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MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 12:34 PMGood grief, there have been more news drops today then there have been in the past month and a half combined.

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-20-2016 12:37 PMI love the look on her face.
And its the same room as in this photo I think.

I just wonder what happens next.

MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 12:39 PMMaybe Ridley played a little trick on her (like he does occasionally to get a "natural" reaction from an actor). The two of them smiling could be just after he played the trick. :-)

MemberPraetorianDec-20-2016 12:40 PMo_O

David 7
MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 12:43 PMGroovy! This is the marketing week for sure. Keep an eye out for the update of the Weyland Yutani site as the viral marketing should begin as well.

MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 12:47 PMI go on the Weyland Industries site (from 'Prometheus' marketing campaign) multiple times a day, but nothing so far. I wonder if they will even use it to help market 'Alien: Covenant'.

David 7
MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 12:54 PMI think they will. They have mentioned that Franco shot some videos for the viral marketing. I would imagine in a month, or weeks they might update that site. They still have it which says a lot but we shall see.

Something Real
MemberTrilobiteDec-20-2016 12:54 PMHmm...I have a feeling she is seeing eggs - or bodies...

MemberChestbursterDec-20-2016 1:00 PMRidley really likes his strong female heroes doesn't he?
Wouldn't be surprised if Daniels ends up as the sole survivor.......again
That being said she does look smoking hot in that picture XD and I'm sure she won't say cringeworthy lines like "because I choose to believe", "I love rocks!!!" or "father"

MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 1:02 PMWhatever it is that she seems to have come across, it was'nt with the aid of a movement sensor by the looks of it.

MemberChestbursterDec-20-2016 1:10 PMI'm guessing the picture is from later in the film where all or most crewmembers have been killed by one or several morphs, and she alone or with the remaining survivors are living up to the teaser poster's tagline RUN.
Guess I'm gonna need new pants after this film.

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-20-2016 1:22 PMLooks like this will actually come in handy when watching this movie.

MemberChestbursterDec-20-2016 1:32 PMPerfect, now all I need is a macho alpha-male voice changer to suppress my girly screaming when watching AC, and I'm all set.

MemberDeaconDec-20-2016 1:47 PM"Ridley really likes his strong female heroes doesn't he?

Hey Mrs Bass would be cheap to hire and who said you cant have Female Sacrificial Engineers

xeno murphy da 3rd
MemberOvomorphDec-20-2016 1:50 PMGuys, lets not forget alien 5, remember how the betty landed on earth at the end of resurrection? Who knows what else was on that ship when they landed, i really hope SW will lead im alien 5 #alien5

MemberChestbursterDec-20-2016 1:59 PMHaha Dave that looks like a female Dolph Lundgren!
But my point is that we've seen this "only surviving female warrior" code twice already.
Ripley, sole survivor of the Nostromo
Shaw, sole..ok not really but sole human survivor of the Prometheus expedition.
Will Daniels also be the sole survivor of AC? I hope not because it would be a little ridiculous but not necessarily bad for the film itself.

MemberDeaconDec-20-2016 2:16 PMFully Agree Neomorph, but i think its likely she would now play the female lead for the next few movies and essentially be our new Franchise Ripley... But they dont have to be related like Star Wars and how Prequels where Anakins Story and Original Trilogy his off springs... i hope we dont get this being the same but Ridley did mention Star Wars as a Franchise as far as how potentially they could do with Alien.
So if Alien Franchise was Ripleys Story, i would not be surprised if they make Alien Prequels her daughters... because they may think it makes money.

A L I E N 4 2 6
MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 3:54 PMYou mean her mother's? Since it come before the originals lol

David 7
MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 4:14 PMI got word from a friend who works with the theaters and according to her the AC trailer is attached with Assains Creed or so she says.

MemberDeaconDec-20-2016 5:35 PMLOL..... Yeah sorry thats what i meant ALIEN 426
Actually my Prometheus 2 draft that i canceled work on had Ripley connection in it..
Nut Shell Mrs Weaver would appear in a cameo with Shaw, and another female in Flash Back... of her alive while Shaw is at her Funeral... not Ripley though... its a relative, Ripleys Great Granmother to be exact lol and the Person who took care of Shaw once her Mother and Father Died...
The other girl a cousin of Shaw who (also thinking Auntie) who is Pregnant.... and She tells Shaw at the Funeral she knows the name of her Daughter to be... i am going to name her Ellen after Grandma.... there 2nd name is not Ripley..
Thats Shaws Cousins (or young auntie) soon to be husband's surname Corporal Ripley (Marine) who are due to Marry when he gets back.
This was a set of flash backs to tease, the importance of death and birth of new life, within Shaws Beliefs.. where in this memory she is shown saying she will meet her Grandmother again in the other life.
So we have them at Funeral, and as they talk about their Grandmother who is in the Coffin, they have flash back memory where Shaws Grandmother (Ripleys Great Grandmother) is in a kitchen and giving Shaw some Juice and Sandwiches lol.
Just a little cameo nod...

MemberOvomorphDec-20-2016 8:52 PMWhich one survive at the end of AC,Shaw or Daniel?

MemberOvomorphDec-20-2016 10:10 PMLong time lurker...So excited for this, I feel like there's going to be a little bit of something for everyone. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all your theories so thanks!

AdminEngineerDec-21-2016 12:16 PMWelcome to the site!

MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 11:17 PMDoes anyone here really believe the whole "Ripley" spoiler? This image of course dredges that early rumor up once more. Somehow I can't believe Scott's connection would be so dramatic between the films - there really isn't a reason to have any lineage present.