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Right now, more fans would rather see Alien 5 than Covenant sequel

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MemberNeomorphDec-04-2017 1:52 PM

The AVP galaxy's poll measuring how many fans want to see either Neil Bloomkamp's Alien 5 or Ridley Scott's "Alien Covenant" seems to be highly sensitive to Ridley Scott's press statements. Therefore, it doesn't come as a surprise that as of now, the tally is 51% Alien 5 vs. 49% AC 2.

6 Replies

Timmy the ultramorph

MemberChestbursterDec-04-2017 2:07 PM

thats rediculus. neil blomcamp has only ever made one good movie. besides getting rid of alien 3 would decrease the size of the alien universe greatly considering there would be no dna reflex trait anymore. all of the alien toys like the mantis alien and gorrilamorph would be gone as weel as most of the alien comics were aliens infect different creatures.

food ain't that bad! - Parker


MemberNeomorphDec-04-2017 2:11 PM

I don't think this poll reflects how excited voters are for Neil Bloomkamp's project. It is more a thermometer of how they dislike Ridley Scott's statements and future plans for the franchise. He's actually talking about "drifting away from the alien stuff". So why stick to the "Alien" name. It is more than ridiculous.


MemberPraetorianDec-04-2017 3:06 PM


MemberNeomorphDec-04-2017 3:09 PM

At this point I would rather see a comedy with Sigourney Weaver and the xenomorph than an "Alien" movie with no aliens and no horror in it.


MemberFacehuggerDec-04-2017 4:24 PM

I’d personally prefer to see where Ridley takes things for now. Blomkamp, I think is going through a bit of a transition period right now. Given what Blomkamp is now producing with Unity, I reckon by the time he has perfected what he is currently working on, jumping on board the Alien franchise a little further down the line would be great. I think now is just a little too soon for Blomkamp, but what he is producing is certainly worth taking a look at.



MemberDeaconDec-04-2017 4:42 PM

Thats still pretty close mind, and i think it depends in what way are those fans Split...

Is it they want a kind of Literal Alien 5? like Blomkamps?

Or is it more that they are displeased at the route RS has taken with Alien Covenant?

I would be more in favor of doing a Alien Covenant sequel but pray they get it right, as for a Alien 5 well just as i put in a recent Topic i made on the subject, i feel some of the Alien 5 ideas are neat, but the resurrecting the Queen and Ripley is something i think needs to be passed by.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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