Ellen-Ripley.

So this makes a Cameo of Signourney but not as Ripley but as Ripleys Great Grandmother, and we see thus a connection to Shaw and Ripley as Baby Ripley is born and is the Daughter of Shaws Cusin. 

In my idea and work in progress draft i also had Lance Henriksen make a cameo at a CEO metting at Weyland to determine what happens next and he plays the role of Peter Weylands Younger Brother James-Bishop Weyland. Who takes the reins of Weyland after Prometheus due to the Death of Peter and Vickers, and James Weyland has plans to explore Military Tech side and compete with Yutani..

My Draft then had Vickers in it and a recording she had from Peter that left everything to Vickers, and she confronts James at the board meeting to say she is in charge and he ask where she has been for last 2-3 years.  She then has set of orders to follow and she fires James from Weyland Corp....... he then goes to sabotage Weyland and gets in cahoots with Yutani and has a Yutani Assasin Android go to kill Vickers (toward end of the movie), but Vickers gets the upper hand of the attempt and beats the Android showing Inhuman Strenth but doing so we see Vickers gets Cut and bleeds White Milky substance..

Thus this Vickers is a Android Clone of Mrs Vickers, and thus she is not no longer the heir to the Company.  And its James Bishop that then goes ahead and forms the Merger with Yutani as part of a deal he struck for their help to topple Mrs Vickers from Power.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerApr-04-2014 4:54 AM

It is april fools. There are no sources... However I don't think that she would join the cast...

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-04-2014 7:17 AM

Definitely hoping this is a prank. 


MemberOvomorphApr-04-2014 7:32 AM

I can't believe some people actually believed this.


Was Ripley even supposed to be born during the time of Prometheus?


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphApr-04-2014 8:50 AM

This as got to be an April fools prank! I mean, this would be a massive plot leak and it just happens to be leaked on April 1st.

Here's a bit of trivia for those of you who've doubted my nerdyness:

Ellen Ripley was born 7th January 2092 in a Weyland colony on Luna. She would have been nearly 2 years old when the Prometheus landed on LV223.

So, that would mean that the Prometheus set off for LV223 a few months before she was born?

Weird hey? 

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphApr-04-2014 9:16 AM

People are far too gullible. April fools. 

Engineer Tech Brett

MemberOvomorphApr-04-2014 12:34 PM

As some have pointed out, its an April Fools.


On a serious note, the idea of Weaver appearing in the next film as a member of the Ripley family does not appeal to me at all. I don't think the films need to be connected in that way if im honest. The Engineers and the Alien (DNA,Proto,Deacon etc) should be the tie in factors.

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.


MemberDeaconApr-04-2014 1:14 PM

"Ellen Ripley was born 7th January 2092 in a Weyland colony on Luna. She would have been nearly 2 years old when the Prometheus landed on LV223."

Yep... thats why i thought if she ever was cast as a cameo to be a relative would been ok, and i decided in the draft i abandoned that this was the case and had a dream of Shaws where her and her Cusin (who both brought up by there Grandmother) was together when Ripley was born and that Shaw Grandmother is Ripleys Great Grandmother.

However i agree that we do not need to see Sigourney in any other movie certainly not in  Prometheus part 2, i thought this could be a April Fools, but i had discussed Ripley in the Prometheus franchise in a thread on if Sigourney would be cast a while back.

My answer would been no..... but if it was then only as some cameo to be playing a older relative to Ripley... i.e Great Grandmother as well if they cast her in Prometheus 2 timeline well by Alien Sigourney would be what 93?


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Engineer Tech Brett

MemberOvomorphApr-04-2014 2:16 PM

Dont get me wrong, I love the character of Ripley. Alien to Alien3 Ripley is an excellent example of character development within a franchise. Ripley in Alien res is a bastardised piece of shite.

@bigdave, Does the idea of a Rilpey relative in a promethues film appeal to you in the sense of

 you feel its needed to connect the films


its just a nod and wink, nudge nudge and all that.

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-04-2014 3:24 PM
WHEW! This post's name nearly gave this girl a heart-attack! Thank goodness it's an April Fools tag! :)

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphApr-05-2014 3:39 AM

I have to agree with E T Brett in regards to Ripley and Shaw being related. I'm just not diggin that atall.


The poster was good though!


Engineer Tech Brett

MemberOvomorphApr-05-2014 5:27 AM

If I were to pen my own ideas for paradise then here it is.

The film would start within a Chamber containing 3 Engineers. The room itself would be bio-mechanical in design with a throne. An Elder Engineer (similar to one from start of Prometheus in robes), an Engineer in a bio suit and a Regal Engineer. The elder would be presenting his new design, which would be a human, to the disgust of the bio suit Engineer. The regal Engineer would give his/her permission to the elder and the bio suit would leave in anger.

We would then cut to the ship with Shaw and David8. With David’s guidance Shaw would be attempting to reattach David’s head back to his body, she succeeds. They would then explore the ship itself, checking its cargo and the data within the ships records. David would discover more of the black goo.

Following them would be another ship, a human ship, similar in design to Prometheus (for now we’ll call it Prometheus2). On board would 2 or 3 David8’s with 5 humans including Peter Weyland. We would find that this Peter Weyland is the true Peter and he would be in his Forties. The story would go that in 2028 when Weyland industries developed stasis, Peter knew that this would be his chance to see what the future would hold. He would go on to enter extended stasis. Throughout the years a number of replicants from Tyrell stood in place for Weyland, appearing aged as a man would.

Prometheus2 would have set after the first ship 2 days later to watch over the mission in secret.


Obliviously that’s not where the film would end but I don’t have much more at the minute.

Just some ideas I would like in the next film.

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.


MemberOvomorphApr-05-2014 8:36 AM


nice man! Any excuse to bring Guy Pearce back would work for me. I am hoping we will see him, at the very least, in some flashbacks showing young Weyland or the Genesis of his first true android, something.

as for Ripley, you said it best man. She had her run, it was great (1-3) and then embarrassing (4), so let's let the poor girl rest in peace. 


Resurrection never happened-kindly destroy any and all copies of this filth that you may find.

i snapped the Bluray in my set- that's commitment to the cause. (It felt so good)




MemberDeaconApr-05-2014 8:53 AM

Well Actually i would not want to see Sigourney in the movie franchise not even a Alien 5..

I just said a while ago that if she was cast then i would not want her to play Ripley at all, not even as older Ripley from after Alien Franchise because well last Ripley was a Alien DNA Hybrid and well if we cast her again its not going to look right with a 65 year old playing the part of that Hybrid in the future and while Sigourney looks good for her age, i just dont think playing her as a older Xeno/Hybrid would work...

Therefore if they was ever and i say EVER as in its unlikely, to cast her then the only way i would think it would work would be as a older relative in a Cameo Scene, and when i was doing a mock draft for Paradise i did cast her to play Shaws Grandmother as a Cameo.

Thats not to say ideally i would want her in the movie, my answers to that would be no.

Now as far as Weyland goes well again, i would be a bit against the idea i would have it that Weyland had met his maker as he did in search for Immortallity.   I would welcome him in some flash back scenes for sure but as a real character in Prometheus Timeline after Prometheus.. i am not so keen.

But yes i guess we could see him if they go the route of clones, maybe just maybe it could work as Weyland wanted to be immortal and that he created clones of himself and using some kind of Technology he could transfer his memories etc to these clones and thus in effect he would be Immortal as he could just keep going back to a new body once his other had got old etc.

But then if this was the case i think it would make little sense for why Weyland would want to meet the Engineers to be Immortal or gain longer life/cheat death if Weyland had already had a way of doing this.

If there is one Character i would bring back it would be Vickers...

The idea i had for the mock draft was that we do see a Vickers, and it would leave you to wonder indeed the other Vickers must have been a Android and makes sense, as she was not keen on the task and mission so why send herself when she could send a Android or even clone....

That is what you would be led to think, as Vickers then has a video and documents passing Weyland Corp etc to her, sent and signed by Peter.....  Thus overthrowing the next in line which would been Peters younger brother James Bishop.

He then goes to work with Yutani and try and undermine and have Vickers killed by Yutani Android only to at the end we see Vickers beats the Android and some Mercs but gets cut and bleeds white... so this Vickers is infact a Android and one Weyland had created so that he could have input and controll over the company. 

This then means Vickers can not be CEO and thus James is reinstalled but as part of his deal with the Devil to topple Vickers he has agreed to a merger with Yutani.

But anyway while my ideas was thus another Vickers is a Android that survived, there is no reason Prometheus Part 2 could go the opposite and have it that the Vickers who died in Prometheus was infact a clone or Android.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Engineer Tech Brett

MemberOvomorphApr-05-2014 2:17 PM

The idea of bringing back Weyland stems from the fact I think he was under used. There was so much potential in the character I feel it’s a great shame we didn’t get more from him. Having a younger Weyland than the one we have in Prometheus gives great possibilities. The idea of him using extended stasis to such a time his company finds ways to prolong life through medicine seems logical so it could be used as a narative.

For the next film I think earth should be avoided just like in Prometheus. Anything going on between Weyland industries and Yutani holds no value in my opinion. We know that the “company” will form and it knows of the Alien, anything else is not important.

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.


MemberDeaconApr-05-2014 3:32 PM

I agree that Guy Pearce was under used in the movie, so was Theron, the movie has helped some cast like Rapace and Elba.

I think while we know Yutani is involved in the Merger at some point, we have been show so little of the company and the same goes for Weyland as Prometheus was not too much about the company and i think this could be covered in part.

A lot of people are expecting now we will see what happend to the Space Jockey but as you had pointed out with Weyland-Yutani we know the company is a Merger but dont know how. With the Space Jockey we knew he had become victim to one of the Eggs the Ship had or so that seems.

I feel if we are show how the Eggs came to be, then we need no other answers to the Xeno as we know they come from the Eggs... what i mean is say if we are shown that Hammerpes laid them for instance then thats it, if we see a Egg Spore that looks like a Xeno Egg but smaller and we see it grows (Egg) then would we need to see the Face Huger etc that comes out?  (not saying the Eggs come from the Hammerpedes).

But you point with Weyland gives me a idea, you see i am against having Weyland clone himself as well why the hell would he want to be immortal and while the other Weyland could be a clone like in Bladerunner and so does not know he is not the only Peter Weyland etc. While Ridley has hinted the franchises could connect, but its maybe a red herring i am not so sure of that idea.  As well it opens us up to seeing lots of Ripleys too lol.

But while you dont think we need to see Yutani, and how they Merged with Weyland, but want to see Peter Weyland but younger.... how does this sound?

What if indeed Weylands DNA is clonned, and done so by someone or connected to Yutani, and thus its them that grant a Peter Weyland a new start a new life, its them that grant him extra life and for that he has to Merge the Companies.

Something like that could work, where the Peter Weyland we see in Prometheus indeed feels that the Engineers are his only hope to having longer life. In the Drafts Weyland was used as a younger verson of himself in his dream that David sees when he is comunicating with Weyland through the Visor while he is in Cryo-Sleep.... this would show that if Weyland could be granted IMMORTALITY he would also want to be made young again.

so maybe yes we could see Peter Weyland again, i just think it has to be handled in a certain way or else we get a Loop Hole to ask how come we dont see Peter Weyland in any of the Aliens or have them imply that Peter is alive and well just we dont see him.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Engineer Tech Brett

MemberOvomorphApr-05-2014 4:19 PM

It’s not that I don’t care about Yutani. It’s a case of, in a film where we are going to explore our origins, reasons to life, what it is to be human, immortality, existence, Gods, death, prefect organisms, weapons etc. Who cares if two companies merge?

With a young Weyland, I want to see drive and commitment to achieve his goals. I want to see him in his prime and doing everything he can to get his hands on Engineer technology. I would want to see how far he would go to get his answers.

With Shaw I want to see her asking questions to our origins. The hows and whys of our existence. I want to see her beliefs tested.

With David8, I want him to see what it is to be human, to be truly alive, have a soul. Feelings, emotions and desires. I would like to see him go down a dark path, something monstrous and evil.

I would like to see the evolution of the xeno DNA.

What happened on lv223 and lv426.


I just don’t see how or why Weyland and Yutani merging should be relevant when we have so much more to gain from other areas.

The merging of the companies would make for good trailers and promotion.

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.


MemberDeaconApr-05-2014 6:30 PM

I see your point, and sorry if i came across that i was making out you dont care about Weyland Yutani Merger, i never meant to imply that what i was doing was kind of seeing your point as we know the company merged but not how.... like i said with the Space Jockey we know what happened to him not exactly 100% but thats the same with Weyland-Yutani.

The Space Jockey we know there race dable with experiments that result in Xeno-related Bio Weapons we know the ship at some point had Eggs on it and its as i said once we are shown how the Eggs came to be, be that they have been around before the Derelict crash or that they evolve from the Urns then we basically have all we need to know about the Xeno as it appears from Alien onwards.

The Franchise has a whole lot of unanswered questions.

Here are the main ones from Alien Franchise with a 0/10 to how much Prometheus covered.


1) The Space Jockey Race 7/10*

2) The Xeno Origins 4/10*

3) Weyland-Yutani 4/10

4) The connection between Space Jockey and Xeno 6/10*

5) The Space Jockey in Aliens Story 3/10 (as we know roughly anyway).

* each clue we got to these left us with more questions.

As it stands now Promethues left us with many questions, we still dont know the Space Jockey story, but we can assume he was similar to the Engineers and we know they have been messing with Bio-Weapons related to the Xeno DNA.

We are told these Engineers created us and wanted us destroyed and this opens a whole massive world of posibilties and also it could be the Engineers are not the supreme creator race but themselves creations.

We will find out more about the Androids and how the early models before Bishop where Twitchy and we will find this out by how David behaves independently.

We still dont know exactly what happened on LV 223 2000 years ago, we see clues, but just as we see the Space Jockey with his cargo of Eggs and Chest Bust hole and we connect what those Eggs contain, we still dont know every detail and likewise with the outbreak on LV 223.

We still dont know the connection and origins of the Xeno, the Mural and Fresco offer clues, but it does not give us the answers not in a way thats less ambigious.

While we have seen the Goo, i think there is still a lot more to be learnt about it and its origins and connections.

What becomes of LV 223, its potential other temples, the Hammerpedes, the Deacon the wreckage of the Life Boat and Shaws SOS.

Will Shaw and David find Paradise and gets some answers, and what questions does that leave unanswered for us. Who created the Engineers?

And yes then we may find some more information about Weyland or not....

But maybe we would find out what now becomes of Weyland Corp, now it appears that its CEO and Vice CEO are dead.... or so it seems, and to a degree i think this means we would also see more from Yutani in a sequel.

These are some of the many things that could be covered and may need covering in the Franchise but its a case of what stuff gets covered the most and is some left uncovered and of the parts that are covered the most will they give us answers or leave more questions..

so you see so so much to cover, and i think only a Part 2 and 3 could attempt to cover and do them justice.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-05-2014 6:36 PM

I covered a lot of that stuff in a thread i made, where the purpose was to discus potential plots and maybe to say what order we want them to be given screen time.

You see not every plot point has to be giving large amounts of time, Prometheus did not spend a great deal off time with Xeno Clues and DNA, it also never covered the Engineers in greater depth yet that was the purpose, mind you the deleted scenes offered more coverage.

Prometheus was a movie where a lot of things never got much depth, i think a extra hour on screen and we could have seen characters like Vickers and Weyland used more, we could have had more about the Engineers etc.

So while it think we would see some clues to the Merger, or at very least some of the rivalry between Weyland and Yutani so that after this we can maybe get some clues to speculate why the Company Merged, i dont think it has to be a main plot....

I would assume that a rescue mission is sent to LV 223, and this either has to be a Yutani one, or a Weyland one that also fails and proves to be another devastating blow to the company.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Engineer Tech Brett

MemberOvomorphApr-06-2014 2:12 AM

The idea of the urns evolving into eggs is an incredibly interesting one. I had the notion of that when I first watched Prometheus. When the urns started to overflow with the black goo in Prometheus, was that the process starting? Could the black goo inside the urns change any material if left long enough?

One thing we will agree on is, Paradise seems so far away.

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.


MemberDeaconApr-06-2014 8:58 AM

Well i never liked the idea the Urns evolve into Eggs, as i thought the idea of these was to store the Goo, and so would have to withstand a lot to safe storage the Goo.  Also as a application point of view dropping Urns from a ship could cause them to open up or break maybe or even if not once they are affected by a enviroment we see the goo seeps out and as Ridley said if this gets into the Water Supply then it will infect a lot of lifeforms.

So that to me kinda says they dont actually turn into Eggs.

But we cant rule that out, as we do see the top of them seeming to bubble and having a reaction, i though this was some kind of wax on the top that melts away when a certain atmospheric conditions change and this made sense and what the top looked like.

But the the Urns when they first arrive have no substance on top like a wax sealant, and the actual props and if we look at the one David gets out of the fridge the Top seems made of the same material as the whole Urn.... so why does the top seem to be melting and reacting as if is becoming organic on some of them?

When the lid is off we seal it opens like a Coffee Jar Lid, well we see the lid takes about at least 25% of the height and the vials that are connected inside that contain the ampoules do not touch the top of the lid they only take up about 60% of the jar in height.

So maybe the lid inside is made of a different material that is meant to react with and melt away to allow the Goo to leak as the Goo does not leak from the point where the Top Screws off.

I am not sure this means these can evolve to Eggs.

But Ridley had said in one of his latter comments on Alien, that the Space Jockey Cargo had evolved and got to him, could this mean that there was not Eggs in the Cargo hold? not at first?

Or does he mean something from the Eggs Evolved, and got to the Space Jockey.

Or even something the shop was carrying Evolved and infected the Space Jockey and then what ever came out of him laid the Eggs or some how was able to evolved the Urns or contents into Eggs.

We also have to consider the fresco which shows a Xeno-esque hands holding a Egg, so maybe the Eggs was around first or a by product of something that comes from the Goo but not the Urns changing...

There still is another idea.... and one that Giger had...

His idea was the ships Cargo Hold simply produced the Eggs, the Walls had like Pregant belly's that laid Eggs.

And if we look how the Urns are aranged in the Juggernaught its different...

So maybe the Urns are loaded into some kind of mechanism on the ships that then are able to produce Eggs from the contents of the Urns, and the result is either then dropped or gets deposited into a different under layer of the ship as Eggs.

If the Goo pruduces Eggs then its the above method i would like the best so that they cant become Eggs on there own, and that the ships have something to do with it.

But we really dont know how the Eggs came to be, and hopefully we would do.

Lindeloff is kind of hinting that the Hammerpedes have a connection.... off course thats not possible as the Derelict had been on LV 426 for thousands of years or more, and Ridley confirmed it had been there around the same time as the outbreak 2000 years ago give or take few hundred years....

So we can rule out the Deacon being the predecessor and this Deacon was Human/Hyrbid and the Mural one looked different.

But while we can rule out the Hammerpedes from Prometheus.....

We know a outbreak occuried 2000 years ago, we can safely assume the Worms was not from Earth, and thus the crew either brought them in from outside on LV 223 or that they was in the temple Complex all ready but just not within the Mural Room... but maybe they was but they never could trigger the Urns.

The Deleted Scene our first Alien shows that potentially these worms are allready in the complex..

Which means they could had been inside for thousands of years, which if there was a outbreak, well we can safely assume that if you got the Worms infected by the Goo to make them Hammerpedes then surely if the Worms was exposed to the Goo thousands of years ago then the outcome would be the same.

Thus Worms + Goo from a previous outbreak could have lead to or evolved into what produces the Eggs.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Engineer Tech Brett

MemberOvomorphApr-06-2014 1:12 PM

Say the urns themselves were made with such a material that could be organic. Then we could see a scenario were an urn could change into a developed weapon, an egg. Maybe not the eggs we know but something different.

Like you say, the lid of one of the urns did react in a waxy/organic way. It’s possible that they are designed to trigger the goo when a life form is near. Changing the environment into a nest like area, even changing life around it into something xeno-like.

If it is just a case of urns only hold black goo then I could accept that but if there is more to them then I would be willing to see where it leads.

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.


MemberDeaconApr-07-2014 5:08 AM

I think a lot does depend on exactly what connection the Urns and Eggs have in common.

The way i interpreted the movies clues was that the Urns contain broken down DNA of a Xeno or a related Organism,  the reason for this  is i felt these Engineers either came across the Xeno and realised how deadly a Organism it is and while they may have used it as a Bio Weapon, in its current form back then (Eggs) this was a weapon that was very hard to store and transport without a risk of a outbreak/comprimise of the Cargo which the Space Jockey knew only too well.

So i thought that LV223 was then used as a facility to re-weaponize the Xeno.

The events of the start of the movie shows our Engineer consume a substance that breaks down his body/DNA molecule by molecule and the resulting broken down material got into the Water and Evolved basic Life to then take on Engineer DNA and start Evolution and thats why we have Engineer DNA.

The Goo in the movie seems to infect Organisms and pass on traits of the Xeno, so i wondered if they Sacrificed Xenos at that Altar or the Room behind the Mural with the stuff the Sacrificial Bowl contained and the broken down Xeno Material was collected and then syphoned into the Urns and this thus produced a new Bio Weapon that could infect a World with Xeno DNA but would be safet to store and handle than actual Xeno Eggs.

The other way i looked at it if the Engineer that Sacrificed himself did so while standing in a large bath or vat and his broken down materiel then gathered and went down a like plug hole and was collected in Jars.

Should the Engineers then take the contents of them Jars and pour it into a lake then surely we would see the same process that we saw when the Engineers broken down material fell into the lake?

The Alter infront of the Mural originally had the Sacrificial Bowl, the Mural of the Deacon/Xeno was in a Sacrificial pose like Christ, this pose is mainly used to indicate Sacrifice its why  Jesus is depicted as such to show us of his Sacrifice for our Sins.

In Spaights draft the Secrificial Engineer made a Cruciform pose before his body was broken down and fell into the lake.  Also Spaights draft had tiny nano bugs instead of Goo and the way these Bugs worked is exactly the same way as my theory on the Goo.

So as thats how i saw the Goo/Xeno connection this is why the Cargo Hold was smaller and why the Urns was stored differently compared to the Eggs.

But Fox released a file that tried to show us the Goo does not work like that and that it and the stuff at the start of the movie are the same, but this file has many holes in its explanations that are contridicted by what we see on screen.

So how the Eggs came to be is still up in the air and i would want to see how they came to be, and how the Engineers came across them... i dont think we need to see Xeno after Xeno at all. I just want to be shown how the Xeno Eggs came to be and thats all.

Then they can show us a whole maner of other Xeno-Related Organisms related to where the Xeno came from, or what the Goo Leads to.



R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-07-2014 6:23 AM

I'm liking the urns to eggs idea. It's really creepy. And the team entered the chamber with their helmets off, so perhaps it wasn't only the change in atmosphere the triggered the metamorphosis, maybe they sensed the presence of life forms, or more specifically humans.

Remember, the holographic Engineers were fully suited up. Maybe that's why. Also, maybe Holloway and co. removing their helmets was a device to substantiate the link between their proximity to the urns, and the urns bleeding goo. Maybe the murals deteriorating was a bit of misdirection, or maybe more scientific continuity than some give the movie credit for.

I'm inclined to dismiss the tech sheet Fox released on the urns as an attempt to lend some depth to the movie, after it outraged so many fans. Or, it's content will be used in the sequel. We shall see.

Back on topic, every time I google Prometheus 2 (yes I'm obsessed), the top hit is more articles about Weaver joining the cast, the latest one 19 hours ago. Are we certain it's a prank?

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphApr-07-2014 4:34 PM

Noob, we're all obsessed bro.

The urns evolving into facehugger eggs isn't a bad idea, but, i've recently been thinking alot about the urns and the ampule chamber and something occurred to me;

1) When inside the ampule chamber Holloway say's "It's just another tomb."

2) We use urns as containers for the remains of the dead.

3) The ampule chamber looks like a grave yard (to me anyway.)

Is it possible that in these urns there are the remains of long dead lifeforms waiting to be resurrected?

Maybe they are not weapons as such. Maybe we were not meant to be destroyed, but instead, maybe we were created to be vessels for this lifeform to re-enter the realm of the living?


The poster was good though!



MemberDeaconApr-08-2014 9:15 AM

Well there is a unlimited number of explanations and a lot will all depend on ONE THING.....

Does the Goo on LV 223 and LV 223 outpost, predate the Xeno Egg or Xeno Origins... or does the Xeno Egg or Origins come from LV 223?

Once thats known then we can rule out a few explanations for what the Urns are.

I have the idea that the Goo is not a Bio Weapon.... nope...

The Goo is simply a chemical that breaks down DNA and mixes with the Goo Accelerant to produce a chemical that when it contacts life, it then evolves life by creating a hybrid and passing on the DNA and Traits of what ever Organism was broken down by the Original stuff.

This broken down Organism gets its DNA and Traits passed onto what ever living Organism it comes into contact with, it recodes the Organisms DNA and passes on traits to it (from seeded Organism) and  at same time it evolves and keeps the best traits of the Organism the Goo contacts with only it also evolves these traits.

This is what the Sacrificial Scene seems to show, and it is logical that they wait many years and then futher uses the substance again to futher upgrade and alter the DNA on the World they seed.  They would pick what Organism traits they like that have developed and maybe use these to re-seed and maybe then mix Engineer DNA with this... Bit like a Dog Breeding program.

Remember all Dogs come from at some point a few kinds of Dogs that are related to Wolves.

I think at some point they either came across the Xeno or its ancestor, or they accidently spilled the Goo onto a World and it created from its life allready on that World some Organism that then made some of the Engineers go like... WOW look at this, how interesting and what a perfect Organism.

They then carried out tests on that Organism to create a whole manner of other Organisms.

And i guess once Mankind offended them to many times, a fraction was like ok lets Evolve their DNA with this Organism.

Maybe the Xeno was a intended Weapon created/used or found to use on a rogue fraction  of Engineers, these Engineers may have created us without the consent of their creators and so their creators had a War with them and the Xeno was intended to wipe out our Engineers.

Instead it backfired on the Elders etc, and the Engineers then started to worship and experiment on this Weapon to their own ends...

End of the day there is so so many potential explanations as to how and why.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-10-2014 3:09 PM

Hey BigDave:

Time Travel scenarios may cause some people to roll their eye but if they incorperated elements of The Philadelphia Experiment tampering with electromagnetic fields and explored ideas of Black Hole therums and the darker manipulations of those concepts as are known in current urban legends but with an added twist, The same was done with Prometheus with hints of ancient alien theory and Prometheus 2(a.k.a: Paradise) will be going up against the likes of Interstaller and The Black Hole remake but with no doubt an added darker tone to the narrative.

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