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AdminEngineerApr-10-2021 3:39 PM

With Aliens: Fireteam and a new Alien TV series in development for FX, I figured it was time to give this place a facelift. I've also been working on a number of updates across the network - most recently Scified and the fansite! If you've been browsing those 2 sites lately you will have noticed these changes already, but for those who stick to these boards, let me go over what's new, what's changed and what's to come! The entire focus of this update was to improve usability of the forums  and drive more activity to topics.

#1 - New Logo!

I have created a new site logo, in the same vein as the one I created for This new Alien fansite logo is simple, featuring a Xenomorph silhouette with the iconic ALIEN title text overlapping it. Below that contains our domain name. Short, simple, sweet. Since this site will be tailoring more heavily to the new game and upcoming TV series, the focus has shifted from Covenant and the logo is a reflection of that.

Alien: Covenant

#2 - ALL Alien / Prometheus Forums are now hosted locally!

Who here remember the good ol' days of I sure do. Since the site's inception I've toyed around with a vairety of different settings and setups for the Scified network to find ways to make the communities easier to access and use. Although Scified still hosts all the forums under the "Boards" button at the top, previous to this update - only Alien: Covenant forum topics were shown and accessible here on this domain. If you wanted to browse older Prometheus discussions or general Alien topics, you would be taken to the Scified forum layout - on the Scified domain. Given that we have an issue on some browsers currently regarding session sharing (staying logged in), I have localized all the Alien forums and subforums on this domain as well! So - you can access and post to them on either or

#3 - ALL Alien forums are now shown in a horizonatl scroll-able list at the top of every page!

To easily access any forum at any time, simply scroll to the top of any page and scroll through the available forums! This update was to help make interacting with the community much easier.

#4 - SCIFIED Nav Bar

The new Scified Nav Bar which is located at the very top of each page acts as your link to our network. Clicking the Scified logo will take you to Scified and the buttons across the top link to main pages across Scified for the content you might want to find. You also log in, contribute and can find links to edit your profile via the top right Profile icon (top right) of this new Nav Bar.

#5 - Trending Network News!

I have removed the redundant "Trending News" block on the left bar (desktop) and replaced it with the Network-wide Trending Articles carousel, so no matter which domain you're on across our network, you will be able to see what's trending! It's a small, non-intrusive block of space, so as not to interfere with the overall theme of the site if say, the trending articles don't necessarily relate to Alien at a given time.

#6 - SEARCH!!!

I have finally fixed the re-launched the SEARCH feature! Now, you can either access the Search Tool via the Explore button (Beside Scified logo) in the top NAV Bar, or by the Right Sidebar (desktop) and ALSO on individual Forum Pages - to encourage existing topic look ups to prevent double posts. The search function will search movie pages, blogs, news articles and up to 150 recent forum topics at a time for whatever you search! The search results are displayed on, however searching for "ALIEN" let's say, if you click a forum topic in the search results on Scified, you will be redirected to the topic hosted here! So as to not lose your login session here if this is where you're active.

#7 - Network Links

I have added another horizontal list to the bottom of every page, allowing you to quickly jump from one hosted community to another.

I have a lot more features on the way and will be rolling them out very soon. I will also be applying the new updates seen here to the rest of our hosted community sites as well. As always if you have any questions of feedback, feel free to share them below! I'm very excited for the future of ALIEN and Ilook forward to discussing the new game and TV series with you all over the next year!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
5 Replies


MemberFacehuggerApr-10-2021 4:17 PM

Awesome stuff! I've got to say Chrome and Firefox are troubling to log on with tonight.  I finally got on using Edge.

Here's some rumours I found (BEFORE April the 1st!)


Shame this bozo mook from has to dump on Prometheus & Covenant, I think they both get better with age.  I just now rewatched Covenant on UK channel 4 and I had forgotten some of the details, it was frankly, fcuking AWESOME!


MemberFacehuggerApr-10-2021 4:41 PM

Maybe it's just MS Edge, but where is the start a new topic button?


MemberFacehuggerApr-10-2021 4:53 PM

I swear I only just noticed the biggest engineer head so far and I lightened it up here.... It's like Mount Rushmore for the engineers!

Roger G

MemberFacehuggerApr-13-2021 6:54 PM

Good Job. changes and improvements are always welcome, the best site deserves the best.


MemberNeomorphMay-24-2021 3:48 AM

Thanks Chris, I hope that this will draw old members back to this place, at least some of them. You already have a member that has commented on here that hasn't been active for a long time. Hopefully we will see old members get back here.

The Engineer head is interesting, makes me wonder why they built that. Maybe its a tribute to the elder engineers in some way? Not sure what the purpose would be but maybe there is one.

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This website provides the latest information, news, rumors and scoops on the Alien: Romulus movie and Alien TV series for FX! Get the latest news on the Alien prequels, sequels, spin-offs and more. Alien movie, game and TV series news is provided and maintained by fans of the Alien film franchise. This site is not affiliated with 20th Century Studios, FX, Hulu, Disney or any of their respective owners.

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