MemberNeomorphJul-20-2022 1:52 PMAlien comic-books is what the episode is about. They interview one of the alien-fans about the Alien-comics and his journey to it.
Alien Labyrinth gets mentioned, I don't read a lot of comics, but I've heard of Alien Labyrinth. Alien: Genocide gets discussed, and why not? It has some interesting things, maybe they can be used in future movies?
Maybe ideas from the alien-prequels can be used in the expanded universe, which in turn can be used for future alien-movies.
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MemberPraetorianJul-20-2022 2:38 PMHey I keep mentioning the alien comics on here but its not until the xenomorph podcast for people to take notice... sigh
MemberNeomorphJul-27-2022 3:45 AMNot to diminish what you're saying, but think about it. Isn't it easier for people to trust a dedicated podcast about things, rather than some random dude that they don't know that writes at a message board? Hopefully they do research that makes sense about topics.
I'm just a random guy, so I expect people to listen more to a podcast of fans than me just writing here. Eventually that situation applies to you also most likely. To me it makes sense, so don't feel too down about it.
MemberPraetorianJul-27-2022 4:55 AMI mean sure I didn't talk about Aliens Labyrinth nor Aliens Genocide yet, both are create stories and wished they had a movie adaptation to them. I was primarily focusing on the original comic trilogy, Outbreak, Nightmare Asylum, and Female War which leads (in a small way) to Labyrinth and Genocide