MemberFacehuggerJul-29-2020 1:19 PMhttps://www.ibc.org/trends/behind-the-scenes-raised-by-wolves/6326.article
“This is not a continuation of the world building done with Alien in Prometheus and Covenant but I still feel this is in the same universe as those worlds,” says Emery, who was second unit photographer on The Matrix and Alien: Covenant, and cinematographer on The Wolverine. “Ridley is particularly interested in using androids as an analogue for the human race and questioning what happens if we elevate the humans who created the androids to the status of god.”
“No one has ever seen anything like this before,” - Ross Emery

MemberNeomorphSep-30-2020 4:09 AMSetaverde:
I hope that it's not how the Xeno was supposed to become bio-mechanical (infecting David) because that would be so lame even though I understand the idea. Unfortunately it could be possible that it's how Ridley would have done it if it would've been up to him. Giving the android an even bigger role would be stupid, if we look at RBW being a bit like the next prequel would've been partially. The guys in robes at 4:15 look like they could be like Engineers, like those wearing robes in Prometheus (cut scene). 4:15 is my favorite part of the whole clip, it looks very mysterious and therefore interesting. Actually the robe people remind me a bit of the emperor from Star Wars.
I have a somewhat dumb idea, what if the Engineers captured David, used their earlier version of the Xeno so they won't bother with his creation. Impregnated David with, it gets bio-mechanical and they mass-produce it. He could have a role but isn't the creator of the final monster. To me this seems better compared to what Alien Covenant suggested and also like a middle-finger to David. Maybe they use another metal for it to become that way, something that is only on some planets that they control. Like Janek said they wouldn't create that thing on their home-planet.

MemberPraetorianSep-30-2020 4:28 PMI really hope that they do not try linking The Alien into RBW.
I'm going to expand the short story I have in the works 'ORIGIN' and put it up to be read...then the Fandom can choose and decide what origin-point they prefer for The Alien from all the possibilities being thrown around.
That said, ORIGIN will be a unique view of it's start in the universe.

Roger G
MemberFacehuggerSep-30-2020 5:06 PM
MemberTrilobiteSep-30-2020 5:13 PMBlackwinter-witch RBW has obvious DNA of Prometheus and BR. I have only seen the 1st episode and will try to treat it as its own thing. After all, RS only wrote the first couple episodes I think. Just take it in as a good sci fi series.

MemberPraetorianSep-30-2020 5:23 PMRBW has enough raw potential to stand fully on it's own. I would like to see it be treated and handled/developed as it's own, unique and distinct universe rather than connecting to ALIEN, BR and such.
If they try connecting, I worry that it will impose limits on what they can do, and handicap their being able to fully use the potential this series has in abundance.

MemberTrilobiteSep-30-2020 5:38 PMIf they share the same universe, that could cause all kinds of canonical havoc and fan push back. "Gotta keep 'em separated."

Roger G
MemberFacehuggerSep-30-2020 5:38 PM
MemberFacehuggerOct-03-2020 10:12 PM‘Raised by Wolves’: Ridley Scott Explains That Monstrous Finale
Scott, who created the look of the HBO Max sci-fi thriller, and the showrunner Aaron Guzikowski discuss the Season 1 finale and also address criticism leveled at the show.

MemberFacehuggerOct-07-2020 7:25 PMConversations at Home with RAISED BY WOLVES
...and a souvenir

MemberFacehuggerOct-08-2020 6:02 PMRaised by wolves is a sort of an adaptation of Prometheus 2: Paradise Lost.

MemberFacehuggerOct-14-2020 7:52 PM
"Now that you’ve watched the first season of the HBO Max series Raised by Wolves, I’m sure you have a lot of questions. Like what exactly is Mother’s baby? Why did everyone want to go to Kepler-22b? What is up with that pentagonal temple? Why hasn’t Campion been affected by the radioactive food? What exactly are the visions everyone keeps seeing? What’s going on with the creatures that are devolving? How did the ship survive going through the middle of the planet? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The fact is, Raised by Wolves Season 1 was loaded with WTF moments and tons of intriguing mysteries, which made for a thrilling ride.
Image via HBO Max
Thankfully, shortly after watching the finale, I landed an extended interview with creator and showrunner Aaron Guzikowski where no question was off limits."

MemberFacehuggerOct-24-2021 12:38 PMRaised by wolves Second season teaser

MemberDeaconOct-25-2021 4:45 AMI still have been Unable to watch the First Season in the UK yet.
Could NOT get the Teaser to work but then my OS is Very Outdated ;)
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberFacehuggerDec-04-2021 6:21 AMOMG
“Raised By Wolves” – Second Season of Ridley Scott-Produced HBO Max Series Teaser

MemberPraetorianDec-14-2021 4:09 AMI can't wait until I can watch it on Amazon Prime

MemberPraetorianJan-14-2022 1:26 PMI really need to start watching Raised by Wolves

Cool Godzilla
MemberPraetorianOct-13-2022 11:54 PMOne question, Is this movie related to Alien or not?

Cool Godzilla
MemberPraetorianOct-13-2022 11:55 PMThis forum is filled with members, I am shocked to see over 20k people viewed this!

MemberPraetorianOct-14-2022 12:40 AMCool Godzilla
Its Alien inspired since Raised by Wolves is directed/produced by Ridley Scott

Cool Godzilla
MemberPraetorianOct-14-2022 8:52 PMOh OK, so...let me guess, Ridley Scott is the director of Alien.

MemberPraetorianOct-14-2022 10:54 PMCool Godzilla
Yep, the 1979 original and its prequels Prometheus and Alien Covenant

Cool Godzilla
MemberPraetorianOct-17-2022 11:19 PMOkay. :Z

MemberFacehuggerDec-22-2022 11:39 AMRaised by Wolves season 2 ending explained, by a fan of Prometheus.
Turning Davids INTO Walters.

MemberFacehuggerDec-22-2022 3:35 PMRaised by Wolves: the Romulus theory.
What does it mean "Rome" for David?