MemberPraetorianMar-08-2017 11:19 AM
the very beginning is so bladerunnerish

Necronom IV
MemberFacehuggerMar-08-2017 11:28 AM"How dangerous, is the acquirement of knowledge?" has me thinking about David...

David 7
MemberFacehuggerMar-08-2017 11:48 AMOh...sweet. The viral marketing is starting.

Inquisitor Fifield
MemberFacehuggerMar-08-2017 12:10 PMwhat is he saying?
kind of whispery and mumbling for a synthetic right?

MemberChestbursterMar-08-2017 12:56 PMAmericans and/or British people! What kind of accent does Fassbender use here? English is not my first language so I can't tell all the differences like you can (I know he's from Ireland but I'm not sure about this accent)

David 7
MemberFacehuggerMar-08-2017 1:11 PMHe is quoting from Mary Shelly's Frankenstein.

MemberNeomorphMar-08-2017 1:27 PMI'm stoked!

MemberNeomorphMar-08-2017 1:36 PMLearn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow...
-Mary Shelley (FRANKENSTEIN)

Inquisitor Fifield
MemberFacehuggerMar-08-2017 1:58 PMInterestingly Mary Shelleys Frankenstein carries the name
'the modern Prometheus' in the literary world

MemberOvomorphMar-08-2017 2:23 PMsounds like a synth canadian accent actually.

MemberOvomorphMar-08-2017 2:52 PMAll I hear is this: "Learn from me how dangerous the acquirement of knowledge is."
Reminds me of Prometheus and how "David" used the black substance in order to infect Holloway to satisfy his curiosity and gather information.

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerMar-08-2017 4:19 PMEveryone talks of David and the black goo.....it may be Walter who gets the black goo, just a feeling

MemberDeaconMar-08-2017 4:35 PMCertainly fits in with the theme of Forbidden Knowledge and Free-will....
I am not sure i like Fassbenders Walter Accent.. i think he will be annoying lol
Oh well at least we have David ;)

MemberOvomorphMar-08-2017 8:23 PMYeah Walter is the amoral one, does he sound more like Ash or Bishop than David?

MemberOvomorphMar-08-2017 10:31 PM@At BigDave,
LOL, I hear what you are saying. We have paid homage at the altar of Alien a few too many times.
BigDave I try my best not to not to commit the crime which is to criticize; however, I was willing to get past the CGI aliens. Psssst BigDave, looking both ways, or maybe breaking the fourth wall, with the looks from the cast from prologue: Last Supper! That exclamation is just for me, looks jussssst a bit like theater. However I digress.
The trailers are interesting. Did they really put a giant analogy camera on Daniels backpack. Is she the go pro-film-what the &^%#$!@!##$@@@!!!@@@!!!!! OOOOO BOYYYYYYYYYY *&^*%&^$^&%%$#$@$#@%$#%$^%$^%^&%&^ almost got it &%&%$$#$#@%$^%%$#@@%^&, for real BigDave? So in Prometheus we are to believe that David is using a neuronal linked machine that can distinguish individual synaptic reactions and transmit the data into a semi fuzzy hologram. Very interesting. So why does Daniels have a big untimely unconventional maybe digital camera. Are they programming us for vintage? I guess all the special effects people for drone work were working on another film. Oh well. Ahhh but I digress.
How have you been BigDave? I do not have too much time to stop by and read all the posts. Honestly I cannot wait to see the film. I like the back busting scene too much not to go into this with at least an open mind.
BigDave you call them as you see them what are your predictions for this film?

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphMar-09-2017 3:15 AMGoing off the new trailer with the giant black grass hoppers jumping from wall to wall, I think Ridley is going in the James Cameron route. So, it wouldn't surprise me if Walter turns out to be the new "good guy" model ala Bishop.

MemberPraetorianMar-09-2017 5:29 AM Hmm he sounds kinda sinister....in a robotic, measured way.

MemberOvomorphMar-09-2017 6:00 AM@Necronom 4
Ridley wanted a wall jumping Alien in the 79 movie but they didn't have the budget or means to do it so Cameron made it happen.
I'm guessing Ridley wants his crack at it now lol

MemberFacehuggerMar-09-2017 6:04 AMThere's a new Walter video on Twitter:

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphMar-09-2017 11:11 AM@ Harper;
Yes, I'm very aware that Ridley wanted the alien to move more like the aliens in Cameron's instalment. But thankfully, due to budget constraints, it didn't happen. I love the way the alien moves in the original; I love its elegance. I love the way it toys with the crew with a seemingly twisted agenda.
In the sequels it became a different beast all together in my opinion. It became more animalistic and less elegant.

MemberDeaconMar-09-2017 2:55 PMIndeed Blueant
Walter just seems a bit too Monotone and seems to be coming across like talking to a Sat Nav System Voice, which would not be bad if accent was better.
Reminds me of this KITT Sat Nav and this Stephen Hawkings with a hint of Irish lol

MemberDeaconMar-09-2017 2:56 PMAs far as whats going on.... thats gonna be a big post lol
I have One or Two Ideas....