Alien Movie Universe

Will Prometheus 2 even happen?

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MemberOvomorphJan-04-2014 3:11 PM

I don't want to sound like a pessimist or naysayer. I certainly want Prom 2 to happen, but I find myself fighting against a negative outlook.

We haven't had anything concrete or strongly committal from the studios or Ridley himself. Obviously, he has said that it is "ready to go", but was speaking in very general terms. And someone whose plate is as full as Ridley's (Exodus, BR 2, Prom 2), it might be easy for him to let something fall by the wayside.

Another reason for my misgivings is the direction American film is heading towards; it seems like the big studios really aren't wasting much time with unsure bets anymore. The big successes are superhero films, sequels, remakes and the like; all things that derive heavily from already estabilished brands/franchises. I suspect that the only reason Prom got made was because Ridley pitched it as a prequel to Alien, from which the execs would have reason to expect a loyal viewership. Yet, with Prom, Ridley made the film very much its own story, largely independent in terms of both plot and theme, and the film, despite being very financially successful, was very devisive. And Ridley said prior to Prom's release that a sequel "would tangentalise even further away from Alien" (paraphrased). I think that, given a vocal majority's gripe with Prom's lack of story connection with Alien, this might be a hard sell to Fox, and Ridley might not be willing to do the film if it is forced to proceed in the very opposite direction he wanted it to go.

In saying all this, I really do want Prom 2 to be made. Certainly, I want it to be made well. I just feel that what I want it to be might not be what the studio wants it to be, and Ridley might feel the same way.


Plz dont flame, 1st post

25 Replies


AdminPraetorianJan-04-2014 3:21 PM

Yes it's going to happen, the script has been given the green light and production is expected to get under way in 2015. Ridley Scott says the Prometheus Sequel is 'Ready to Go'

"Prometheus 2 is written. I have already got the next two films ready to go. That will be 2014, 2015..." -Ridley Scott

Ridley always works a ton, always has many projects going on at the same time. He doesn't have more on his plate than he ever had. I mean, when he was working on 'Prometheus', he still was making dozens of ads a year, working on 3 TV shows, 'Numb3rs', 'The Good Wife' and 'Prophets of Science Fiction', and he still got the movie made. Don't worry, it will happen, just give it time. :)


MemberXenomorphJan-04-2014 4:56 PM

Excellent questions and remarks.

Gfan welcome and you ask some really good questions. Economies are suffering and people are going back to what work: the basic classical themes that was being explored when movie making started. I feel that people are tired of movies that has special effects but no story to speak of. Well that's my opinion anyway. 

I am certain will be made but where they will go is anyones guess. Alien 3 is a remarkable testimony to fox returning to what made alien great. The over ambiguitya (and deliberate  confusion by recutting and reordering of scenes deliberately as to not make sense  of prometheus was to ensure that fox got you begging for p2. Fox will not destroy mystery of the sj and how it got to lv426 how it got infected and where the eggs came from. The spaihts draft (1 of 5 he wrote) clearly shows me the answers were there and some of it definitely came from ridley(the 8 kind of eggs found in the stasis fields). So fox asked chris to remove the link to that draft because it may destroy the mystery of the xeno origins . This clearly shows fox is not going to remove that mystery and answers will not come. Prometheus as beautiful as it is is a pre hunger stimulating device to get people to hunger for those answers. With that I am happy - my concern just being that will we ever know how that sj/ engineer size difference come to be ?? 

Anyway well written questions and extremely valid. 

I just can't see fox destroying the mystery. I think p2 might use previously unused ideas and will show a lot more of the engineer culture and perhaps homeworld. I am really interested to know what the story is going to be. 

I am going off topic here. Again p2 will definitely be made it may be later than we wanted. And it seems paglen is a very good writer.

Can't blame fox for what they are doing. They are protecting their investment and the alien franchise will always be my favourite followed closely ny the terminator and matrix  and predator  franchises.

Will we ever know  how and why and when weyland and yutani merges ?? There is so much to explore there !! 

Weylan yutani it was in alien ? Wjay did it become weyland in aliens  ??? On purpose ??

Good questions. 

Waiting for that alien prometheus connection !! But wouldn't that the destroy the frustration/concerns/hunger for answers that fuels these deabtes we have on these forums ???

Where will they go with p2 ???

Tick tock tick tock .............


MemberXenomorphJan-04-2014 5:11 PM

Don't get me wrong: I love prometheus but just ended when things got going . That was on purpose. My other major concern is whether ridley will direct it or not. That's a big one for me . He has to direct p2 .

Otherwise I thinl we will have a pattern here.

Ridley creates the mystery movie and like alien and then someone alse comes and makes an action flick . So perhaps p2 will be an action flick mixed with unused ideas (perhaps engineers committing suicide (as in spaihts draft) and be a pacy action flick with shaw somehow perhaps meeting maybe other humans on the elder homeworld ? Perhaps the elders (15 feet) will perhaps reunite her with her father who has perhaps gone to the spiritual dimension where she might meet him via the elder gods(or beings of enerhy like q of star trek) .

I think fox is going to use this cycle again. 


AdminPraetorianJan-04-2014 6:07 PM

@Odoudu; Not sure why, but half your posts get cut off, making them very hard to read.  Just wanted to tell you in case you hadn't noticed. :)


MemberXenomorphJan-04-2014 6:34 PM

Oh thanks for sayin svanya.
That's why I haven't continued
With my thread on the
Prometheus alien connection
I think my linebreaks are not
Picked up or none existent
As I now type directly in my
Reply box and no longer copy
From my email client. Thanls for sayin.


MemberOvomorphJan-04-2014 7:37 PM

@Svanya; what Ridley said does not in itself constitute a "greenlit" project. In fact, that quote you mention is (to me) a whole lot of nothing. He says it's written, then in the same breath says he's got his next two films "ready to go", before trailing off with their expected start dates. Almost like he was trying to deflect attention away from Prom 2 and keep the focus on his other projects; like he's lost interest in Prom 2. I saw that conference where he spoke that quote, and he did seem to want to gloss over the topic of Prom 2.


That could be another reason Prom 2's existence is in question; Ridley might not wish to continue the story, especially considering the pressures the studio might place on its story and focus.


Then again, I could be reading way too much into this. After all, the quote was taken from a conference that I believe was promoting The Counselor, so he might not have wanted to take overmuch about future projects.


AdminPraetorianJan-05-2014 12:51 AM

@Gfan89; I think Ridley Scott is a man of his word, if he says it's written and happening then it's gonna happen or at least he fully intends on it happening. In some other interviews he says he wants it just perfect, and that he needs time. He will get to making it when he can, we all just have to have a little patience and faith. :)


MemberOvomorphJan-05-2014 3:19 AM

Dudes it will come out for sure quit worrying about if he'll drop it because he won't alot of directors will do alot in a sorted amount of time but with a deadline to reach. It will come out, remember how long it took for a Prometheus to come out?!! It'll only be for another year and a half.....I hope.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberPraetorianJan-05-2014 6:05 AM

Welcome to the Community Gfan! :)

As Svanya and Annu say, it will happen. We just need to be patient, (though that's hard sometimes!)

I hope with all my heart, that Ridley is the one to continue the story, otherwise, it will just be another series of movies which have no substance or purpose, other than making money!


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberOvomorphJan-05-2014 11:14 AM

Around August 1st of 2012, it was confirmed on a number of sites that Fox had officially greenlit a sequel to 'Prometheus'. Now, since then news and updates have trickled out here and there like breadcrumbs...but this should not be much of a surprize given who we are dealing with here. This is Ridley Scott. He keeps virtually every project, especially the high profile pieces, very close to the vest and 'Prometheus 2/Paradise' is still very early in the works; with only a rumor of a completed let's hold our horses, relax and given it time. And heck, look how quickly 'The Counselor' made it to screens after 'Prometheus'. These things take time. Let it breathe for crimminy's sake....


MemberPraetorianJan-05-2014 2:43 PM

Craigamore!.....great to see you....Happy New Year! :)


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberOvomorphJan-06-2014 2:39 AM

@ Everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I am really scared on this one. Prometheus had a production budget of 130 million and it only brought in 126 million domestically. Be nice to see what other big budget films only had one run and could not get produced because of low domestic profits.

I was thinking about this very thing about a week ago but it was a different movie. Here is my reasoning and by all means I think this needs more debate. 

We have entered what I coin the "Instant" generation. Most media today is Internet driven. I think it is crazy to release movies this greate two-three years apart. Someone back me up on this! The Internet continually reinforces this "Instantaneous" access to media and entertainment. I think I am like a lot of people in this too. I would never go back to slower froms of access or communication - Never!

Me personally I can't stand the idea of waiting another two years to see the second installment on this. I want to open my promethus presents now LOL. 

Tru3 Chaos

MemberOvomorphJan-06-2014 3:48 AM

I loved prometheus, however, most of it is due to the potential of the film not necessarly the film as a whole. As a stand a lone film... its not very much. It was created through a lot of support of the "Alien Universe." Which was not Scott's objective when he created the film. He wanted some relation but he also wanted it to be a work that stands alone. He attracted many followers but mostly "Alien" fans. Which most were also disapointed with the ammount of "Alien" in it. I wonder how we would feel if Prometheus 2 actually strays more away from the "Alien" setting. I think most of us will be disapointed. Our community demands more "Alien," which may or may not be what Scott wants. A lot of people were disapointed in it, and the handful of those that liked it, we must admit, like it because of it's "Alien" connection. Ridley Scott said how disapointed he was at the reception of the film. Making this film in its sequel, if it will be, will be done knowing it wont be a blockbuster hit with the other things he has in mind. I think its very legitimate to think it may not be made at all. I hope it does, don't get me wrong. 

The greenlight... does not mean very much unfortunately. I'm a big movie fan, and I know plenty of movies in my lifetime that were actually being worked on and then abandonned because their first movie did not make much noise. Like, They were actually being worked on. The reception of the first film means a lot to the overall television/movie community and not just the fans. Thats the problem with many of the awesome sci-fi shows. The Stargates, Firefly, and other shows were abandonned even they had a huge and loyal fan base. The problem lies within the reception outside the community. You have to admit, Prometheus was a big question mark. This has nothing to do with how I feel about the film. Again, I see an ocean of lore that can be created, as well as a great "Alien" world that can be made. We will see what happens. I hope things workout. The fact that it was supposed to be made in 2015, and the fact that nothing has been done besides a greenlight is a huge redlight to the film. 2015 is actually sooner than it appears and he hasn't even finished his other projects. 


MemberFacehuggerJan-06-2014 5:01 AM

Yer its slow but I prefer they get it right... I think it is still going ahead but it is close to the line. 

I'm more worried about the Hollywood mentality of making films for everyone hence the reason why prometheus got a lower rating slapped on it. There must be loads of interfering going on behind the scenes... Just hope they don't spoil it. 

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberDeaconJan-06-2014 9:41 AM

It will happen, and its not quite that the reason the movie went ahead because Fox thought they was getting a Alien Prequel, on the contrary it appears that Fox had the movie tonned down from Spaights draft to what we had now seen.

Also i think Ridley would push for a massive budget so that he can get the franchise completed in one go, by that i mean most of Paradise and Part 3 would be filmed at near the same time.

could be wrong but i would think we may have to wait untill 2016 for Paradise but by then i would assume most of Part 3 would be done, well the story would and duplicate shots to save money. So i would assume we would not have to wait years from Part 2 to Part 3.

Ridley is no spring chicken and he would want to complete and see his Prometheus Franchise completed and on the big screen before he passes away, not saying he will soon.. But when you in yout 70s you would want to complete projects ASP.

Thus like Back to Future Parts 2 and 3,  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows etc.. i.e i think we would see no more than 2 years from Paradise till Part 3

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerJan-06-2014 3:25 PM

Continuing on from what BigDave said, if they film two more films at the same time, it's possible they could launch Part 2 and Part 3 in the same year, like 'The Matrix Reloaded' and 'The Matrix Revolutions' in May and November of 2003 (6 months apart). (for reference, 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' was November of 2010 and July of 2011 (8 months apart) and 'Back to the Future' was November of 1989 and May of 1990 (6 months apart)).  The difference though is it could be a risk to do so based on the mixed reaction to 'Prometheus' (the other movies' prior installments did not have mixed reactions, quite the opposite and had almost guaranteed audiences to return).  However, if 'Paradise/Part 2' is excellent and really ties into 'Prometheus' very well and makes 'Prometheus' better as as result (and bring the naysayers back), it could make the 3rd part VERY profitable.  Then again, does making the audience wait a year or two yield a better strategy financially?

I don't know, I just want more of what we got in 'Prometheus', building on it and I'll be as patient as I can be.  Thankfully, there are some movies in the next couple years that will keep my mind somewhat off it like 'The Raid 2', 'Godzilla', 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes', 'Expendables 3', 'Interstellar', 'Mad Max: Fury Road', 'Batman vs Superman', 'Bond 24' to name a few... and the hope for more Dredd, Riddick and Evil Dead/Army of Darkness. :-)


MemberDeaconJan-06-2014 4:04 PM

I think we would be looking at a no more than 5 year wait for Part 2 after the release of Prometheus but it would be at least 4 years so i expect Paradise to come out sometime late 2016 or early 2017... Well lets say Sept 2016 and April 2017 as a guess...

But i would be sure that the 3rd installment would come in lesser time, so no 4 year waiting time. so Part 3 to be with us 2018 i recon.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJan-07-2014 6:54 AM

Some interesting points made. Tru3 Chaos I think you're on to the same vibe as I am. Ridley definitely (from what I can tell) doesn't want to have the Prom story arch connect directly to Alien; in fact, I think he might not have even wanted for Prom to have anything to do with Alien in the first place, but the realities of Hollywood may have necessitated that so Prom could be made at all. As I said before, Hollywood studios have in recent years been going for sure bets; they think they've "cracked the code" for box office returns.


@BigDave; While I'll concede that Spaight's draft was closer to Alien (I must confess I haven't read it but know about it), that doesn't mean that the studio wanted the deviation away from Alien; that was surely Ridley's influence as director/producer.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJan-07-2014 7:16 AM

If I remember correctly, Spaights himself says in Furious Gods that Fox brought DL in to alter the script? And if Ridley ordered the changes and Fox was against it, wouldn't they have intervened? After all, Alien has been their cash cow for over 30 years. So my money is on meddling from Fox, though Im really happy with the result. Surprised, actually.


MemberOvomorphJan-07-2014 8:20 AM

^^ Can't say for sure, I don't know anything about that. But as you say yourself, "Alien has been their cash cow for over 30 years", so I'd be surprised if the studio fat cats wanted to move Prom away from it in terms of story and imagery (though it retains both to a significant extent).


I feel like this thread I created has got me down :( The opinions expressed here have kinda reasoned myself away from expecting a Prom sequel. And I recently learned of the graphic novel announced this past summer that seems to deal with the Shaw's arrival at the Engineer homeworld; perhaps because they knew even back then Prom 2 wouldn't happen (or have it ready in case it doesn't). I don't know. I'd settle for a graphic novel, but really want a film. In any case, I'd like to have the story resolved.


AdminPraetorianJan-07-2014 11:47 AM

If you watch the documentary 'Furious Gods: Making of Prometheus' you will see no one really dictated anything to Ridley, he called all the shots and was very confident in what he wanted to portray in the movie. It's an awesome documentary. 

Here is a link to the full HD documentary (give it a couple minutes to load): The Furious Gods: Making of Prometheus


MemberDeaconJan-07-2014 12:00 PM

Well from what i make of it Ridley was happy with Spaights draft, but wanted to make few changes to tone it down, then he and Fox got together they got Lindeloff on board and they made a new script.

No one can be sure of the process, as Spaights seems to indicate Ridley was pleased with his draft and gave it go ahead, while Lindeloff seems indicate Fox asked him onboard.

In truth i think it was a compromise,  maybe after reading Spaights draft, they felt they should be trying to explore more of the Engineers than the Xeno, and Spaights draft kind of lent more to a direct prequel and also changing the plot to be more about the Engineers and where they came from etc etc gave more potential for a sequel to explore them and drift away from the Xeno that had been seen over and over on the big screen.

Yes Ridley had a lot of say..... does he have the FINAL SAY...Nope!

If Fox wanted to make Paradise about Xenos more than Engineers and Xenos being creators of Engineers or even if Predators created the Xeno and Engineers stole that from them.

Ridley could go.. no way am i having any part to do with that, but Fox owns the franchise, they can ultimately go anywhere they want with the sequels, Ridley cant say..

No i came up with Alien and Prometheus and you cant change it....

Fox can simply bring in who they want to finish it.

It is however for this reason, that Ridley would make compromises he would like to put as much influence on the plot and story as he would want, even if that means some sacrifices.

As opposed to lose chance to have much influence in how the franchise goes, ultimately Ridley could not change how the Alien Franchise went, the Queen, Alien 3 etc etc.

But the door was left open to explain who the Space Jockey Race was and how the Xeno came to be, and so playing a part of the process to explore and explain those things is something Ridley would want to have a part in.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


AdminPraetorianJan-08-2014 4:49 PM

I hear ya BigDave, though when Lindelof comes in they change a lot but he says Ridley wrote it with him and you can see that Ridley was there every step of the way in the creative process. Heck he even asks Giger to be brough into the creative process too and to look at the designs. I'm Simply responding to Gfan98's concerns about a sequel. It's shown in the 'Furious Gods' documentary that after the writer changes Ridley (and probably Fox) intended there to be 3 parts to Prometheus so he need not worry about not having a sequel. :D


MemberFacehuggerJan-09-2014 5:28 AM

Furious God's is good but I doubt it is the whole truth. These things are edited and controlled and never have the studio guys in them.  I was surprised we saw spaights showing his frustration. And I am pretty sure ridley mentions the studio pays the bills through a fake forced smile which is about as far as he can go in saying he didn't like what happened. 

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphJan-13-2014 12:53 PM

I'm hoping for it to come out sooner rather than later...but its pretty clear that the best we can hope for is to see this movie in 2016 at the earliest. Honestly, I don't think its going to get made at all. I really hope im wrong though.

Its not that Scott's lying...its just that Scott/the script being "ready to go" doesn't mean much until all parties are signed on and working together. Sure, its nice to hear, but until they actually start filming...don't hold your breath.

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