4 simple ways to fix the Progenitor David issue!

MemberTrilobiteSep-27-2019 10:36 PMPrometheus may have had its flaws but its narrative was ambiguous enough that it could be explored in a plethora of ways. Unfortunately because of Ridley Scott's and Fox's desire to appease the knee jerk reactions of social media critics we got Alien: Covenant, and within it the most controversial and divisive idea imaginable; that David created the Alien.
This idea has in one single swipe fundamentally stripped the entire franchise of its mystery, of its essence. For me, Alien was synonymous with Lovecraftian terror; the Alien is an embodiment of the cold, dark, unforgiving, and unknown emptiness of space. Having David, who was created by man, be the progenitor of the Alien makes the Alien indirectly our own creation, which in relation to the franchise makes mankind the center of the universe. This is further compounded by having the only other alien race be that of our "alleged" creators the Engineers, who for all intents and purposes are ubermensch, and therefore might as well as have come from Krypton.
I'm sure there are some that will argue that what has been done has been done and we should all just accept that our childhoods have been irreparably ruined, and there will be those that may argue the benefits and advantages of having the Alien, by extension, being our own creation. I, however, choose to believe that there is salvation and that either in Alien: Awakening or in another future Alien movie it is possible to undo the damage that Alien: Covenant has wrought. And I believe this is possible through one of the following or similar scenes...
In supplemental material to Prometheus it states that before the Prometheus mission was launched toward LV-223 that Weyland Corp had intercepted the S.O.S./Warning signal being transmitted from LV-426. This clearly discredits Davids claim as the Aliens creator, but to be considered canon this would need to be shown on screen. One simple way could be an expositional scene set before or during the Prometheus' flight in which someone looks at a star chart and we are shown LV-426 and some visualization of the signal.
Planet 4
In Alien: Covenant Walter corrects David stating that Ozymandias was written by (Percy) Shelley not (Lord) Byron as David had previously asserted, bringing to light not only the error of Davids previous assertion but also the possibility that David is not as infallible as he presumes to be. This is compounded by promotional material for Prometheus (the David 8 Commercial) in which David's "love" for Elizabeth Shaw is revealed to be merely an emulation, and therefore invalid. David claims he loved Shaw, but did not (as he is incapable). He lied. Therefore it is possible that he also lied about creating the Alien. This lie could be revealed by showing Davids work to reverse engineer a specimen he discovered, or by showing where he discovered the specimen itself.
A slightly more interesting concept could be that with Walter having made clear the error of his assertions that David may have an existential crisis, during which he reveals his lies. David is an emulation, a soulless copy. He cannot love, nor create. But the idea that he can love and hate, that he can create and destroy has been seeded within him either by belief or instruction, and naively, or because he is programmed to David believes these to be true. In realizing his true nature as an empty imitation, it is possible that David may just simply admit his deception.
The Space Jockey
IMO this would be the boldest, and therefore the best way to reveal Davids lie - by simply showing the fate of the Space Jockey. We could see the Earth 2000 years ago. Maybe some Romans in Jerusalem as a shooting star passes overhead. A shooting star revealed to be a Juggernaut within which we see its pilot, preferably NOT an Engineer falling victim to one of the cargo of Facehuggers within its lower decks. We then see the Juggernaut settle on LV-426 and its pilot transmit its warning before succumbing to the Chestburster within.

MemberDeaconOct-07-2019 4:28 PMHopefully i never came across as Harsh or too Opinionated in my Previous Post, i apologize i had done.
I think the David as a Creator makes Sense on One Hand as it Fits the Themes at Play, but it Totally Removes everything that was ALIEN about the Xenomorph and having David create something a little Different would have FITTED with the Reasons for having him Apparently being the Creator, so having him as the Creator was Unnecessary.
There are more Problems than just that, in regards to what effected the route we are going, it seems that the HR Giger Estate was not a Fan of using a lot of HR Giger Aesthetic and so that was Toned Down even Further...
There was NOTHING that stood out as Bio-Mechanical as in the HR Giger Aesthetic in Prometheus, the Horrors from the Black Goo were more Organic, the Ship being more Synthetic/Mechanical.
Likewise with Alien Covenant we only really had the Juggernaught and Docking Scorpion like Ship that had a loose HR Giger Aesthetic, the Organisms we saw lacked that HR Giger Bio-Mechanical Aesthetic that the Classic Xenomorph and Sill from Species had.
So when you look at the Xenomorph in Alien Covenant in part it looks like a Work in Progress... which Ridley Scott had referred to it as...
If we DONT want it to be that route, then its a case of do we just go to LV-426 and show there are Eggs that have been there for Thousands of Years (How do you Prove the Date). And then what of David and his Xenomorph and what went down on Planet 4? We just Ignore that?
We could Speculate that David just tried to make a Knock Off and Failed and Decided to go and Mix the Xenomorph and Neomorph and pass it off as the Fruits of his Labor?
In Hindsight had FOX not considered some Complaints about Prometheus, and Stood by what Ridley Scott had intended then we would NOT have been in this MESS.
They simply could have given Fans Xenomorphs in a Different way i could think of a Number of Ways to go and give Direct Clues and Answers that would NEVER had lead to Alien Covenant.
Alien Covenant in Part Happened because of HOW do you do a Sequel to Prometheus and Introduce the Xenomorph and then THROW in Human Characters... that would also have to be about where David and Dr Shaw go!
Maybe all we can do now is try and think of some kind of Damage Limitation rather than to Ignore what we seen so far.
There could be some LIGHT in all of this, if they decide to go for the Xenomorph being the Source of the GOO, but then the Goo is something else that makes little Sense, unless they go to show us the Sacrificial Scene is NOT the way they Create Life at all. Well i think that depends on Interpretation of the GOO.
I do have a FanBoys Pleasing Explanation that would Conflict the Sacrificial Scene leading to Mankind. I think some Fans would actually like that though if it RULED out the Engineers Created us.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberChestbursterOct-11-2019 4:36 AMBigDave
I actually think that the original Alien monster looked more organic, more real and alive than the xenomorphs in AC. I think it might have to do with CGI not being used at the time. It was a man in a suit and you saw very little of the monster, but when you did, it looked real: smooth motions, drooling jaws etc.
Giger's art is biomechanical, and the creature doesn't look real in his art, not living, but the creature in the movie does.

MemberDeaconOct-11-2019 7:33 AMI kind of Understand where your coming from, the Xenomorph in Alien was some kind of Organism more than a Machine, it was very ALIEN and it had that HR Giger Aesthestic that was brought to LIFE.
After the First ALIEN we saw these more Bio-Mechanical Aesthetic get Toned Down with each Movie, and with Alien Covenant the Xenomorph looks VERY Organic in Comparison.
The Classic Version seems to have what look like some Mechanical Elements to it, Pipes and the Like, its Exo-Skeleton looked like a Suit of Sorts.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphOct-11-2019 4:12 PM40,000 species of spider on Earth
...I'd imagine hundreds or thousands of xeno types?
David created type 1,536 out of 1,535.
So far Davids creation is a failure...killing less than 200 humans(and one dog)in 300 years....(More humans have died on Earth slipping on banana peels I'd imagine)

MemberChestbursterOct-12-2019 12:46 AMWell, there's not likely going to be an AC2 so whether David created the xeno-variant we see in Alien or not is open to debate (particularly since he is not the creator in the novelization).
I prefer the view that David has a screw loose, believing he has created this perfect organism. You could argue that the Deacon (on the mural) is more perfect. The Deacon born by the Engineer is fully developed, 4 extremities, (as is David's "creation") but the chestburster in Alien is not and seems very vulnerable. David's "creation" also runs on for legs and is, therefore, quicker and more lethal. The Deacon could have been a much deadlier predator - the perfect organism.
I prefer seeing the Space Jockey as old as Dallas says it is, and connected to the outbreak on LV-223.

MemberDeaconOct-12-2019 7:48 AM"(particularly since he is not the creator in the novelization)."
I think as discussed before its hard to say what is Canon, as this seemed to be ADF just adding something that was NEVER in the Drafts, the Drafts indicated more so that David was the Creator.
I will add that again for the RECORD... i too think the route that David as the Creator and the Space Jockey as being something that was on LV-426 for Less than 20 Years are TOTALLY the Wrong Path to take.
Until we have a Conclusion then things can be changed i just hope they offer a Explanation for what David had done instead. But it would likely NOT be touched on and become a Conflict and Considered a Oversight.
The chances of a Direct Sequel to Alien Covenant are SLIM, i think IF we get a Continuation then maybe it would be a AFTERMATH of what ever would have happened in a Alien Covenant 2.
However with DISNEY in Charge and how they seem to like things done, i do think there is a SLIM chance of offering a Continuation to Alien Covenant.... i would NOT be surprised if we get a Prequel Reboot.
Or a Movie that goes to LV-426 on the other side of the Moon to where Hadleys Hope is, and they Discover a Partially Buried Pyramid and when they go there, they Discover a Queen and Ancient Eggs and then show some Derelict Type Ships in Hangers with Egg Cargo ready to go, but their Pilots did not manage to Leave the Place.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberChestbursterOct-13-2019 2:30 AMA return to LV-426 would be interesting. They dig up the Derelict and discover that the eggs are, in fact, in a cave under the Derelict (just as Kane says). This cave leads to something . . .

MemberFacehuggerOct-13-2019 6:19 AM@BigDave and @chli, I like the sound of that. There is so much that could be done with this universe that we haven't seen yet. Here, for example, is a thought...
The Engineer ships have triple 'vaginal' openings on the front. Why? Wouldn't it be nice to see some kind of ship that had a set of equivalent 'male' parts. It 'mates' with the Derelict for some mysterious purpose.

MemberDeaconOct-14-2019 7:03 AMI think maybe this would be WHAT some Fans would like, NOT every Fan but i am sure MOST would prefer something to SHOW that David is NOT the Creator of the Xenomorph.
There are some Conflicts with what the Prequels could have shown, as far as the WHOLE aspect of the Derelict and its Contents.
While there are some Aesthetic Differences between the Xenomorph and Ships, they are VERY SIMILAR the Franchise does-not give us any Indication of the Eggs Origins prior to the Prequels apart from that a Queen can lay them... but this does-not 100% Prove that they come from a Queen, or that this means 100% that David is not the Originator.
The Space Jockey also has some Differences but lets NOT get in to that ;)
The Main Conflicts really with the Prequels is for me, that REGARDLESS of the Eggs Origins, and WHAT the Space Jockey is... it DOES-NOT appear like that Ship had been there for Under 20 Years!
The other BIG Conflict from ALIEN is indeed the CARGO HOLD... which certainly would have to be HALF the size to FIT inside the Ship as Indicated.
So MAYBE a Visit to LV-426 and Reveal that the Eggs are Stored in Underground Silo's could be a way to Please a Majority of the Fans.. well Certainly at least 50% i would say.
Maybe the Engineers have Smaller Shuttle Ships like Dr Jerkoff's? That Dock via those Holes?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberFacehuggerOct-14-2019 10:40 AMHa ha. That would be Giger on Bling. Can't see Disney going for it, somehow!

MemberPraetorianNov-21-2019 11:20 AMBrainstorming at a fever pitch...
"This would be controversial but I propose for him to be also crucified on the cross first to offend even more people."
"The Engineer ships have triple 'vaginal' openings on the front. Why? Wouldn't it be nice to see some kind of ship that had a set of equivalent 'male' parts. It 'mates' with the Derelict for some mysterious purpose."
I love it...either recommendation might send Comicon factions into a civil war. Bring on a lot of weird Engineer technology. Crucify David if you want...it worked for Spartacus' legacy.
David resurrecting an ancient custom/weapon (the mutagen/xenomorph) isn't unreconcilable to what was seen in Alien in my opinion.
LV-426 seems to be pivotal to the story direction and a return to that planet would be great. And eventually David needs to be destroyed (his body).