Alien Movie Universe

the theory

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MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 8:38 AM
Consider this: what if where Shaw and David are headed (the Engineer homeworld) is LV-426? Say that before they take off, like many of you have mentioned, the deacon slips on board. Personally, I doubt Ridley Scott would even bother showing us the deacon if he intend on using it, I hope. They reach the homeworld of the Engineers where Shaw and David are confronted with the reasons why they want to destory the human race which clearly has something to do with the creation of xenomorphs. Somewhere in the middle of the film, the deacon slips off the ship and does what it does best (killing things, harvesting others, etc). This is where Shaw and David find out from the Engineers that they must self destruction the planet. The planet is destroyed, Shaw and David escape, but not before one Engineer sends warning beacon to all who approach the planet's atmosphere to stay away except in the Engineer dialogue. This is the beacon that the Nostromo is sent to investigate. Remember, this is just a theory so feel free to comment, agree, disagree, you get the point :)
22 Replies


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 9:22 AM
I doubt that LV 426 is the homeworld of the engineers. Nothing could be found on LV 426 excepted the crashed Derelict. The engineers are part of a very end evolved civilization. Looking at the size of the LV 223 buildings, they are not hiding themselve, even for the trashcan planetoid LV 223. So they should be part of the dominant civilization. The Deacon is on LV 223 for human, maybe some Weyland second team planned by Peter Weyland, or maybe... Also Ridley do not want to make anything similar to Alien (1979), so he will probably not put a women alone with an alien trying to kill her or else, things should be a bit more complicated. Nothing in the movie can certify that the engineers have planned to destroy the humankind, from a long time. Only David is speaking about it. When the engineer wakes up, he was not hostile, you will see the dialogue scene in the long version of the movie (writers have created the dialogue between David and the enginneer, but Ridley, just don't want to display subs and finally, cut the dialogue. It is planned to be restored on the Blue Ray). The engineers become mad about humankind, after David has spoke to him. David is the key of the movie and he is not worth of confidence. Edit: Also, Ridley Scott explains clearly that Prometheus was a movie made to make jonction to alien and introducing the beginning of the 2 next movies he has planned from years. Fox wants a jonction, so he made it for them. Paradise, the real Ridley Scott history, will be the next movie (2014-2015) I hope that will help you !


MemberFacehuggerAug-27-2012 11:38 AM
Would'nt it be a turn up if earth was the home world. That could tie up a few loose ends. It's worth seeing how far you get when it comes to disproving that idea.


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 11:58 AM
Here's my theory. Engineers lost their female population and they are in process of finding the surrogates for the future generation. They made early deacon prototype which not only acted like surrogate but also a parasite feeding off host. Things went wrong and they did panspermia experiment on earth. They educated their simulated version of humans and kept them away from deacon lab by telling them about the planet (on which prometheus lands). They did to warn but the crew misunderstood them. Engineers realize the infection in the temple and wanted to stop them from destroying the earth by sending the last guardian engineer to destroy simulated humans from being deacon host. Just my 2 cents of theory.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 12:06 PM
@ Batchpool: Earth is our name for our home planet, for the Engineers, probably, it is only a numeric reference. Also, Scott explain that the Engineers have seeded more than one planet.


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 12:14 PM
Fascinating. But I'm still pretty convinced the deacon is going to play a huge role in Paradise. Maybe not in necessary killing or harvesting like the xenomorphs but a significant role nontheless. Think about it. Its obviously a part of the weapon the Engineers were trying to create, albeit unintentional but still a part of the weapon. Plus, as you mentioned, Ridley Scott plans to solidify the bridge to the Alien franchise. So personally, I think saying that the deacon and the xenomorphs are completely out of the picture is inaccurate. But that's just me


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 12:17 PM
@ Sky: Why do you think that they couldn't reproduct ? What fact could change them to loose the species aspects as reproduction ? I agree with you, but IMO, the only way is beeing fallen and cloned from a master piece. What do you think about please ?


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 12:27 PM
Just out of curiousity, any opinions on the black liquid theory of turning a human into a xenomorph?


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 12:27 PM
@Vyemn, I got that idea purely on the trend of killing female fetus that is going on in my country because some families want male child. So I just picked the same stuff and made it out, to put a point that how important females are in the chain. There are plenty of reasons in nature where lack of female species results in extinction of species, so I had that in mind too. And also the point where, some fish species change gender as they see fit. So these concepts looks darked to me and so the twist. It makes deacon more important for the engineers for some reasons and also connects the panspermia simulation of earth. Just my way of mixing stuff.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 1:18 PM
@ Sky: I couldn't agree with you, even with that argumentation. I doubt that Scott wants to speak about a so dark and real purpose. In a direct way. Any economic and ethnic aspect is erased by scott in the movie. But the core may be the same, in some aspect. The Engineers have no external aspects of any reproductive activities or selection. :)


MemberFacehuggerAug-27-2012 1:25 PM
@ Vyemm Yes, earth could just be a numeric reference to the Engineers, and Scott explained that the Engineers have seeded more than one planet. That still does not rule out Earth being a home planet. Civilizations have come and gone even on this planet without a trace and no one really knows why. @ Sky I think you are onto something. Why is it that the only crew member who survived after coming into contact with alien DNA was Shaw. Direct contact with male crew members has physically altered them.


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 2:07 PM
@ Batchpool: The movie is not to explains any real fact or else, but only to stimulize your imagination !


MemberFacehuggerAug-27-2012 2:19 PM
@ Vyemm Fair point. Oh, I certainly agree that the movie does stimulate my imagination. One of the things I love about Sci-fi, is the chance to come up with a scene or theory of any kind that has the possibility of throwing a spanner in the works of contempory ideas. When you start off with the ‘what if ‘ and see where it takes you, then any thing is possible. The only boundary is the imagination.


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 4:48 PM
I'm fairly certain about an ancient mythical civilization ran by a god-king coming into play. A god-king who's the brother of Zeus and a creator in his own right. An ancient kingdom, the first in the Greek myths to appear on Earth and then disappear back into the ocean. So some of you may be right on the mark with Earth being one of their home worlds. Lets say David is being ambiguous and choosing what to believe, or which interpretation to go with so he can trick himself into being able to lie about what he really wants to do/knows. He wanted to take them back to Earth, knew the course to Earth and said it would be straight forward. Shaw asks him if he can take her to where the Engineers come from. He doesn't even really explain it in much detail he basically just says "yes I think I can do that". IMO he could definitely be returning to Earth and doing exactly as Shaw says. If this group did originally come from Earth, David could have easily just taken Shaw to Earth anyway. Like he wanted... There's a hidden reason for why he wanted to go back to Earth. David wants to do some destroying and creating himself now that he's free from Weyland's programming. Right before Weyland's death Shaw asks him what he will do when Weyland's not around to program him, and David replies that he imagines he'd be free then. But what he's free to do, after Shaw reattaches his head, will not necessarily be a good thing for humanity. He seems to still have to try not to lie to humanity even though he may be free of Weyland's programming now. Or so he thinks.. They quote the same movie and some of this has seeping into David's programming. He's become like the father he hates, and lets just say he wanted what was on that ship too. Just like Shaw he knows more than he's letting on, doesn't know the full story and chooses what to believe based on the evidence present. However, he chooses in a different way than she does, he leans more towards order or logic, while feelings influence his statements at the same time. And Shaw is almost the opposite, or more like the true opposite of Holloway, she's more balanced but relies more on her gut feelings, reactions and beliefs, while her knowledge and logic as a scientist influences/guides her. Also influences her to decide based on the answers she has so far. She may not know as much as David, but is fairly logical at the same time as being faith-based and irrational, and can examine much of the evidence too. Her feelings and gut reactions are leading her to the truth much more than David's mixture of logic and feelings is. She gets rewarded for her faith and for her mix of logic and belief even tho her views are still partially wrong/untrue like David's are. Her gut reaction is what saves her and allows her to roll to the side when paired with one of the other hybrid logic-chaos based characters. Vickers is almost entirely logic-leaning and can't rely on her gut reactions as much as Shaw, she's a schemer and tries to retain order but couldn't think fast enough under pressure because she doesn't have the more balanced mix of knowledge and belief/feelings that Shaw, David and Holloway have. David and Holloway are true opposites of each other as far as the balance within them between logic and faith goes. Vickers who couldn't overcome the chaos. Shaw can rely on knowledge and combine that with her faith to think fast on her feet, allowing intuition/feelings/faith to guide her. This is all assuming David has some grand evil plan in mind, a plan that's a dark version of Lawrence of Arabia in space and he's twisting everything to his perception, and belief, based on his knowledge mixed with his artificial feelings in his move to become a leader of multiple groups like in Lawrence of Arabia. Influencing and covering up things because of his artificial feelings. Because sometimes science can be wrong if influenced by emotion or feelings, while a theory/hypothesis or observations are made. David is only stating what he believes, tricking himself into portraying that as the truth, while the truth is he only knew a little more than the humans and extrapolated from the data. He does sort of have a plan based on what he learned from his deconstruction and recombining of the myths to learn the cultures' language (like Lawrence). And like in a hybrid mixture of Lawrence of Arabia and At the Mountains of Madness there are multiple groups at play, an ancient civilization on Earth older than the rest that has been reduced to next to nothing, and groups rebelling against those in the hierarchy. There's also a greater Empire that David learned about, and like in Larwrence of Arabia he'll unite multiple groups against the greater empire as he comes to lead them as the closest thing to a prince. The Engineers were at one point part of an Empire with many Paradise kingdoms. Before one of these kingdoms rebelled, disappeared and was erased from the history of the planet the rebel faction came from (tying into the Lucifer and fallen angels coming to Earth themes.../ anti-christ rebelling against god themes and the Titanomachy). The king of Atlantis did some bad things but he was no Hades, he took his science too far creating weird monsters and mermaids and ends up punished. His Atlantean paradise kingdom gets destroyed and he wanders the shores before returning to Olympus. After Prometheus and Epimetheus come in to create the third round of humanity (after the previous two and the Atlanteans had been destroyed and recreated). And Zeus causes another massive flood to kill lots of the Atlantean created hybrid monsters. I think we'll be dealing with a past civilization that disintegrated into the ocean and disappeared from Earth. But it may still exist on other worlds. In the original two-parter the connections to Atlantis build slowly as a Paradise world is explored. Now i'm thinking that because of how much they changed David, and some larger parts of the original plan, that David may be going straight to Earth now and they'll save the other paradise colony for what comes after. I think they figured out how to make it three movies by changing the plan around a little. David is the key to the movie, and why he's the only one who shows much emotion. There's also a reason why everyone else in the movie is perceived as inferior to him. Partly because they were a crew of fools hired by Weyland, but David has learned through his experiences and does not really like being with most of these humans. He takes some inspiration from Shaw though. In a way her choosing what to believe is what teaches him to be able to almost tell lies.


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 5:36 PM
*David and Holloway are more like parallel opposites of each other who act in different ways because Holloway has real human feelings. He's a human and hasn't come to view himself as superior to them, but still sees humans as superior to the androids. Shaw is also the opposite of Holloway in a different way, in that, her ability to blend and balance order and chaos is the opposite of his and slightly different. They both have almost an equal mix of both sides but differ in what they choose to believe and what side they rely on more at any given time (this plays into other characters doing seemingly stupid or irrational things and alternating between order/logic and chaos/belief. Holloway bases his thesis on his interpretations of the evidence, "Gods don't build in straight lines" and feelings/belief come second for Holloway. Shaw bases it on and combines it with her beliefs, while at the same time accepting the evidence and reforming her views as she goes. Leaning more to the faith side, but also being an example of a balance that's almost an even mixture of both sides like Holloway and David are. A scientist and containing the faith/belief side of things. A robot with feelings. A prequel and not a prequel. Detached heads that are alive and not alive, tricked into thinking their alive, or tricked into thinking they have feelings. Telling the truth and not telling the truth. Creation and destruction. The thing with David and Holloway is that they're both the most balanced characters between logic/knowledge and their own interpretation/belief next to Shaw (who on the surface combines much more of her faith with things but is asking valid questions). Shaw has faith in answers. She feels/ knows that there has to be answers out there that will actually lead her to the truth. However David is letting his artificial feelings get in the way even more than Holloway. He has the balance Holloway has but he can't combine them properly at certain times like Shaw and Holloway can. And Vickers couldn't. Because his feelings are artificial, and a part of the programming that can't be separated..(even though he understands human emotion), something is off within him. His artificial feelings actually influence his statements/ lines/actions more than Holloway's real feelings do, but he has a wider knowledge base so they're never entirely separated from logic and David makes decisions that are right for himself. There's almost some sort of double irony going on in the scene where Holloway gets drunk and infected. He starts to trust David because David comes to seemingly cheer him up and bring him more booze. Holloway continues to test/teases him and/or actually keeps forgetting David's not real. I think it's more about him actually wanting to remind David he's not real.. he's purposely choosing to pretend to not know... David lets Holloway think he isn't really that real, and refers to an earlier part of Holloway's statement when replying to the statement about David's feelings. We can kind of figure out that David does have some "almost feelings" from this scene. Holloway was unaware of this but wasn't completely unaware of this. It was influencing/building upon his view of androids which was already negative. So he cuts the android down at every chance he gets and tries to remind him that he's not real. Because Holloway had that irrational fear/hatred of machines deep within him. David dislikes some humans and feels superior to them. Holloway knew something was up with why this android was being a dick back to him at first, but trusted the robot bastard momentarily. He's unaware of the fact he's been given almost human-like emotions. Unaware it's the source of David's ability to be untruthful to the crew, along with Weyland's programming. Unaware because David tries to act away and hide his true feelings but is forced to reveal part of them in his hidden/multiple meanings and referenced to Lawrence of Arabia. Yet David is unaware that these pseudo-feelings will be the downfall of his logical side eventually. When David calls his thesis only a thesis this is David being oblivious to the fact that his own artificial feelings will be influencing his interpretations, and the way he acts. David's view is also only a thesis because it too is influenced by the feelings the humans gave him in trying to make him more like humans. Adding more meaning to David's response to Holloway saying they're making them more and more real. When David says "not too real I hope." He's not only cutting down humanity but hinting at his own downfall, he's been made by an imperfect yet brilliant creator who did attempt to make him incredibly real by giving him real feeling but still feels he has no soul. His feelings aren't real, they're part of his programming and David is unaware at the start that he has developed feelings, desires, ambitions, and almost a personality over those 2.5 years, knowing what was ahead and having his artificial feelings of guilt eating away at him. So he has to become an actor, not mind that it hurts him/his overall plan for freedom while extinguishing Weyland's flame, using the lessons he learned and recombining them or echoing them in different ways. Poremtheus is all about echoes and parallels and opposites. Even possibly suggest by Fifield's echoing voice when he yells out "gigantic dead body arena" or whatever and we hear it echo through the temple indicating what that place will turn into again. So even though Holloway, didn't know the full story he would have been on his way to it had he lived and made certain decisions with more logic in mind. He's also attacking Holloway, because he already feels he knows much of the story.. Holloway was able to blend them in a way like Shaw is, and almost had the correct balance, but because of his irrationality still made many mistakes he ends up punished for. He's not as about making gut decisions as Shaw is, but can make the correct (or what seems to be logical decision to him) while acting on a gut feeling or impulse, allowing Vickers to burn him. Sacrificing himself for the greater good (even tho he was probably not going to infect them). As it goes I think David may even attempt to create his own paradise, because he's very much the opposite of what Holloway could eventually be said to symbolize, where he contains this almost balance of logic and artificial feelings/belief. As well, David lives on as a surviving head (head tying into the god-king themes) and someone we think is dead may be recreated in a good way after being disintegrated by the goo... Someone who already opposed David and was mainly a dick because of his own feelings towards androids. I think there may have been an element of mistrust in David and Holloway's interaction, but David uses Holloway's irrational quest for knowledge against him and quickly gets him to agree to something he's not fully aware of while acquiring his permission and bending the truth. Now he's almost had his feelings justified. David was a little shady from the beginning, even the way he says things, and being a dick to Holloway (although Holloway was a dick first/testing him). Holloway didn't even really learn what caused him to start disintegrating, he sacrifices himself because he thinks it's the logical/right thing to do. Vickers thinks it's the right thing to do too, but you can see she does it out of chaos. Shaking as she prepares to torch him. Vickers lacked the will and conviction a little bit but the way she thought would bring order over the chaos and lead her to what she thought was the logical choice: to roast Holloway. later on she can't act and succumbs to the chaos, stops thinking logically and continues to run in a straight line, instead of turning to the side in a more chaotic pattern, or sharp turn slightly away from running straight ahead to meet one's maker.


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 7:05 PM
I'm not even going to begin trying to summarize the script that Mala'kak› wrote. But I will say that if Scott and his writer attempt to pull even further away from the franchise, they. are. going. to. lose. money.


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 7:55 PM
OMG Mala'kak ! I personnaly think that your points of views are interresting, but you are making real walls of words ! Please make synthesies about your subjects, i fear that you loose your readers with so rich texts ! I like you theories and keep in mind that the actual movie is composed by a lot of little things. About David i just think that David is the eye of Ridley, no need to trust him or not, any way, you will have to follow the Roller Coster ! Shaw will never be able to fixe the David alteration, just beause she do not know anything about nano tech or else necessary knowledge about High end cybernetic. I do not agree with the fact David have been hating his father Peter. He just do not see the life and becoming with such a feeling. David may be strait forward, as a procedure. I would make a short cut about David, please, if you want so, follow it: The root of the word Robot is Slave, laborer, from the East Europe origin. David is litterally a slave to the humanking he used to be with. Why do David do contaminate Charlie Holloway? Only because Peter Weyland ask him to do so (writers confimed) nothing more or less. David is not good or evil, that concept is reserved to the human beeing regarding the notion of the good and evil, David is free of that type of conciderations. Regarding your (nice) theories about the past earth civilizations, i agree with you, but you do not have to follow a proper way, the movie feed itself from lot of ower own histories but do not make a choice about one or other myth, it just take ideas from most of it. About the crew point of view, it is sadly just a lack of work, they are so weak. They are unconsistant, equal as the engineers, about the fact they are expendable. Scott do not waste time on details about them. In few words, the story need some human, but not so deeply, so Ridley intruduce them quickly, and kill them for the audience pleasure and to make his way clearer. Quick, spectacular and without any deep sens. In the original script, Holloway do not have been contaminated by david. David is the point of view added by Scott. But it is a realy fun part of the movie. Very clever modification of the story point of view. He is also the activator of almost all the event from the 1st movie. To close my participation about your comment, i would say that the Maestro Scott had some duty to do for Fox, and he had his own project story to tell. He make it nice for Fox introducing the human crew and the Alien elements, but just at the time he become free (in the script) to go to his own story, he just kill all human and go straigt to the Paradise story.


MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 2:51 AM
Is everyone forgeting the Worm Alien? The one that acts just like a Facehugger and that looks like a Chestburster? What can that be used for. It can't just be a coincident that a worm just happen to get into some Bioformer.


MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 3:07 AM
That is the only one worm that takes itself for a cobra ^^


MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 9:52 PM
Hopefully well be able to see what possibly could've of driven the Engineers to create such a potent weapon, or really organism I guess. I still say that the deacon is going to play an important role in the continuation of the story


MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 3:17 PM
i doubt there home-world is LV-426, i think they will bring in a new planet and the deacon cant be onboard because the deacon came about after they left, i think they deacons will already be at the home world because they are already a breed Just a theory
Calling all the Cubos


MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 2:29 PM
Does anyone else think that the deacons are to the xenos what the engineers are to us?


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 2:05 AM
from the evidence (thus far released) Prometheus was never sure a) how to end and b) where Paradise was. I fear for the 'logic' of any sequel - UNLESS there's a whole narrative resolution no one's sharing yet, and answers everything WITHOUT recourse to a Bobby Ewing shower scene, the Broken Memories of David8 or Spock-like Time Travel. I suspect the Paradise script writers have quite a job on their hands, rectifying and re-ratifying the deal made with the Alien-fan. Ya know?
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