Sci-Fi Short Film Freight

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphMay-19-2019 4:08 PMStumbled across this short CG sci-fi film by Sava Zivkovic.
"A story of emotional weight one carries within, and the hardships when striving to rid oneself of it."
Embed video for some reason isn't working so here's a link to it.
For some reason, the environment and character design reminded me of Prometheus and Engineers (and all of the speculation we had for Prometheus 2).

MemberTrilobiteMay-19-2019 6:59 PMSaw that! Glad to see some one else got bitten by the Dust bug. Tons of great sci fi shorts with different categories. Omeletto is a pretty decent site too.

MemberDeaconMay-21-2019 4:20 AMSubscribed so i can check some of them out...
Seemed very well done for a Small Budget.
I did see a little of one of the Engineer Concepts in the Design of the Character. (cant find one i am on about, will try latter).
Edit Found it.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberNeomorphMay-21-2019 8:01 AMVisually it was good but if this was not mentioned then I would not have a clue what it was about.
"A story of emotional weight one carries within, and the hardships when striving to rid oneself of it."

MemberTrilobiteMay-21-2019 8:21 AMThe description definitely helped. Otherwise I thought it was a bit abstract and the end seemed Matrixy somehow. Another viewer said " That’s how I feel when I walk up to the TSA line with my luggage". Most shorts have descriptions.