MemberPraetorianNov-30-2016 10:35 AMHAPPY BIRTHDAY SIR RIDLEY SCOTT!!!!!!

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphNov-30-2016 10:58 AMRidley,heroic son,I wish you happy birthday.

AdminEngineerNov-30-2016 11:25 AMJust saw this now, was at the gym and sadly without wi-fi. Thanks for posting this up Rick!
Happy birthday to Ridley Scott!!!

MemberXenomorphNov-30-2016 11:28 AMHappy Birthday!
Awesome pic! More Space Jockey!!

David 7
MemberFacehuggerNov-30-2016 11:32 AMHappy Birthday to Sir Scott and for a birthday present, give us a trailer!

MemberFacehuggerNov-30-2016 11:42 AMVery Happy Birthday Ridley Scott.
Btw, That is a very intriguing shot of the space jockey in the background.

David 7
MemberFacehuggerNov-30-2016 11:44 AMIt is tilted as if the ship landed harshly and the camera man at the tope right is looking toward Scott with camera, so the shot and actors must be near him. Pretty cool!

MemberXenomorphNov-30-2016 11:46 AMHey CP Thanks Buddy !
Now does it look like an Engineer on the left is coming around from the back of the chair and someone hiding on this side of the chair to the left of the base?

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphNov-30-2016 11:59 AMLet the analysing begin.
Look like somebody is on the left behind the chair,but that infront of the chair on the floor looks like David's body without his head I suppose?Idk

And in this image that someone posted in gallery along with other leaked photos

Could this be a flashback scene or a scene when David and Shaw were leaving LV-223?Idk,we will soon find out.

MemberXenomorphNov-30-2016 12:02 PMHey DN,
Thats exactly what I was thinking. Thanks for analyzing that photo.

David 7
MemberFacehuggerNov-30-2016 12:03 PMThat is the camera man kneeling down with the camera, looking toward Scott. There is a man standing over the right shoulder of the camera man and that could be Fassbender who could be possibly walking into the scene as Scott is giving him direction. Or it could just be the Assistant to the Camera guy.

Something Real
MemberTrilobiteNov-30-2016 12:51 PMHAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sir Scott! :)

MemberTrilobiteNov-30-2016 1:35 PMHappy Birthday Ridley Scott,
I'm gonna be called out for saying this but this, to me, looks like an unseen BTS shot from the set of Prometheus and not Alien: Covenant.

MemberFacehuggerNov-30-2016 2:16 PMHappy Birthday Mr. Scott, and thank you for everything!

MemberOvomorphNov-30-2016 2:24 PMHi. 'Ridders' must be delighted he gets to play in his own sandbox and make whatever movie he choses to make. Given that photo is a replica of some taken from Prometheus, it looks like Prometheus was his way of getting back into the swing of things. Perhaps Covenant is the movie he wanted to make in the first instance, and he needed to just exercise his ideas. Either way, in the same sense that The Phantom Menace would not have been made if George Lucas had not been the driving force, the same could be said that no-one other than Ridley Scott would have produced Prometheus. Great photo though, can't wait! :-)

MemberOvomorphNov-30-2016 7:07 PMHappy birthday to Sir Ridley Scott.
fascinating photo.

MemberPraetorianDec-01-2016 1:05 AMI'm a day late...sorry Sir Ridley, belated happy birthday wishes to my favourite director!
Cannot wait for COVENANT!

MemberOvomorphDec-01-2016 2:04 AMHappy Birthday, sir Ridley Scott!:)
And this is not that big of a surprise, of course there would be a Jockey in this film, now it's just confirmed:)

Movie fan
MemberFacehuggerDec-01-2016 4:32 AMGood I like the space Jockey. :)

Deep Space
MemberFacehuggerDec-01-2016 6:05 AM A day late also but Happy Birthday Mr Scott :) thanks for all the fun!
I'm going to paste what I put in another thread on this topic here:
OK full on mega geek mode ;) - what can this image tell us? Not much but . . .
I would wager this is the ship David and Elizabeth travelled to Paradise on. The 'pilot light', if you will, is on so this shot could be after landing or prior to a take off - the latter being quite an interesting thing to note . . .
This probably wont be a 'biggy' in AC but I am still curious to know who piloted the ship from LV223 to Paradise, perhaps this shows we may get some clues after all!?
If it's not the former then it suggests we will may see at least one more Juggernaught/Engineer in AC. This could tie in with an escape and lead to the next sequel/prequel?

MemberPraetorianDec-01-2016 11:37 AMBatchpool, good to see you! :)

MemberOvomorphDec-01-2016 6:54 PMWhat I see is David facing away from us, head bowed down and his right arm folded behind his back. The bald figure is an Engineer. He is on his knees bowing to the engineer.

MemberXenomorphDec-02-2016 5:58 AMSnorkelbottom,
Yep, you're got called on it. You know we're going to see the inside of the Grand Theft Juggernaut in AC probably as a flash back showing how David got stranded on "Nightmaradise".

MemberDeaconDec-02-2016 2:24 PMIts a interesting image... but its not very detailed so its hard to work out what is going one... We can pretty much assume for sure that the one is a Engineer.
The other object well i thought it was a Space Jockey Helmet but after zooming in more, its ontop of a object that looks a bit square and out of place as far as the Juggernaughts Layout.
And so it could be a Humanoid that the Engineer is near, and maybe a Humanoid in a crouched position.
David? Another member of the Covenant Crew?
or someone who is part of the Production Team as far as lighting/camera duty?
Trying to work out where the Engineers Eyes would be and direction if they was looking straight then the Engineer would be looking past this object/person and not at it as if it was someone right in front...
So who knows....
I think if we assume its from Alien Covenant and not a Shot from behind the Scenes of Prometheus then it does raise a few possibilities.
1) Flash Back Scene of a Juggernaught and Engineer, be it from LV-223 outbreak... either prior or before.
2) Flash Back Scene related to going to/from Paradise and if so what awaits or what is left in their wake.
3)A Direct Timeline Scene.... which would maybe mean.
a) Another Engineer leaving or shown on board a Ship that has departed LV-223 after David and Shaw left.
b) Another Engineer arriving at Paradise after David/Shaw or the Covenant crew have arrived and their antics make this Engineer aware.
c) As above but maybe a Ship located on a different part of Paradise, disturbed or awakened by David/Shaw or the Covenants presence.
d) Another Engineer on board the Ship David/Shaw had taken who was left to sleep but has now awoken.
Looking at the other scenes and Engineer Culture and the Scene of Disaster, i am wondering while the other Scenes are maybe Flash Backs.... if this shot of the Juggernaught and Engineer are from Covenant... i am thinking this is a Event that happened post David/Shaw arrival.

MemberDeaconDec-02-2016 2:25 PMOh.. forgot...
Happy Belated Birthday for Ridley Scott

MemberOvomorphDec-06-2016 6:05 AMHappy birthday Sir. Scott.