My 3D ALIEN Project

MemberOvomorphMar-15-2022 6:35 PMA few weeks ago I posted about an art project I was working on for my 3D class (at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg; Austria).
Here is the finished Project. It's not perfect, but I like it!
Hope you enjoy it too :)
The requirements where to build a whole scene with proper lighting and camera angles.
My focus laid on the cinematographic side (Scene building, Camera Settings, lighting and rendering).
Original images where rendered in 8K resolution with high sample count and 10bit color depth.
If the images get to much compressed by the website please let me know and I will send you the full quality pictures directly :)
If you are interested in my other art you can check it out at Artstation, Adobe and my new Instagram Artist account. Your thoughts on my art mean a lot to me!
Software used:
Blender (everything you see was directly rendered inside Blender), Photoshop (minor adjustments)
Egg model + texture by Julio César
Space Suit: From the game "Alien Isolation" by 20th century FOX

MemberDeaconMar-17-2022 5:40 AMEXCELLENT.....
Thats VERY ACCURATE to what we saw in ALIEN.
I think i will PICK your BRAINS as FAR as to HOW you Envision the Cargo Hold as you must have Studied and Researched it a lot. In Regards to WHERE/HOW it is Located Under the Pilot Room ;)
I see it as SIMILAR to Above (could maybe even CURVE more Further into the Arms of the Ship?).
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconMar-17-2022 6:36 AMCrashed my Computer trying to Import ONE of you Images to TRY and Work Out the Scale you have Drawn ;) your Image was 7680 x 3950 which was TOO MUCH for my 15 Year Old PC and my Software from 1999 (Paint Shop Pro 6).
When it eventually Calmed Down i Shrunk it to 20% lol... then i have Estimated that you have Estimated the Inner Cargo Hold to be 70-80ft Ball Park in Height
So then i MADE this...
It shows that the Cargo Hold is Actually NOT that FAR OFF from Fitting... a Debate that Many Claim there is NO WAY due to the SIZE of the Cargo Hold.... i Estimate the Derelict Needed to be 25% Larger.
I dont mean this to DE-RAIL your Topic... just had a Question to WHAT was the Size of the Cargo Hold in Height that you Worked with for you Project i Estimate about 75ft give or take +/1 5ft
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianMar-18-2022 12:05 PMThis reminds me to work on my AVPU comic

MemberOvomorphMar-22-2022 2:56 PMBig Dave you are right! I researched a little bit how I will design it! I watched the movie scene (like 20 times) and estimated from there how big it will be :) but you are right it got a little bit too big :)
Haha damn sry that it crashed your PC :o I like this resolution and quality. It's possible to zoom in and see more details :)

MemberDeaconMar-23-2022 8:25 AMYeah lol the Crash Part is just because my PC is 15 Years Old and only has 2GB RAM lol
When i did a Estimate and Calculations a few Years back i came to a 85-90ft Height for the Cargo Hold. If i Recall when looking where the Cargo Hold/Pilot Chamber would be Fitted the Derelict lacked about 20-25ft in Height to FIT the BOTH inside...
But your work is VERY Accurate.... its a Shame we NEVER got like a HAINES like Manual for the Ships in the Franchise it would be GREAT to see someone do a Complete Schematic of the Derelict.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphJun-03-2022 2:53 AMI can send you and everyone interested the full resolution of these renders. Just message so I don't forget it :)