Alien Movie Universe

PARADISE story....

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MemberOvomorphJun-19-2013 10:17 AM
Will the movie pick up right where the first one left off??? If actor Rik Barnett has been cast as rumors suggest....could he be Shaw's brother or stepbrother who goes looking for her after they lose contact with her....and will they journey to Paradise to help her??? Will they explain where LV-426 is and what happened there??? Do you think Shaw/David will survive and return to earth in the end or could there possibly be a 3rd film???
19 Replies

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2013 12:38 PM
One thing I don't think is that Shaw will return to Earth. I imagine however things play out, the interested parties back home will have little information about what happened on LV223, and while Shaw may be joined by other humans on her adventures, they too will have lost contact with home and whatever cosmic drama they face, they will face alone. This seems suitably horrible and poignant.


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2013 1:14 PM
I agree, @Major. There is nothing waiting for Shaw on Earth - her future lies among the stars. David will play a significant role regardless of how or where they land and there may be another familiar face found along the way.
In Space, no one can hear you fart.


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2013 2:16 PM
A ghost ship with only survivor? Shoot first then ask or other way around? Friend or foe? A back stabber prehaps? He sells her to the rebellion/evil engineer organization. She feels betrayed because after all the crying and laughing together in their cosmic adventure he decides to throw her to her nightmare for his own the last scene he begs for mercy but she gives the bittersweet words of vengence *dramatic pose*. As ya guys said Shaw pretty much has nothing in earth, her destination is that Engineer home planet. I don't think he can be family since the picture I got form the first movie was that only members she had was her father (dead) and mother (dead).

This is my forum signature.


Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2013 4:47 PM
Feebs that's a chilling outline. Read PARANOOBIUS! Anyway, this is what I love about things so far. They can go anywhere. It's gonna be a trip, yok yok. And a good story about a culture ancient and advanced beyond imagining I think should be somewhat beyond comprehension. The Morb itself leaves us scratching our heads. Kubrick nailed that with 2001, in an age long before anyone had computers to be confounded by. How things become inexplicable at a certain level. Computers do that, especially when Internet is involved. Now imagine the complexities of any science, any enormous mass of information or AI that has evolved for eons. Things get weird. I think Prometheus had that weirdness nailed too, in a more sensational fashion.


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2013 5:42 PM
People, I'm trying to write my own story about prometheus sequel. But I don't know if should by copyrights of it? Who knows and can help me get some information? waiting for respond here:


MemberDeaconJun-19-2013 6:03 PM
I dont think they will tell us what happened on LV 426, maybe some clues could be told but it wont be spoon fed explanation and Ridley has already given the explanation. We have to remeber a few potential lose ends and plot holes... From Alien to Alien Resurrection, Weyland Corp and Earth etc have no contact with the Engineers and indeed no Engineers appear to have engaged mankind. Weyland Corp have a rough idea that something could be out there on LV 426 but i doubt they 100% know the exact thing they are dealing with i.e Egg=Face Hugger=Xeno and certainly if they knew a vague something, maybe they got clues from the failed Prometheus mission logs and Shaws message. But surely they would have before Alien sent out a mission to explore LV 223 and thus would have again came into contact with the Goo, found remains of temples, dead Engineers and maybe the Deacon. But in the Alien Franchise it would appear they do not have such things, why go to LV 426 if they knew where and how to find Juggernaut Ships and Cargos of Black Goo Urns. These kind of Time Line In-Continuances to me could be answered by simply...... Come 2120+ surely there is little or nothing to find on LV 223 nothing that Weyland can get there hands on.... Also come that time, maybe there is nothing or little left of the Engineers and their Elders etc. We have to remember Ridley said the place Paradise is not going to be Paradise but Hell, surely if he means Shaw finds the Engineers who well turn out to be Hostile well how long would Shaw last? Then they would maybe pop off to wipe Mankind out? Maybe he means Hell as in what she finds is a once glorious place that is no longer and is in ruin and disappear after suffering some cataclysmic event. And what little is left and what is left of the Elders and Engineers, eventually David would see to it that they perish, as Ridley did say David will bring Hell with him.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2013 6:33 PM
Theok-you could do what I do and post it here as you go. I guess it depends on how far you want to take it, but I'm assuming posting your work here is at least somewhat akin to mailing it to yourself, if you ever had to prove ownership.


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2013 3:40 PM
Major - so, you mean that I should post what I want to write about the prometheus sequel here on this site?

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJun-20-2013 4:13 PM
Theok- yes. That doesn't mean you'll have the same protections as with a copyright, but you could use your account to establish your identity, if need be, since at the very least your posts will be dated and linked to your IP address. I'm not a professional writer, so Im not intimate with intellectual property rights, but as a fun exercise I feel the value of my writing is well enough protected by posting here. If you were to do the same, google the title every so often to track it.

Apocalyptic Queen

MemberOvomorphJul-16-2013 1:00 PM
While we can concur that only one of two possible events could occur, ie. that either Shaw and David will receive a hostile reaction on the Egineer home planet or an accommodating one, we might question, what reason would the Engineers have to torture or interrogate Shaw at this point? A defenceless female accompanied by a droid onto a strange planet, may not be viewed as such a threat. Furthermore, as she is seeking answers to her own questions, there is every reason to assume that she might willingly volunteer information in exchange for the answers that she seeks. In addition, it has already been hinted that the Engineer awoken from stasis in Prometheus was able to differentiate the passive Shaw from that of the more aggressive Weyland, so it might even be that her presence coupled with her strong moral and religious convictions might seek to challenge the Engineers' conventional image of mankind? - she might even experience some sort of spirirtual enlightenment on board and find herself even agreeing to help destroy humanity, sensing that they have become a selfish and corrupt race where there is no hope of redemption for them? Another point I wish to add is that, what information could they possibly wish to obtain from Shaw? Should they decide to destroy mankind once and for all, they have the access to technology, weapons and routes courtesy of the star maps which would enable them to fulfill their purpose with or without Shaw's assistance. All this is merely speculative of course and with the presence of David - who will allegedly be bringing "hell" (in the form of the lethal goo?) with him - his actions could be a major gamechanger. What can be inferred is that the Engineer found on Lv426 in Alien was on his way somewhere before an outbreak of alien infestation on board - was that place, en route to destroy mankind, and hence was the infestation intentional (ie. possibly implanted by Shaw and David to thwart any impending plans to destroy mankind perhaps?) or accidental (ie. as a result of David's meddling "experiments")? Either way, the result may be ironic if the overall intention was to destroy humans - the creators effectively being destroyed by the sub-pet of the creations that they were intending to destroy themselves.


MemberDeaconJul-17-2013 11:49 AM
Ridley Scot has explained the Derelict, at first he gave us the impression that the Space Jockey was a Benevolent Race who fell foul to some cargo he was transported. This latter changed to that the Derelict was a Cargo Ship carrying Biological Weapons a kind of Bomber if you would, and the he got into a mishap and got infected by one of the Cargo and set off a Warning to others to Warn of the Cargo that had became compromised. Then even latter he hinted that the story was that the Space Jockey was traveling off to some unspecified destination with a Cargo and that the Cargo became compromised and the Space Jockey set a local destination to a baron place to Quarantine the Cargo and Outbreak... this was LV 426. And this event occurred within a few hundred years of the LV 223 outbreak that killed all but one of the Engineers off. His last comments about the Derelict was he supposed that the Pilot got infected with one of the Cargo it was carrying, but went on to say that the Derelict and Juggernaut are brother ships and that something Evolved on the ship and got to the pilot. Either way it would imply the idea Ridley has for the Derelict is that it was taking its Cargo be that Eggs or Urns and ran into bother and the pilot got infected and set a course to Quarantine the Cargo and set up a Warning about it. Maybe this warning was only for Engineers, the Space Jockey seems to had been shown as Heroic but this may had been only in his actions to protect his fellow kind and not all races. I dont buy the Urns became Eggs theory, and has Ridley hints this event happened hundreds of years around LV 223 out break the only logical explanation would maybe be either something in the Urns got to the Engineer and chest busted then Morphed the Urns into Eggs... Or was the Eggs the first Weapon that proved to be not ideal and it was back to the drawing board to revise and re-weaponize the Xeno.... Maybe we will find out? Sorry for going off Topic.... But i certainly feel the Derelict incident had happened about as long ago as the LV 223 outbreak... and not as a latter result after Shaw and David left LV 223.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJul-17-2013 11:52 AM
I would think that maybe they dont find Engineers right away, but they latter do, and i do think that the Engineers or what ever they find would be interested in Shaw but i ultimately think they have a Agenda and at first Shaw may feel she is in safe hands to a degree but then latter finds out they have a Agenda to experiment on Shaw.... I think somehow David will put a stop to this by unleashing the Goo on the Elders or who ever this God like Figure could be.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJul-17-2013 11:53 AM
Double Post Sorry..

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJul-17-2013 11:53 AM
I would think that maybe they dont find Engineers right away, but they latter do, and i do think that the Engineers or what ever they find would be interested in Shaw but i ultimately think they have a Agenda and at first Shaw may feel she is in safe hands to a degree but then latter finds out they have a Agenda to experiment on Shaw.... I think somehow David will put a stop to this by unleashing the Goo on the Elders or who ever this God like Figure could be.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJul-17-2013 3:19 PM
I suspect that Shaw's infertility problem will be "fixed" at some point, for the Engineers' benefit (experiments or what-have-you.) When you recall that humans share very similar DNA with them, it kind of opens the door to a lot of creepy possibilities.


MemberDeaconJul-18-2013 9:46 AM
Well maybe Ridleys comments could be a interesting hint.... He did say that he did not want to meet God in the first movie, this could imply that the Engineers are not the true creators but servants to such a creator. He also said the deleted scene of the Elders was left out as he was not happy with the final product and also did not want to give too much away about the Elder culture in the first movie... Could this hint that the Engineers are created in the likeness of the Elders.... and that maybe Ridley may want to give the Elders a different more awe inspiring and powerful appearance? They then also state the the God they would find they should not expect to be God in the traditional sense and that this God will not be Benevolent.... Then they also imply that David is going with Shaw and bringing Hell with him and speculates what would happen if the Goo infected a Robot or even God....... Now maybe we should not read to much into these comments, but we have seen that David would appear to not be able to be effected by the Goo.... Could this imply that at the top of the Engineer/Elder Hierarchy is a being/creature that is truly Bio Mechanical and maybe something inspired by many of Gigers works?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphAug-05-2013 10:49 PM
The "eggs" from the Alien franchise has run its course...the derelict spacecraft on LV426 could predate the Juggernauts on LV223 by thousands of years. In Prometheus there are generous hints about terra-forming, and when the crew first step foot into the large room where the urns are, you notice small worms emerge from the soil where a crewmember just hint that the Engineers' terra-forming efforts (that resulted in the breathable atmosphere inside the structure) also led to the creation of primitive life. BUT, once those worms got infected by the black goo oozing from the urns (a short clip shown as the crew flees the oncoming storm), they turned into the snake-like creatures that killed Milburn & Fifield. The black goo is much more terrifying than the eggs, as all the engineers have to do is drop a few of these off near a water source and all life is infected/destroyed by this terrifying WMD. The black goo in the urns has a much greater potential for destruction than the eggs do...look at what just a drop did to Charlie Holloway. And what the acid-blood did to the Alien franchise, the xenomorph's blood was simply organic acid; in Prometheus, the acid-blood has the ability to further corrupt & destroy living beings. Far scarier than anything from Alien/Aliens!! The potential of Prometheus as a franchise is much greater than that of Alien...even though the Alien movies were supposed to happen much later than the events in Prometheus, the events in Prometheus have far more direct & dire implications for Earth & mankind than that of Alien/Aliens. What is in the rest of the domed structure on LV223? Less than 10% was explored in the movie...and there are at least 3 other similar structures behind the first one, as Shaw & David were able to locate & fly a Juggernaut from one.... Prometheus 2 could go in so many different directions and still scare the life out of viewers. The more I watch Prometheus, the more terrifying its implications become.


MemberOvomorphAug-05-2013 11:00 PM
I think that there is a lot of misconceptions about Giger's artwork and how it is integrated into both the Alien franchise and Prometheus. Giger's artwork features lots of circular and tubular formations; this is indicative of many bio-mechanical features that frequently get overlooked. From an engineering standpoint, a circular tube is far stronger than a comparable square or rectangular tubing; the circular exterior presents less surface area to shearing forces. The circular tube could also transport air, gases, liquids, who knows what. If you've ever been inside an underground mining complex, you should have noticed the many pipes and tubes for the ventilation system. I think that Giger's intent (and the movie-makers' interpretations) indicate that the tubular & circular features were purposefully created that way, to act as a stronger support structure for the underground areas as well as to integrate delivery systems for breathable air, exhaust for contaminants, etc... These structures and/or features could also be the result of small biological creatures that construct these facilities as their purpose, whether or not directed by the Engineers...think of 3-D Printing with living, biological creatures instead of inanimate resin & metal/plastic parts doing the constructing. From a simple engineering viewpoint, the movie is absolutely entrancing. How in the world do those Urns stay stacked like that when the ship is underway?


MemberOvomorphAug-05-2013 11:10 PM
The implication of "Hell" could simply be a reference to what Shaw would consider the Engineer's home to be...much like letting a toddler out wandering around unattended in a backyard with a pool, what we could consider a Paradise could quickly turn into a hell for an unattended toddler. While juveniles and adults could know how to swim and be aware of the inherent dangers/pitfalls of a potential backyard Paradise, a toddler would not be aware of these and could quickly fall afoul of things intended to please/entertain. The Engineers' world could be so complex that for Shaw it would seem a kind of hell.
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