Adam Savage close up look at the Xenomorph Animatronic from Alien:Covenant

AdminPraetorianAug-16-2017 11:02 AMOn the set of Alien: Covenant, Adam gets up close with the animatronic Xenomorph head that's worn by the film's creature puppeteer. Seeing this head animate and lunge, we learn how the animatronic operators work with the performer to breathe life into this 9-foot tall creature.

MemberDeaconAug-16-2017 2:29 PMNice to see this video again... such a shame that not so much Practical stuff made it to the Movie... i wonder what a extra $10-20M Budget and 8-12 weeks more Production time would have allowed as far as Perfect and use more Practical Effects
I hope this kind of criticism is one of the Things FOX takes on board and gives us more Practical effects in the next movie
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphAug-16-2017 4:08 PMMaybe it is just me, but that does not look that great. Kind of low quality compared to the head and suit used in the original.

MemberTrilobiteAug-16-2017 4:12 PMThombach They explained in the video it deliberately looked more biological than mechanical.

MemberOvomorphAug-16-2017 4:45 PMI don't mean the design. I mean the detail and paint colors look kind of, meh. Cheap. Giger's alien suit was a work of art.
But I know this stuff was mostly just to have on set, not to actually be used in the movie, so I suppose they did go the extra mile.

MemberTrilobiteAug-16-2017 4:48 PMThombach Thank you for clarifying. I did notice that the Xeno head and suit looked rather dry as did the 1979 model. In both movies, it can be observed how they are pretty much sprayed to give the wet and shiny look.

MemberOvomorphAug-16-2017 7:50 PMI don't know. Wet or dry, the crafsmanship on the original was all kinds of awesome. maybe I'm just too used to looking at it and everything else looks wrong.

MemberTrilobiteAug-16-2017 7:57 PMNice pics. Keep in mind the video stated there were seven models and we only saw one. I have to give points to the original since design and available materials were likely more limited back then.

MemberChestbursterAug-17-2017 4:19 PMWell, now I see why their budget went so high, but its a shame we didn't get to see the "quality" come through because apparently it ended up like shite on film after all that work. How else do you explain getting mostly CGI for the main print?