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Prometheus 2 will NOT be set on Earth and will NOT be titled Prometheus: Hell on Earth. Here are the real facts about the Prometheus sequel.
Scified2015-05-13 07:07:44
Written by Chris3,693 Reads3 Comments2015-05-13 07:07:44

It's a sad day when instead of actual news, we're forced to post an article as a means of damage control to prevent click baiters from confusing our fan base. In the recent week and half my inbox has blown up with Google News Alert emails for Prometheus 2 coming from the same group of spammy news websites, promoting rumored fan discussion as factual plot elements for the upcoming sequel to Ridley Scott's Prometheus. Given the lack of concrete news by reputable sources and the thirst for wanting to know more about the secretive sequel, it's no surprise that some websites will be reaching to keep interest on the subject high - hell, even we do it here. The difference is, in the absense of any official updates, they're spreading false information and confusing fans, instead of engaging them with discussion and speculation. This article will clear the air on the whole Prometheus: Hell on Earth issue and call out those offendors promoting it, so that you, as fans and followers of this sequel, don't get fooled into their click-bait tactics and get misinformed.

Who are the offending sites?

The main four sites that I've noticed originating these ridiculous claims are Day Herald, Master Herald, Crossmap, KpopStarz, Venture Capital Post and a few variations of the 'Herald' name. They seem to be feeding off of eachother, possibly even run by the same group/person. How they got listed in Google News is beyond me, as they don't source any of their finds and continuously spam the same false information over and over on a daily basis. I won't link to them because I don't want to give them any traffic, but if you are reading a post about Prometheus 2 or Alien 5 on any of the sites above, back out, they rely on your clicks to make a profit and structure their posts to draw you in. Not to mention, it undermines the work we, and other passionate, reputable sites do to try and keep fans genuinely informed of the real facts.

What is Prometheus: Hell on Earth? Where did it come from?

Prometheus: Hell on Earth is what these sites are claiming to be the "working title" for Prometheus 2. Well, a simple Google search of that title will bring up a result from.... HERE. Yes, Prometheus: Hell on Earth is sourced from a forum topic on these forums at (from back in March). Not only that, the title was found in a comments section of an Entertainment Weekly article by some random "journalist" who claimed to have met with Ridley Scott, to which he freely disclosed the working title. There are a number of things wrong with this, but for argument's sake, here's the direct quote from our forums:

"I have actually talked to Ridley when we met in London three weeks ago for an interview I did with him. Off the record he claimed that he was disappointed with the story of Prometheus but when the company pitched the sequel he agreed. Indeed the sequel is going to be better but it will NOT focus on the space engineers planet but on planet earth. Characters from earth will be introduced as signals from the spaceship Noomi is on will prompt Wayland sponsored military to go after it before it reaches earth. Noomis character will die in the middle, but a woman hero (military) will take her place. We will not see the engineers planet until the third installment known as Paradise. The second is known under it's working name as "Prometheus: Hell on Earth""

Right off the bat, 20th Century Fox and Ridley Scott are remaining very tight-lipped about the sequel. Revealing the film's working title is not something Scott would do, especially to some no-name journalist. If Fox wanted to reveal the title, they would go to some big-name media outlet so it could get as much coverage as possible. Not to mention, early reports and even Fox's own marketing have suggested that the title will be something along the lines of Prometheus 2: Paradise, Prometheus: Paradise  or simply even ParadisePrometheus: Hell on Earth is NOT the working title for Proemtheus 2Day Herald, Master Herald, the whole bunch of spammy "news" aggregator sites promoting this claim didn't source us or the EW comment which it originated from and have since fooled a few other sites including TelegraphGizmodo and Latin Post into thinking this is a legitimate title for the upcoming sequel.

Prometheus 2 will NOT be set on Earth.

The second part to this gravy train of false plot information is the idea that Prometheus 2 will be set on Earth. No. If any of these outlets even watched Prometheus they would know that Shaw specifically says to David "I don't want to go back, I want to go where they came from" "I am still searching". She says in the film that she does not want to go back to Earth, but to explore new worlds and discover Paradise, the Engineer homeworld - in search for the answers she was denied in the first film. How these outlets think Prometheus 2 would be set on Earth is also, beyond me. Perhaps a flashback scene or a cut-scene showing Weyland Industries on Earth, but even so, we learned that Weyland has stations spanning the Galaxy, there would be no reason to re-visit Earth.

Prometheus 2 will be set in space and on new worlds. Ridley Scott is not about backtracking and aims to expand this Universe, not settle it back on Earth. 

The closest bit of actual "plot leak" news we've had in the last year came to us last month, by someone claiming to have been in-the-know during Prometheus 2's early scripting process. Keeping in mind Prometheus 2 went through 15 re-writes and edits before it was finally completed, many elements could have changed. Despite the likelyhood of the plot elements we were sent being legitimate, we still promote them as nothing more than rumor until further confirmation of their legitimacy are brought forth. 

The websites promoting these claims are only doing so in order to gain a profit from your burning interest and desire to know more about this film. They don't care about providing you with actual news or updates, as long as you click their link, they're happy. The best thing we can do as fans is to keep ourselves educated on the real facts and not give these spammers what they want, by avoiding their articles. For actual news and updates on Prometheus 2, visit us here at


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Marko Vickers

MemberOvomorphMay-14-2015 9:28 PM

Thanks so much for this post. Im glad for the clarification as there was wayy too many shadoobee news out there.


MemberFacehuggerMay-15-2015 6:21 AM

Dont worry I tihnk most of us are aware of the trash splurged out on the internet. I can usually spot them even if I like to talk about them anyway for fun. Thankfully there are places we can check to see if its real - good to see this info - saves some work!

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphMay-15-2015 2:12 PM

Ha. I have to admit I've looked at that Venture Capital website a couple times. The first time was enough, but It's almost a moth to the flame scenario. I've never seen such shamelessly ignorant blather in my life, whoever is writing that crap should be keelhauled. My bad for looking twice. 

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