MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 8:06 PMNice job, Incurso!!
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.

MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 11:01 PMThank you necronom 4 and genjitsu17. I like both of your designs as well. Including all the other entries ive seen so far.
@necronom 4, i used a regular pencil at the beginning. after that i used a jet black extra smooth ebony pencil to shade the whole alien and used the tip of an eraser to create that image of light shining off different areas of the body. then i used a fountain pen and a jar of permanent black ink to bring out all the details i possibly could and shade some more with the stippling method. i hope i spelled stippling right. oh well. Anyways after it was done i took a photo with my phone. Didn't really translate well through the photo process, the quality is somewhat diminished. overall im pretty happy with it though.

MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 9:06 AMWhat I mean is that you guys are all doing a great job and there's no way that what's actually going to be in the movie is going to be as good as anything here in the forum.
It's like the Cloverfield monster fan-made designs that came out before the movie, all of which were better than what was actually in the movie.
How could you not set yourself up for disappointment by showing the potential that won't be reached by the film crew?

MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 9:15 AMHah, i was hoping that's what you were saying. I don't think the Deacon will be in the sequel. Ridley, put it in to show a solid connection to Alien. I think the next one will probably go further into unknown territory, or at least i hope.
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.

MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 9:36 AMThat's amazing Incurso! :) Great detail work.

MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 6:07 PMThanks Leeta! Your design is great as well. Beautiful use of colors.

AdminEngineerAug-30-2012 6:40 PM@[b]INCURSO[/b] - That is an incredible drawing! Wow, I love the detail and how you've incorporated elements of the classic Xenomorph into its design!
Really, really well done and welcome to Prometheus-Movie.com!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 1:10 AMThank you Chris for the positive feedback and the welcome! I am enjoying this contest and this site. I'm looking forward to seeing other members versions of the deacon. A lot of creative minds in here!

MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 3:47 PMHello! I'm new here.

MemberFacehuggerAug-31-2012 5:26 PMNice thats pretty close in design to the quick sketches I had done - just not had time to do a proper one yet :( this is more how I see the deacon imaginedone...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

AdminEngineerAug-31-2012 5:28 PMUm okay.. [b]ImaginedOne[/b], that is... spectacular. That is incredible!! Wow, you have some serious talent my friend, some serious talent.
The artwork that keeps popping up here is incredible, keep them coming! Can't wait to see what else gets submitted here!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 5:45 PMill try to finish coloring my queen drawing soon, dealing with the untimely death of a beloved family pet and other personal problems has taken over my time.

MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 8:48 PMImagined one -_that is crazy awesome. Well done!!
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.

MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 9:47 PMAdult Deacon Concept.

MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 9:48 PMOk, I'm glad that worked. I am new here. Please enjoy!

MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 9:54 PM ImagineOne and ColewNorton, extremely intriguing. : ) : ) : )

AdminEngineerAug-31-2012 10:52 PM[b]colewnorton[/b] - Wow, great work man! What a great new take on the design of the adult Deacon! You've got some serious talent! I especially love the arms and long Alien-like fingers you added to this design. Also the unique head crest - all very creepy! Really well done!
Also, welcome to Prometheus-Movie.com!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 11:37 PM[img]http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/527072_423800750990375_1852418339_n.jpg[/img]

MemberOvomorphSep-01-2012 2:08 AM[b]djamelameziane[/b], [b]Chris[/b], [b]genjitsu17[/b], [b]SubsumeYou[/b] - Thank You! It was fun to draw).

MemberOvomorphSep-01-2012 6:22 AM@ImaginedOne, Tayripley, and colewnorton:
Wow, absolutely amazing!

MemberOvomorphSep-01-2012 7:36 AMI've been following this forum for months but just recently joined. I just have to say how unbelievably impressed I am with the talent and time taken to draw these masterpieces.

AdminEngineerSep-01-2012 12:14 PM@[b]TayRipley2092[/b] - That's great! Glad you figured out how to get the image to display finally! Looks awesome!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-01-2012 2:10 PM@TayRipley2092. Brilliant, i really like that! I can definately see the adult deacon there.
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-01-2012 5:31 PM[img]http://i1163.photobucket.com/albums/q546/TaylorPaulAndrewDrake/910a75e8.jpg[/img]
Comparing Deacon Adult/Juvenile Secondary Jaw.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-01-2012 6:28 PM@ImaginedOne and @colewnorton, WOW! Incredible! @colewnorton, what medium did you use? Is it digital?
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-01-2012 7:57 PM
Nice, TayRipley : ) : )

MemberOvomorphSep-02-2012 11:31 AMWell done, TayRipley!!
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.

AdminEngineerSep-02-2012 11:37 AM@[b]TayRipley2092[/b] - That's awesome! I really like the evolution aspects you added to that second piece with the labeling. Very cool! So you think the second jaw will eventually become like how it was with the classic Xenomorph?
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

AdminEngineerSep-02-2012 11:39 AM@[b]genjitsu17[/b] - Just saw your added concepts to your first post on the first page of this thread. Absolutely fantastic! I love the bold lines and detail. Really cool. Your closeup on the head with the protruding inner jaw (and tongue?) looks really neat!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberOvomorphSep-02-2012 11:46 AMThanx man!! All i have the capability for at the moment is pencil work...and not a lot of time, but i do what i can. :) - Yeah, added a whip-like tongue just for fun.
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.