Alien Movie Universe

I watched Alien Covenant and.........

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Jay Johns

MemberOvomorphAug-05-2017 10:25 PM was even better the 2nd time! I just finished watching it on demand and there is so much I missed the 1st time I watched. It is a movie that is far superior to the other summer movies for the simple fact that the plot has ideas and questions that are not as simple as a predictable comic book movie. Maybe the ignorant trolls came out because Ridley Scott made a few negative comments about super hero movies. Disney does not like competition. When Alien Covenant is able to be purchased on blu ray I will buy it. I do suggest everybody watch it again


10 Replies


MemberPraetorianAug-06-2017 6:34 AM

I haven't heard about his superhero comments. What did he say?


MemberFacehuggerAug-06-2017 7:43 AM

No words could describe what he felt lol


MemberFacehuggerAug-06-2017 2:37 PM

I rewatched it in HD today, the visuals are awesome. Very underrated movie.

Maggie could have made better decision. She should let Karine out and call for help.  




MemberChestbursterAug-06-2017 5:43 PM

Totally agree that, like Prometheus, A:C is going to only get better with age. It almost REQUIRES multiple viewings. It is simply too smart for the "common man" to absorb all at once, quite frankly.


MemberChestbursterAug-06-2017 10:11 PM

@Jay Johns

You are so so right, Covenant is definitely a great movie that just keeps getting better upon each subsequent viewing!

When it was still in theaters, I went to see it FIVE times (perhaps because I'm an addictive personality type and I may have a problem...). It was a bit of a drain on the wallet, so I'm glad to finally have the digital release!

...Now I have to ask...have you read the Covenant novel yet??? If not, man are you in for a treat!


MemberChestbursterAug-06-2017 10:14 PM


Yes! Maggie definitely could have made a better decision considering she was at least as contaminated and in need of quarantine as Karine!

But, in Phobos, she did mention that "not being able to get away" was one of her biggest fears. That clouded her judgement a bit, which is very human and believable.


MemberFacehuggerAug-06-2017 11:57 PM


wow I haven't seen the Phobos yet. It's good to know that and put things into a different perspective. 

Jay Johns

MemberOvomorphAug-07-2017 12:45 PM

My wife, who also liked the movie, commented last night that they revealed waaaaay too much in the months leading up to the release of AC. I also believe Fox better not wait another 5 years for AC


MemberPraetorianAug-07-2017 1:03 PM

Jay Johns - 'I also believe Fox better not wait another 5 years for AC'

True, you can't imagine how much I want an official announcement regarding the AC sequel now! Ahhh, September...


MemberChestbursterAug-07-2017 1:14 PM

@Ati I know...we need to have a chain of events and releases in the media to keep the masses interested. And another "Prometheus like" long burn trailer plan WITHOUT all the reveals!

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