Alien Movie Universe


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MemberChestbursterNov-13-2020 6:10 PM



9 Replies


MemberTrilobiteNov-13-2020 6:55 PM


MemberTrilobiteNov-13-2020 7:05 PM

That is beautiful- and perhaps somewhat biographical in some sort of way if I may be bold. I would love to see you and BWW collaborate somehow since you both seem to be cut from the same cloth.

Thank you.


MemberChestbursterNov-13-2020 7:36 PM




MemberChestbursterNov-13-2020 8:23 PM



MemberTrilobiteNov-13-2020 10:00 PM

Reach out to her- nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The autobiographical elements seem obvious to me and I think it is why the story comes across so well. Sometimes good stories are sort of authors telling stories as part of dealing with personal things- GOOD HONEST writing!


MemberFacehuggerNov-13-2020 11:03 PM

"But somehow I did manage to find the time to write a new, three chapter fan fic."

It is great an all that you are doing your "thing." 

Could you also find some time help FIND BIGDAVE!!!

BIGDAVE has gone missing for weeks!!! and we are very concerned!

I know that came off a little harsh; but, I am being honest. I could careless about reading fiction right now. Every time I come here I come here because care deeply for the people that are here. I check in on this web page daily for any sign or clue as to his where abouts....and BigDave has just vanished and I am sickened by the very idea he may not come back or that something has happened to him and I AM UPSET!!!!! VERY UPSET!!!


MemberTrilobiteNov-17-2020 8:21 PM

Could you also find some time help FIND BIGDAVE!!!

If the means are available, we are all in. I don't know of any outside PMs and threads.



MemberTrilobiteNov-17-2020 8:21 PM

.duplicate post



MemberTrilobiteNov-18-2020 9:42 PM

We all miss a long time forum member, but it doesn't mean we go full stop either. People still have stories to tell and ideas to share and we should respect and even cherish that since we don't know if or when another member will go dark on coms.

Carry on, VivisectedEngineer !

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