Raiken Sigma
MemberOvomorphDec-29-2017 7:26 AM
After the events of Prometheus, Doctor Elizabeth Shaw and the David-8 Android are heading toward the Engineer homeworld in one of the Engineer Juggernaut spacecraft. At this point my story picks off from the point of Juggernaut Spacecraft docking with the Engineer mothership, and thousands of Engineers below greeting the arrival of the ship, something they believe is a routine return of one of their seeder ships.
David and Shaw are met by a group of Engineers and after some carefully spoken words by David, Shaw is then granted a audience with the Engineer Elders. David however elects to stay behind at first as he is wary of exactly how the Engineers may react to him, judging from his first encounter with them on LV-223. Shaw agrees and heads on. The Elders are not suprised by Shaw's arrival and always expected that humans would seek them out one day (especally at the rate they were progressing with technology), although they explain to her that their people do not know about the human race in general.The Elders then ask Shaw how she came into the possession of one of their ships. Shaw then explains the fate of their Prometheus mission and the Elders hear her story as to what happended to her crew. The Engineers then explain to Shaw exactly what happened two thousand years prior and how their original mission to earth was thwarted.
The Engineers spent time teaching various ancient civilizations of Earth, specifically the Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations, The Elder's believed one of their race struck a Bond with the early humans, and grew to care for them over time, everytime the Engineers left they would create a formation of their ships in the earth's sky to try to embed into the human's akind of star-map of where they came from.
This one individual Engineer did not want to see the human race wiped out to the black goo pathogen and felt the human race should be given more of a chance to change and prgoress. He did not agree with the benefactor's plan to basically wipe the slate clean on humanity, so he sabataged the mission and released the black goo upon his comrades, infecting them all at a cellular level and spreading thorugh the facilities, until it eventually mutated resulting in some Engineers being impregnated, and then shortly after chestbusting morph-like creatures, although one single Engineer did manage to escape from the newly born morphic creatures, and locked himself inside his ship and into cryo-stasis, but he would oversleep by 2000 years.
These Xenomorphic creatures (similar to Deacons and Xenomorphs) chased down the dozens that had survived inside their bio-suits. The Engineer Sabetour then covered up his tracks by deleting his presseance from the holographic recordings, and any footage of the xenomorphic creatures and made his escape.
Shaw then begins to wonder if this may have been the tall figure pointing up to the sky to a configuration of stars, showing the smaller figures where his race came from; that was depicted in the cave mural she discovered on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Shaw then realizes that this particular Engineer was ultimately bengin and altruistic to mankind, and he did what he did as his only way of preventing something he did not agree with.
The Elders explain to Shaw that they understood the Engineer's compassion for humanity and they would leave Earth alone and never interfere again, which is why no other missions were sent there. But the engineers always hoped mankind would seek them out one day, once it had progressed enough.
cont - The lone Engineer escaped LV-426 but was himself infected and put his ship down on the nearby planetoid LV-426, a second site the Engineers used to house the original facehugger eggs they once discovered. The Elders explain to Shaw that while they did not agree with his actions, they understood the Engineer's compassion for humanity and honoured his wish; they would leave Earth alone and never interfere again, which is why no other missions were sent there. But the engineers always hoped mankind would seek them out one day, once it had progressed enough.
From this point my story finsihes and goes straight into the point in the movie where David, back on the Juggernaut unleashes the black goo urns upon the engineer populace wiping them all out. The Elders get wind of this and The Mothership makes a emergency manourver, breaking away from the Juggernaut sending it spining out of control. The Mothership moves away from the Citadel below and crashes a few miles out in the hills, while David manages to gain control of the Juggernaut, barely managing to land the giant ship in a stretch of forrest just outside of the main city.
David leaves the ship and retreives Shaw from the mothership, she is unconcious from the crash. He protects her (from the pathogen in the air) inside a bio-suit and puts her inside the engineer hypersleep chamber. Shaw would never gain conciousness again, but would be kept alive in a coma; while David would spend the next few years using the black goo and Shaw's regenerated reproductive system to create facehugger eggs, working from original eggs that he found inside the citadel of the main city. From here David plays Doctor Frakenstein, experimenting with the black goo and Shaw's cells, and other dead engineers, while the black goo restructured the planet's ecosystem, wiping out all other signs of life.
When David was first patched up and fixed by Shaw, he tricked her into recording a message, which the USCSS: Covenant would eventually pick up ten years later. David needed more specimens for his research and experimentation.
Enter revelation - In the two years prior to Peter Weyland's funding of his Prometheus mission, Weyland had operatives infiltrate and steal deep-space scanning technology known as ECIU Software, from his rival Yutani. At this point Weyland Industries is the biggest conglomerate on Earth, but it's competitors are slowly catching up. Space is the new frontier and while Weyland was the first to prospect Mars for minerals and fossil fuels, he could lose out on what other ventures await further out into deep space. Those whose space satalites have the means to scan the furthest, have the best chance of finding whatever is out there. The ECIU software (which Weyland was never able to secure a patent on) holds the key, but Yutani Corp is years behind Weyland in the area of space travel.
Not satisfied in funding a trillion dollar mission into unknown space on Shaw and Holloway's whim, Peter Weyland has his science division use the ECIU satalites to scan deep space, and they happen to pick up a faint signal eminating from one of the lesser moons in the Zeta II Reticculli system. Weyland then draws up a contingency plan. In the event of his death, Weyland would have his company run by six acting CEOs. Who would be instructed to create a merger with the Yutani Corp, securing the furture of Weyland's empire and the two would share assets for a joint venture into space exploration. But no one, not even Peter Weyland's own daughter would know that these six acting CEOs would be androids, of a eigth generation model the same as David-8; only each would be indistinguishable to humans. No one else except Peter Weyland and David would know of this contingency. Weyland being a delusional and extremely superstitious man, would not even entrust his empire to his own flesh and blood daughter, he had always desired a son to carry on the family name. Weyland would only trust the very things he could fully control, his creations, androids.
After the Prometheus tragedy, people were led to believe Peter Weyland died on earth and that only his daughter and crew died in the doomed mission. Weyland Yutani merged and stocks soared over the following years from the launch of the "Lockmart CM 88B Bison M-Class starfreighter"; one of dozens in the fleet of commercial towing vessels to do runs between Thedus and Earth. While they cost millions to manufacture, they only needed a seven-man crew, with the majority of the ship's systems regulated and run through the ships A.I. MOTHER/MU_TH_UR.
David was able to reprogramme the android Walter, and download his subroutines into Walter's android shell, he transferred three facehugger embryos inside Walter, and used him to gain the trust of Daniels and Tenesse. He used a override code to gain access of the Covenant's ship A.I. MOTHER, and full control of the ship and the two-thousand strong crew in hypersleep.
The best way he can connect it is to simply make it where David has taken the Covenant crew to a sparse planet, mostly rocky with a huge cave system. David uses the facehugger embryos and the exact same experimentation method he used on Shaw, to replicate and clone more facehugger eggs from the covenant crew in stasis.
He awakens Tennesse and Daniels and drops them on the Oregi-6 planet, along with three facehugger eggs and a dozen crew members. The facehuggers impregnate the crew and Xenomorphs are born from them. The rest have to take shelter from the planet's storms inside the caves and end up being hunted by the three Xenomorphs.
David leaves a number of weapons with the crew members in his twisted game of seeing the covenant crew have to face off against his "perfect organism", to test just how efficient the Xenomorph truly is. This story would play out alot like the movie The Descent with those woman stuck deep underground inside caves. It would center on a Dozen of the Covenant crew, including Daniels and Tennesee, and them having to try and survive against the Xenomorphs.

MemberDeaconDec-30-2017 3:23 AMInteresting... i will add more to this when i got time..
Many aspects are similar indeed to how i was to tackle Prometheus 2 and indeed also how i am in the Processes of a Alien Covenant Sequel.... My ideas are slightly different to yours but its nice to see someone with some similar ideas.
*I have for years and debated here the possibility of a Saboteur
*I have for a few years debated the possibility of a Covenant made between the Engineers regarding Earth (way prior to AC coming out).
*I too had seen clues to connect LV-223 to the Derelict, Hammerpedes could have been the culprit but alas, we have AC that changes the Creator so to speak of the Xenomorph.
*My Prometheus 2 indeed would cover the company and AI, it revealed a Twist, with a Vickers AI, Geisha Yutani Androids, and reveal a Secret AI Plan where Weylands tried to upload his Soul to a AI but it had problems, and so Weylands last hope was the Prometheus Mission. But in my sequel Weylands Operation Rook was activated at the end... which would have lead to Weylands Soul Transcending into the Companies Computer Systems.
So i look forwards to debating this with you.
Oh my AC sequel, touches upon AI too, but David wishes to Rebuild Civilization and become King, and at the bottom of a great lake was a Mountain, to the side Orchids, but at the bottom we have a Waterfall from the Mountains that pours into the bottom of the Lake... WALTER (David) Forbids the Colonist from this place, beyond the Waterfall is a Cave, in the Cave a Fruit Tree, with Poisoned Fruit that will kill those who eat from it. The journey to the Cave is difficult, those who make it and eat the fruit will never leave this place. Between the Cave and Waterfall, the Waterfall Cascades down into a Cavern, at the end of this Cavern under Ground is a Place of Hell, a Lair where David has his Eggs.
Those who fall to this place have no way back... But David has a way to go to this place... David sets up his own Paradise, those who obey him are fine... those who dont do not... one day someone discovers his Cavern and Horrors and lives to tell the tale. The Colonist then realize the deception and Horrors, leaving David no Choice but to unleash Hell on them.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Raiken Sigma
MemberOvomorphJan-10-2018 5:08 AMi really like the idea of weyland somehow managing to transfer his soul to his company computer systems, very intruiging and totally fits with how delusional, and extremely ambitous weyland was. it also fits perfectly in with the cold, calculated mentality of the faceless "company" of weyland-yutani.
i do like the idea of bringing a.i into the alien saga, as long as it can be balanced with the xenomorph and it's relevance to everything going forward. also your ideas of the cave and even further below a cavernous structure is, with a tree of fruit is a nice reference to the garden of eden and adam & eve. ever noticed how the strand of dna kind of symbolizes the serpent/snake in it's coil? i saw some really cool artwork, depicting the small cup out of which the sacrificial engineer drank from, and black goo seeping from the urn to the cup in a dna coil.
i would very much like to see a sequel that shows a place with deep underground caves and cavern system, for which david has sole entry to, where he houses his facehugger eggs, and the film plays out in a similar style to that all-female horror called the descent. taking it back to pure suspense and horror, with cramped, dark dank environment, and the group of colonists, descending further and further down into this cavern, slowly being picked off by the xenomorphs.
the alien franchise is in a worrying place at the moment, what with disney acquiring part-ownership of twenieth-century fox, and the risk of the fox company considering rebooting the alien franchise. i feel a collaboration between ridley scott and neil blomkamp would have been the best idea. ridley has some amazing ideas, but maybe he needs to accept some real outside input and maybe blomkamp would have been a great choice for that.
i like alien covenant, but i do feel ridley withheld too much from the audience, like the deleted scenes where david reveals what he has learned from the black goo and engineer civilization, really should have been in the movie, also shaw being granted a audience, or meeting with the engineer elders, and recieving her answers, i personally feel was crucial to the movie itself and would have led to it being better recieved. i do feel ridley dropped the ball there, especially as we had followed elizabeth shaw through her whole ordeal in prometheus.
p.s sorry about the spelling and lack of capital letters in my reply, im using my chromebook which is hopeless because there doesnt seem to be no caps lock button (knew i should have bought a laptop for xmas).

MemberDeaconJan-10-2018 6:03 AMNo Problem, have you seen my Grammatical Errors ;)
The whole AI and Soul thing i wonder if it would be explored, because RS has said he wishes to explore AI more in the next movie, and if the company is ran by AI with Mankind not being aware (much like in the Matrix) then the motives behind some in the company become less problematic, if AI is running the show, then AI/Synthetics would have no Moral Compass when it comes down to insignificant and in-superior Humans.
As far as the Cave System, indeed my idea would be that it would become like the Greek/Roman Underworld, accessed via a River. And so in a way a place of Hell, where anyone who stumbles past the first layer would discover Guard Dogs of Hell, and Discover Daniels or what became of her and how she would be representative of Satans Daughter Sin in the Paradise Lost Poem.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017