Timmy the ultramorph
MemberChestbursterDec-05-2017 6:37 PMMany of you probably know that there is a possibility of disney buying all of foxes accets. this includes the alien franchise. but how far dose this really go. will it be like marvel were disney literally owns them and controlls them or do you think that its more like fox now being part of disney but still making their own movies?
I really hope that the secondoption is the case because I really don't want the alien universe to be like marvel and also the second option could be great for the alien franchise. disney has much more money than fox so it is possible that we will be able to have bigger budgets for the alien films and they can be released more qickly(1 per year)
what do you think about the disney fox deal. let me know in the comments
food ain't that bad! - Parker
MemberTrilobiteDec-05-2017 6:43 PMMarvel fans seem to think Disney has ruined it but I don't watch those movies so I cannot say. I would think Disney would buy the rights outright. To me, buying rights doesn't mean sharing- it means ownership. Just my two cents.