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Another Look at AI/Human Dynamics
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MemberTrilobiteJul-17-2019 7:18 PM

For those whom like the AI/human tug of war, a neat little movie is on Netflix and although the trailer may look enticing and action packed, it may not be what is expected. It is not really action heavy but more about the back and forth of humanity and machine.

I am Mother


2 Replies


MemberDeaconJul-19-2019 7:41 AM

came across this Video on another Topic a Little while back...

I have NOT seen it yet as i dont have Netflix, but it seems to touch upon some interesting concepts.

I feel the Plot can be somewhat connected to The Covenant as in the posibility in Future to SEND out a Noah's Ark of sorts to Populate other Worlds with Humans, in which case Carrying Embryos would save on Space and having Androids Tasked with Populating those Embryos once they have arrived at their Destination and Set Up Camp.

Within context to I AM MOTHER... its also a possible Plot in the Future of our Species, the potential for mankind to Destroy itself is always there and so a BACK-UP plan would be required, and while SCI-FI you could actually envision something similar happening in the Very Distant Future.

The Advent of AI is Interesting because the Creation of Advanced AI could be our SAVIOR or our DOWNFALL.

Certainly we are all BORN Innocent and we are shaped by our Upbringing and information/knowledge and others who we interact with and situations we are involved with or witness.

Isolate some Children and Raise them with SET Rules and Upbringing and Potentially you could Raise a Civilized Peaceful Colony.  This in PART is the Noah Tale as he was deemed Pure and Loyal and Tasked with Starting Over  and so its interesting to Ponder if a AI would eventually see Mankind as Destroying itself and deem the NEED to Eradicate Us but to keep some Embryo's/Children to START OVER where they can be brought up in a Environment that does not become Corrupted by the Ways of Man.

With I AM MOTHER... it appears some Revelations come about and then MOTHER would surely NOT want to allow any Outside Influences to Corrupt what she is attempting to do.

so i think we could be seeing some of what I AM MOTHER is offering with Ridley Scotts upcoming Raised by Wolves.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberTrilobiteJul-19-2019 2:36 PM

BigDave You are pretty much on track with concepts explored in the movie. It also looks at the relationship of a Mother and Daughter- as the characters are named. It is written in a way that you can see each character's motivation and also how they conflict- but as the saying goes, Mother knows best.

I saw a rumor that a sequel might be called "I am not Father" :D

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