THE RETURN - short Alien Covenant/Prometheus fan film

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphAug-30-2020 6:20 PMEpic short CGI film created by Reda Ifanguer, released back in 2018. It shows Engineers returning to Earth to wipe it clean.
Not sure if it was shared here before, but here it is.
Make sure to check out Reda Ifanguer's other work on his artstation:

MemberNeomorphAug-31-2020 3:05 AMIt's really well done for being fan made, impressive. The movie is very short but it gets the point across and it was also nice to see an Engineer again. Who knows, if we won't get a third prequel and get to know more about them then maybe we will get more fan made things with them in it? Getting those characters is one of the good things that the prequels have done so far so hopefully they won't be forgotten if they make another one or maybe they can be used in spin-offs.
Someone should show that one to Scott so he sees that here is still an interest among some people when it comes to the Engineers. One thing that I noticed was the contrast between the ship on the ground and the bird in the sky one minute into the movie. Even though the ship and the bird sequence was very short it was such a contrast so I was like "wow!". There are times when small moments in a movie get your attention, that was one of those.

MemberDeaconAug-31-2020 10:09 AMI think it was VERY WELL done....
What we do know is it appears the Engineers will NEVER return to Earth, Certainly NOT during 2105-2180
It would be NICE to see the Engineers again... and IF those tasked with Introducing them USE their Brains then you CAN have a Movie about them that does-not Contradict the Franchise.
The Year is 2190 and Finally a W-Y Mission to Investigate Kepler 452b has arrived.
This World some 1400LY from Earth could show Signs of a Human Settlement....
This Settlement could either...
*Be Long Gone but have Ruins where we have Evidence of Humans, and Engineers.... but what Caused its Downfall?
*Could have some Survivors from such a Event above!
*Could be Completely intact.... upon the Arrival of a Human Ship.
This kind of PLOT can Introduce us to the Engineers again.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017