Alien Movie Universe

Prometheus vs The Dark Knight Rises

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MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 4:12 PM
Let's be honest, it had to come to this:) Which movie is better for you? The titan Prometheus or superhero Batman? Prometheus 8/10 TDKR 6/10
22 Replies


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 4:30 PM
Prometheus wins for me. TDKR was disappointing. Nolan is the most overrated director working. He explains everything through exposition and has never directed a scene that blew me away. P.S. Inception was copied from an episode of Duck Tales. (no, really) And it had shots stolen frame by frame from the anime Paprika. Just sayin....
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 4:33 PM
genjitsu17: Paprika was cool but not that great.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

private problem

MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 4:33 PM
both exceptional films. prometheus had my interest more but the dark knight was superb ! both 9/10. tdkr could have been half an hour shorter though :)


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 4:35 PM
I agree. TDKR was dissapointing and didn't come close to Prometheus. IMO anyway.


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 5:18 PM
I highly enjoyed both films. Although prometheus has more of a meaning, its a movie we can almost all relate, cause we have at least all pondered the question presented in prometheus. Prometheus made you think, it was more then just a movie, its a philosophy of life.. (at least to me) But still TDKR was a fantastic film.


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 5:52 PM
The stories and themes in [i]Prometheus[/i] are far more interesting to me than the story of [i]TDKR[/i], but Nolan's is a better assembled show. I've seen Prometheus multiple times in the theater at this point, but will only see [i]TDKR[/i] once on the big screen. I personally LIKE [i]Prometheus[/i] more, even though I feel it's inferior to [i]TDKR[/i] as a piece of filmmaking. Neither is perfect, of course.

Alien King

MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 6:05 PM
It had to come to this? No it didn't. The movies are very different. okay, so lets compare them anyway. Prometheus-- Horrific mess, stupid characters, pointless story, constant plotholes, filled with unexplained things that make no sense. TDKR-- Makes sense, interesting characters, well thought out story, little to no poltholes, things are explained well. Gee, Prometheus deserved all that money it made, didn't it?


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 6:13 PM
I really liked TDKR and Avengers for that matter but Prometheus is hands down the best film I've seen in years. I went to see Prometheus 4 times. Before that the only films I had ever gone to see more than once were Contact, Matrix and the Nightmare Before Christmas each of which I only saw twice but never bothered to buy the dvd for them once it came out. I will definitely buy the blu ray for Prometheus when it comes out and I'm sure it will be a long time before another film comes out that will make me want to see it in theaters more than once.


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 6:13 PM
Ok, then we will begin to compare Prometheus with The Dark Knight Rises; so what is next? The Hobbit vs The Man of Steel?


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 7:11 PM
You can't compare these two films on the simple basis of being two different story telling genres. It would be like comparing The Hobbit to 2001 (books)...the intent of each tale is completely different. With Prometheus, RS set out to try and answer questions created in Alien, while creating a whole set of new themes and concepts he wanted to explore. While The Dark Knight Rises set out to bring an end to a story and to tie up any loose ends. IMO, The Dark Knight Rises (well, the whole Nolan trilogy) is a character piece focused on exploring Bruce Wayne through his journey into becoming Batman, the side effects of becoming such a man, and, ultimately, how he ends being Batman. It is an overall story arch that really gets at what is the most important thing about the Batman mythos - and that is Bruce Wayne's struggle with his demons while dealing with the scum of the earth. Prometheus, on the other hand, went in a direction of trying to create a thinking man's sci-fi film. IMO it failed, and it failed for one very good reason - RS and crew had themes in mind when writing the story. This is different from having a story to tell, like Nolan. In any form of writing, you simply cannot sit down and say "I want to write something dealing with the themes of creation/innocence lost/etc". It hampers the creative work as the writer works his tale to fit into those themes. The best way to handle themes is to sit down and write your story and let the themes create themselves. This gives the work a believable, organic feeling to the audience. Prometheus, clearly has a lot of thematic elements the writing staff wanted to include, and, to be honest, the over all story suffered as they tried to weave a screenplay to fit in with what they wanted to convey/show. If you want to look at actual filmmaking, The Dark Knight Rises was, when compared to Prometheus, a far superior film. It offered just the right amount of background narrative, while letting the story continue to breathe towards its climatic ending. The editing and score were spot on for this film, where the score for Prometheus and the editing were often questionable. The characters in Nolan's world felt real and believable, where as over half the cast of Prometheus were kind of...poorly cast and their characters acted and behaved in such ludacris ways for a science crew. Yes, they were all there to die...however, they could have either been cast better or given direction/lines to be believable. Now, before a hate war starts, this is all based on theatrical cuts. Prometheus simply failed on a technical level first, then on a story telling level after. I will say it again, Prometheus is a great sunday afternoon sci-fi fix, but palls in comparison to Blade Runner or Alien. There are simply too many issues with the film for it to be wholly enjoyable. I like films that make you think and wonder, but if you have to go into each and every scene of a film to disect every morsel there is to try and make sense of the story, then the filmmakers failed in telling a coherent story. Yes, be enigmatic and leave parts open to discussion, in fact I welcome it. But you cannot leave a film as plot holed as this and expect to have it lauded in the same manner as some of your previous greats. Prometheus is not even friendly to the average viewer. My wife came with me to see it, and she is not a sci-fi lover as myself, however she is open minded, but she came away with the sense of utter disappointment. Her first issue was the characters and how poorly they were portrayed (outside shaw and david) followed by the weak story and its glaring plot holes. However, with The Dark Knight Rises, she was just as impressed as I. Now, I am curious to see Prometheus again to see if it will change my opinion, but I refuse to pay a theatre ticket price to see it. I simply cannot justify it, not even for a sci-fi fixing. At the same token, if this big mystery is infact some sort of sequel/tie in film that brings light to events in Prometheus, my opinion may very well change, but for the nonce all I have is Prometheus and the bitter taste left in my mouth.


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 8:30 PM
+1 to Xenothinker! Kudos for having a mind and not being afraid to (or too lazy to) use it. Beautifully articulated! :)


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 9:07 PM
Thank-you! I mean...if one really wanted to compare The Dark Knight Rises to something, lets look at The Avengers... Now, I haven't seen it, however, each film is still fundamentally different than the other. Basically, take TDKR arguments of being a character piece and set it against the action-packed ensemble cast of The Avengers. To me, if anything, Marvel Universe movies really started to reach a low point after the first X-Men (the second was OK). They even have become an expected part of the summer line up at the theatre, and I have read they are planning for even the obscure characters like right? Pfft. Please. I have refused to see a Marvel movie since Spider-Man 3. From all the previews, I just can't get into their universe. The visual appeal, the actors (despite how much I adore the type-casted Robert Downey Jr.)...even the basic premise of the plot lines. To me, the Marvel films seem to be going down a Michael Bay route with Transformers - How much more can we do? If anything, The Avengers was a test to see if the studio could even pull of an ego-busting filled film laden with all the recent franchises - not for audience appeal but for cash grabs. But DC on the other hand, they aren't going into obscure characters. They aren't trying to one-up themselves unless it makes sense too. TDKR had to be bigger than TDK simply because what could possibly be worse than the events The Joker put Gotham through? The one thing that DC and Warner's seem to understand is that to have a really great franchise, you need to focus on simple elements of the story - such as making a super hero flick into a character piece. Nolan did this and his Batman films are some of the best out there. Man of Steel, despite being a year or so away, looks to be following suit and looking into delving into the mind and soul of Earth's greatest hero. These are the types of stories that people really resonate with. To bring this to the world of RS, look at Alien. The casting was superb and the acting believable. I would argue Alien was a character piece around Ripley, a woman clearly not liked by some of the crew and how, through circumstance, must grow into this daring heroine. What really made the movie work wasn't just great set pieces or an obscure idea of violent, Alien life, it was the cast. They were able to have this natural air of 'space truckers' and this real rapport with, not only each other, but the audience. We were able to believe that these were real people in a real situation. Hell, same can be said about Blade Runner. But the films that stand out in the test of time are the ones that audiences can connect with on a human level, no matter how visually stunning a film may be. Once a story becomes a character driven tale, we instantly can remember it. This is another area where Prometheus fails. Outside of David, I would argue there is no central character in the movie - not even Shaw. There is no one for the audience to grow attached to except for a supporting actor, and even then, we can only be drawn into his character because of his child like innocence. The rest of the crew have no rapport with one another. They all seemed like actors playing space crew. Theron's 'suit' portrayal was terrible, like she was trying too hard to be the mean girl on the block. Janek was a wasted character, they tried to make him likeable so we could feel for his suicide run - same with his two helms men. Yet somehow, there was no warmth, or truth, in the portrayal of the characters. Holloway was simply a mess of a character and one that could have been completely left out if you ask me. IMO, the actor seemed to have this presence about himself that screamed "holy mother of god, I'm in a RS movie!" Let's not even get to the topic of the rest of the crew... What I am trying to say here, is the films, and stories, that stick out the most almost always are somehow a character piece.

colonial soldier

MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 10:39 PM
Prometheus = Sucks, only liked by paid fanboys lol and made about 50 million in profit. The Dark Knight Rises - A masterpiece that will be nominated for awards; not as good as TDK and currently has surpassed its budget in two weeks at the box office. Currently Prometheus 301 million worldwide vs TKDR 537 million worldwide. The blind are leading the blind lol


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 10:46 PM
Christopher Nolan continues to delight us with his narrative style and impeccable delivery which is unequivocally the best Batman film created and one of the best superhero movies. Doing a good attachment to the comics, makes clear his reputation as a film director film gets better and outlines to leave your name in cinematic history. In one of his previous films (The Prestige) Nolan describes the magic tricks in 3 parts, presentation, exchange and prestige. The presentation is when the magician shows a simple object which is related to us, change the magician takes the ordinary to do something extraordinary and revives our interest to find the explanation for the impossible even knowing that we want to be deceived. Finally comes the prestige, the most difficult where the real magic occurs. The same structure applies to the trilogy of Batman. In Batman Begins we witness the birth of a hooded darker when compared to previous installments. Some seemed to slow the development of the first part, however the director anticipated the elements necessary to sustain the story, was laying the foundation to make way for Dark Knight (which even if it hurts to say was driven by the death of Heath Ledger) and we move into the inner conflicts of Bruce Wayne. Using a formidable foe such as The Joker, Nolan delved into good and evil that resides within every man. Batman took the decision to make clear his sacrifice for the city. The common man became the hero. Dark Knight Rises complete the trick exceptionally. Through Bane, we see a Batman face his destiny, move beyond fears and hopes. Gotham City is the scene of the last fight of the masked detective.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphJul-30-2012 3:48 AM
I'd like to say that Nolan's take on the Batman universe is just brilliant, probably the best I've seen put on screen. IMHO of course ;-)
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphJul-30-2012 8:56 AM
Yes hmm Prometheus 6.5/10 TDKR 7/10 but only because of the ending - most of the film was a bit strange and sometimes boring :( ... I guess they did the best they could do but it felt a bit muddled and baine was a bit of a let down the joker was way better I reckon :S !


MemberOvomorphJul-30-2012 9:29 AM
Well its good to talk on both and I saw "The Dark Knight Rises" yesterday evening and it completely exceeded my every expectation. When i first saw "Begins" i thought that it took the comic book films to a different level thanks to the believability and sincerity of the characters it portrayed. "Rises" continues this line which was set by the first movie and followed by "The Dark Knight". ________________________________ Click to [url=http://www.]Watch Fringe Online[/url] at TVS


MemberOvomorphJul-30-2012 9:31 AM
I saw "The Dark Knight Rises" yesterday evening and it completely exceeded my every expectation. When i first saw "Begins" i thought that it took the comic book films to a different level thanks to the believability and sincerity of the characters it portrayed. "Rises" continues this line which was set by the first movie and followed by "The Dark Knight".


MemberOvomorphJul-30-2012 12:58 PM
my vote goes to prometheus (not going to get into why i found the film extremely compelling because ive elaborated on that 100 times in other posts). @colonial soldier: why are you here? I mean...literally...Im just curious. Im not trying to be rude (im happy for you to stay!), but i just cant fathom why anyone would ever spend time at a forum/website that pertained to a film that "sucks".


MemberOvomorphJul-30-2012 4:05 PM
TDKR - an accomplished ending Prometheus - a loose beginning


MemberOvomorphJul-30-2012 4:32 PM
@colonial soldier Prometheus earned "only" $302.7 million so far which is of course far less than TDKR. But don't forget that Prometheus gets R rating and it always hurts the film commercially. Most big summer movies (The Avengers, TDKR and The Amazing Spider-Man) avoided R rating.


MemberOvomorphAug-03-2012 4:11 AM
how to compare ? different stories, different agendas..perhaps its easier to rate with personal like/ dislike.. - Pro WOULD have been without any doubt by far one of the best movies in many years.. but we did NOT get it from RS. - after seeing ANY other movie AFTER Pro or rewatching other favorites of mine like Terminator 4 I realized what pity this actually IS. TDKR is dark, strong (some quiet brutal footage included), nice score.. and fits nicely into its canon..
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