6 Part Dossier

Docking Ship
MemberOvomorphDec-20-2018 12:41 PMThe second one is already up go to Alien Anthology instagram or avp.com!

AdminEngineerDec-21-2018 10:33 AM
Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-21-2018 12:04 PMIt's getting intense.

MemberDeaconDec-21-2018 9:09 PMThats quite interesting...
It seems to indicate the Company Aim to Perfect/Evolve and Experiment with the Xenomorph... to then purely use it as a Bio-Weapon
Bombing Worlds with Canisters that hold Xenomorphs.. but then who against and WHY
What Conflicts and Reasons would W-Y have for doing such is a VITAL part of what is going on, WHY would the company do such a thing?
The more we look at it.... the More a Secret Agenda by a Company ran by AI while Mankind is unaware seems to make more sense.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberNeomorphDec-27-2018 9:05 AMIt could be interesting if they avoid the idea that AI/robots/androids are running the company. Having it centered around androids is partially what ruined AC.

MemberDeaconDec-28-2018 5:11 AMIf this is to be considered Canon...
It must mean that the Company Managed to obtain a Xenomorph after the Death of Ripley on Fury 161
If they are going for Canon, then we have viable options for how a Xenomorph could be recovered.
1) Derelict Remains... Assuming it is NOT Destroyed in 2179
2) Origae-6/Covenant Ship after David arrives with his Xenomorph Face Huggers and Experiments
3) Planet 4... after David has left for Origae-6 or where ever he ends up going.
4) LV-223.... assuming David/Engineers take Davids Xenomorphs there for Experimentation/Mass Production.
With 2, 3 and 4 we have to ask WHY pursue Ripley in Alien 3 and WHY bother with Hadleys Hope on LV-426.
5) LV-223..... using Davids Information on HOW he created his Xenomorph, the Company then can attempted to Re-Create the Process.
6) Anywhere in the GALAXY! if they go the route to show that Davids Xenomorphs are a Re-Creation/Evolution and not the Progenitor to the Xenomorph.
Whichever means the Company obtains the Xenomorph in this 6 Part Dossier, we have to accept that ALL Avenues for the Xenomorph are Eradicated by the time of Alien Resurrection leaving only Cloning Ripley as the ONLY avenue to obtain the Organism.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017