MemberDeaconOct-08-2015 10:21 AMInteresting.... things are starting to pretty much back up what the source informed me about....
Including they said Shooting should wrap up end of March, and Main Production to start pick up by Fall of this year and a release date of most likely May 2017 but no earlier than March 2017... shame they are not releasing me any more information but still stick by come November and after more that comes out the more it will back up what they have said....
Two Monsters.... One New... One Not so by that a result of something already seen? they never said what but LV 223 could be a good shout, while the other is what ever David releases on Paradise..
Cant wait for more information to come out.

MemberDeaconOct-09-2015 8:17 AMWell makes sense... Ridley did say was it last week? That he was doing sketches on the design of the ships Bridge.... not thats odd as surely the Juggernaughts would be the same or similar so back then i thought this must indicate a Earth Company Mission to LV 223 instead.
My draft i was working on showed seeds leading up to such a mission but the mission was the last Act well one of them in my idea for Prometheus... my Prometheus 2 was about Shaw and David and what they find, and also about what becomes of Weyland Company, how does Yutani fit into it all... and detail into the Technology Battle Between Weyland and Yutani with Yutani being a Communications and Military specialist and have Androids that are more robotic like Comander Data from Star Trek, and we see some Android Geisha Assasins....
Weyland is more a Medical, and Terraforming Application company.. building better worlds and all, and Genetics..... and Weyland Androids are more Human due to a Patent and used as servants rather than Weapons... So Weyland Company intentions was never Malace... this came from a Merger which i showed seeds to.... so my Paradise Draft was what 15% David and Shaw and dreams... 10% Engineer Flash Backs.. about 30% on Earth/Mars and Company Politics etc.... about 5% preparations and scenes of a LV 223 rescue mission. 30% Engineers and David and Shaw and upto 5% clues to Xeno... well the DNA (connections to Bio-Mechanics and Engineers Tech) and then 5% towards something that is created and unleashed by David... related to the Xeno...
Just how and which way to fill out those % as i had lots of ideas... it was Engineers that caused the most problems...

MemberDeaconOct-09-2015 4:44 PM“It’s going to be it’s own separate thing because they are going to the planet of the Engineers and they are going to see what happened there. It was a disaster, and they will be in that alien craft that takes them there, but with a new group that’s incoming, a new group of travelers in the beginning of the first act.”
This is interesting because well different sites have interpreted this in different ways... some sites have said that the movie will show Shaw and David join up with some new Travelers on board the Alien Ship.... ok so Shaw and David stop off to pick up some Hitchhikers? Considering how far ahead from Earth David and Shaw are when they set off in the Engineer Ship at the end of Prometheus... some 38 LY head start... is David going to hang around 2 years for another ship and then go come on guys hope aboard? or does another ship intercept the Juggernaught again it would have to be a ship far out and not far from LV 223 or past it.
Another has interpreted it as as David and Shaw come across more Travelers and use their Ship... what ditch a faster Alien Jugernaught? maybe David takes this back to a Weyland Outpost and they jump on a New Ship... but i doubt Shaw would stand for that.... and besides Ridley said a while back that David and Shaw will find Paradise and David is bringing hell with him and what if the Goo infects God or a Machine (or Robot)... this tells us Shaw and David will arrive on the Engineers Ship..
but with a new group that’s incoming
This to me shows another group is comming after them.... means follow in the foot steps of them.... could this be a mission to LV 223? or a mission to follow the Juggernaught to Paradise... we have to ask how can such a ship catch up?
Ridley did say last week or so that he is working on some designs and they are doing or have finished the design for the New Ships Bridge... which to me does not mean Engineer Ship at all.... but a Manmade one...
Ridley said that maybe Earth is not the only Place that has Humans.... and a source informed me that Prometheus was not the first time Mankind had been to that system....
What does all that mean?
1) A Yutani or Weyland vessal is not far from Prometheus maybe a few Months away? well in pursuit, and it gets the Shaw SOS and follows the Engineer Ship but how can it hope to reach Paradise at any time close to a Engineer Ship?
2) The company or Yutani send a mission to explore LV 223/426 after the events of Prometheus.
3) The Company or Yutani already have a ship that is past that system, a ship that has been to LV 426 maybe? and LV 223? or maybe not but is futher out than Prometheus and intercepts Shaws SOS and then follows the Engineer Ship.
4) There is a Alien Race of Humans in a distance system, that are not from Earth, that see the Engineer Ship and intercept it.
Thats my 4 takes...
Number 5 is well David takes the ship to intercept a Company Ship and either go on board that ship or the travelers on that ship come aboard the Juggernaught....
But by Travelers.... i am going for 1,2 or 3

MemberChestbursterOct-10-2015 9:42 AMThat is a little confsuing if the Shaw and David join up with some other travellers. BigDave added in one of his reponses that he was informed that Prometheus wasn;t the first time that humans have visited thst system...that opens up a whole world of ideas. I don't think that there would be an outpost really near there (I assume that they wouldn't make an outpost near a planet that they figured could sustain life.)
Actually, now that I am thinking a bit more I think that Weyland or someone from Weyland or Yutani (back on Earth) had a team begin the journey rather soon after the Prometheus took off. It would make the most sense I think that someone had a team a few months (or less) behind to come in after and clean up, keep searching (for anything they can find to make money, weapons, and whatever else), or meet up with the first crew. We will find out in 2017 I suppose!