David 8: The Visual Diaries

Lawrence of Arabia
MemberChestbursterApr-26-2018 10:04 AMThere will be a special art book released by Titan Publishing in honor of Alien Day from Dane Hallett and Matt Hatton. Who else is excited about this? It will have David's various drawings as well as his musings.
“We’re pretty excited to announce that yes finally there will be a book of David’s studies that Dane and I did for Alien: Covenant. Coming from Titan Publishing. It will be launched and we’ll be doing a signing at SDCC this year! Haven’t seen anything of the book yet but hopefully it will be something cool for all those fans (thank you) that asked for it!”
"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."

MemberPraetorianApr-26-2018 11:26 AMI'm excited Lawrence of Arabia. Hallett and Hatton did an amazing job on Alien: Covenant.

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphApr-29-2018 7:50 PMI'm excited about this, here's the book cover via Alien anthology twitter:

MemberDeaconApr-30-2018 9:01 AMLooks a Interesting Book, maybe a Must have for me ;)
I have Translated the Engineer at the bottom to Alphabetical.
I can make out CATAINJFUNEL or CATAIN?FUNEL where i am not 100% sure on the 8th Letter. Can anyone make sense of this?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphApr-30-2018 11:35 AMI'm no Proto-Indo European expert, but I also got CATAINJFUNEL.
The 8th letter is F
Whether this is an actual word written in PIE or just a button mash.
Those lines on the book cover are the actual lines that can be found in the hall of heads, carved on the ground (representing the galaxy?).
I knew there was something suspicious about it when I first saw that.
Reminded me of Romulan Senate.

MemberDeaconApr-30-2018 2:44 PM"CATAINJFUNEL or CATAIN?FUNE" I meant CATAINI?UNE
So indeed it seemed likely to be F but it does not quite match and so its more of a V than the similar shape in the Engineer Hieroglyphs.
The Problem with Engineer Writing is that on a lot of the works, as far as where it appears we cant make out where the Spaces are.
So the Cat had the Hat is (sothecathadthehat) but you imagine if English was not your first Language and you had to figure where the spaces between words are!
I think a lot of Engineer Writing Once you can Translate it to the English Alphabet... you have to then figure where the spaces are and then Translate the Words from Latin and Greek to get English.
So i think its a case of how many Spaces are between CATAINJFUNEL are we looking at CATAIN as first word? CATA... then.. INJ and once we figure out how this splits into words we then run them via Greek and Latin Translations to get what we want.
So in Reverse Order we take CURSE into Latin to get MALEDICTUM
and then we Translate that to Engineer. But Sometimes its Translated to Greek and so the Word would be ΚΑΤΑΡΑ
Thus the Engineer for CURSE would be either..
Thats how my Study worked it out... a lot depends IF it indeed is a case of the Engineer Alphabet = a Word that is either Latin or Greek (i think they mix and match it) then Translate the Greek/Latin to English and see if it makes sense..
They KEY is knowing where the Words are Spaced Out... because well
Would make no Sense to those who dont understand Greek and could not even guess the Spaces.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberFacehuggerJun-08-2018 9:32 AMVery interesting guys , I will take part of this for myself : D
Thanks Lawrence of Arabia for the article
"Au Revoir Shoshanna"

MemberDeaconJun-09-2018 5:23 PMI still cant make any sense... using the traditional way of translating to Latin/Greek...
If they are using the same system, and not knowing where any spaces are... i have came up with LIKE YOU ??? NET
None makes no sense really... not when looking at Davids Book
Maybe Provided is the closest WORD i think could be correct. This is for the words "cata" in Latin.
So its still a puzzle
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberNeomorphJun-10-2018 1:17 AMjust like the rest of the prequels this language thing is a bit all over the place. if this alphabet is accurate, is it meant to be a straight into English translation or is it another language (greek etc) but in English and so we have to translate it again. yet which language? did the engineers influence the greek language? did they come and see how far the greeks had come and thought that they were progressing just fine so they didn't have much influence at all? if this is the case then it may even be a much older language but surely Fox wouldn't make it that difficult for fans to translate.

MemberDeaconJun-11-2018 7:12 AMApparently some of it in Prometheus was just a jumble of the Engineer Alphabet but some of it you had to translate their alphabet and then when you get the WORD you then have to translate it to GREEK and also some Words to LATIN to get the meaning.
The Problem is knowing where the Spaces are.... WELCOMETOYOURDOOM "welcome to your doom" may be easy to make it if your English is Good, but if you dont know a word of English then you would struggle to make any sense of it because of now knowing where the Spaces are between each word.
THIS is the biggest Problem when Faced with trying to Translate Engineer....
Apparently however most of the writing in Alien Covenant actually has been thought out and Translated. But the Problem again is where do the Spaces Come?
Closest i have came is " provided on the net"
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017