Alien: Covenant memes

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphMay-08-2018 2:16 PMThese are the memes I personally made and posted on some FB group. Now I will showcase them here.
Kylo owns Snoke
Oh no, not one of those annoying fuckers from Despicable me.
David and Walter- Fifty shades of grey
David's a pervert
Two Neos
Cut the crap and go the f*** to sleep.
David... I don't feel so good... Infinity war meme.
Being attracted to men who are good at drawing
Yummy (in addition to the previous Man VS Wild image)
I came in like a wrecking ball
Introducing Walter
Cuteness overload
And one GIF. Kung fu David vs Chicken
Got some AC memes? Lemme see them.

MemberTrilobiteMay-08-2018 2:47 PMVery nice memes! I have nothing original to offer, but there is this:

MemberDeaconMay-08-2018 4:35 PMGreat Work ;)
Sadly my Photo Editing Skills are well see for yourself...
I know that may offend some, so i apologize in Advance.
R.I.P Verne truly missed little Fella with a Larger than Life Personality.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphMay-10-2018 9:56 AM@BigDave and dk Nice ones!

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphMay-13-2018 10:02 AMOne of those fuckers from Despicable me movie kills Rosenthal

MemberNeomorphMay-14-2018 8:40 AMLMAO! Those are great, I do not have a specific favorite but I really laughed at the Chicken David and the monster at the toilet picture.
We got to keep this silly thread going. :D
Is there anyone else that has anything to contribute to this thread?

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphMay-14-2018 11:20 AMHere's my most recent image, related to Prometheus but it explains what happened to the Engineers on LV-223, from what they were actually running from.
He killed them, with a pencil. With a fucking pencil!!

Lawrence of Arabia
MemberChestbursterMay-14-2018 1:04 PMKudos on such great memes guys :)
"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphMay-21-2018 1:50 PM

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphMay-21-2018 1:53 PM@Ingeniero I'm surprised you made a video based on my image. *Thumbs up*

MemberPraetorianMay-21-2018 2:19 PMNot Covenant, but hey...
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

MemberDeaconMay-21-2018 2:40 PMLOL some good ones there ;)
Oh Lone... Maybe Harrison Ford could be the Space Jockey?
As he Certainly has Previous for Crashing Flying Objects!
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianMay-21-2018 3:20 PMHehe, good idea Dave! ;)
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger