MemberChestbursterMar-07-2018 8:12 AMAs some of you might have known already, the "competition" has posted 2 earlier scripts form august 2015 (https://www.avpgalaxy.net/2018/03/06/avp-galaxy-exclusive-early-john-logan-scripts-alien-covenant/). I respect those guys' work but they don't have neither BigDave nor Michelle, and other wonderfully insightful people, so I comment here.
What i found more interesting is the prologue script, it describes exactly what happens between Shaw and David (in short it is implied that they might have had sex and then he snaps her neck), but what I found remarkable the abilities of the Juggernaut, as it can generate running water, it grows some kind of wine which produces fruit, and some of its walls can become invisible.
It further explains that Shaw repairs David in April and that the robot's head was almost out of energy, so he would have been dead. So does this hold up with the actual prologue, with the talk of immortality?
The other is Covenant's script, but man, in it David is just a Bond villain, plain and simple with his goal being galactic domination. Humans are just primates (but he slept with one at least, so what is?) and the Engineer are freaks of nature, and the Xenomorph are his army.
The script also explains that David after the bombardment gets stranded on Planet 4 because of some kind of Engineer safe measure sprung after the accident. (So for 10 years you work on creating monsters not trying to disable the security measures - great way to show how you are smarter than the freaks. And guess what, the galactic conquest would be made using Engineer ships .. genius level indeed).
Also David say that the future is neither flash nor synthetic but biomechanic... (whatever David is the space jockey that means).

MemberDeaconMar-11-2018 11:21 PMCertainly a Good Find... Thanks.. and also Credit to http://www.avpgalaxy.net for coming across these drafts.
Going to Feature this... as its only right as you posted first ;)
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconMar-11-2018 11:25 PMThanks for finding them and posting them here too ;)
I am looking forwards to reading the Paradise Lost Draft some time latter on and i think this will give us a lot to debate... Thanks for the Share.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconMar-12-2018 4:28 PM"The other is Covenant's script, but man, in it David is just a Bond villain, plain and simple with his goal being galactic domination. Humans are just primates (but he slept with one at least, so what is?) and the Engineer are freaks of nature, and the Xenomorph are his army."
I will try and read it over the next 48 hours, had a quick look and indeed some of it seems very unimaginative not in some Plot Points but the way they are written... seems like more of a Comic Book kind of take... as opposed to the more thought provoking Prometheus and i guess Alien Covenant to a degree.
I think this draft seems to be more a closer relation to a Popcorn/Horror than any real Philosophical elements.. but i had better reserve judgement until i have read the whole thing and taken some time to do so.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconMar-12-2018 4:32 PMJust clicked the link... and also noticed it links to a November 2015 draft Alien Covenant November 2015
This could be one of the latter drafts prior to Shooting, so i will have to check this one out too and compare.
once again Kudos to https://www.avpgalaxy.net/
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianAug-11-2018 9:40 AMOne thing I noticed in this script that was similar to Alien: Covenant Origins is that Walter is emotional.
There are quite a few examples of it and I don't think it is an accident, below from the John Logan script:
In Alien: Covenant Origins, the last scientist to sign off on Walter was trying to ensure the new Walter was different to the old David model. I do not think it was successful. Walter may claim not to suffer emotions but he shows them in the writings.

MemberChestbursterAug-12-2018 12:30 AMIngeniero, however that could be only a matter of speaking. It simply states that the worse has happened, not that he actually fears anything.

MemberPraetorianNov-17-2019 1:28 PM"DAVID (CONT’D)
I thought you could talk to me. For a little while. About anything that pleases you really. I just want to hear a voice as a die. And if you could pretend... to be kind to me.
A BEAT as she resists."
David is pretty good with this pitiful angle used on Dr. Shaw ignorantGuy.