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*Spoilers* Walter is in "Awakening"
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MemberOvomorphAug-02-2017 8:15 AM

Hello all, After watching covenant and taking a peek at confirmed info for Awakening, I wanted to voice my theory. 

See as I watched the movie I knew from the second they cut off the climax of the David and Walter fight that it would be David boarding the ship and not Walter.... that being said, having watched the movie and read the book im a big fan of Walter and the idea that we dont see his demise/ david doesn't even talk about it to me hints that in Awakening, since we know that Engineers come back to that planet and find what David has done ( ridley hints at this strongly when talking about Awakening) Im thinking they will find a then self repaired Walter whom perhaps will convince them to take him to help their new agenda....defeating David. On this journey obviously Walters agenda is more to do with recovering Daniels and attempting to uphold his duty to the crew he served with. 

We can see in that fight scene between them, the split second right before it cuts off that Walter chooses Daniels over David, bringing his arm back ever so slightly to deliver a killing blow to  his twisted twin. 


20 Replies


MemberFacehuggerAug-02-2017 1:04 PM

no way really :)

Capt Torgo

MemberFacehuggerAug-02-2017 5:22 PM

If David was more ruthless he would just sever his head but I agree that is/was the plan. The 'We are Walter ' promo talks of the new owner merging his DNA with the Walter model being built. Thus I think he could be in the Jockey chair merging with the mechanism while being hugged and busted. The back of the pilot chair in Prometheus sure looks a lot like the details on the classic chap. Won't bother me either way it runs out if it all, I just am begging for intelligent believable characters. Surely Scott would not have filmed all that Walter stuff only to make nothing of it at some point. Or maybe Walter stuff was just showing he was different than David but I doubt it.


MemberNeomorphAug-02-2017 6:50 PM

If you assume David wanted Walter gone for good, it would be too dumb of him not to remove his brain and destroy it. After all, he already knows that stabbing him doesn't work. If he had time to amputate his own arm, dress up and fix his hair, he positively has time to do that too. So if Walter is alive, David and the writers would be very lame. By the way, he also tells Daniels that David has been terminated (we know he is referring to Walter, though).

Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerAug-03-2017 3:27 AM

It's possible but a stretch I'd say.

If any engineers come 'home' and find the devastation and then a survivor from those who seemingly destroyed it; given how one reacted to David in Prom, my guess is Walter wouldn't be cognizant for much longer . . . ;) 

As Joylitt suggests, far too few Cheesy Puffs being eaten at ALIEN towers if that turns out to be the case!


MemberChestbursterAug-03-2017 5:14 AM

"Hello all, After watching covenant and taking a peek at confirmed info for Awakening, I wanted to voice my theory."

What 'confirmed' info for 'Awakening'? We don't even know if that will be the title of the next one.


MemberDeaconAug-03-2017 9:32 AM

This is the working Title, but things can change and RS had seemed a bit confused regarding where AC sits with AA, as far as how it connects to Alien... Originally hinting its a Prequel to AC but then confirming its a  sequel.

RS then also said indeed Engineers will return to Planet 4 and discover the world decimated, and RS teases the Engineers will be one of 3-4 Players in the next movie, we have to assume at some point the Engineers would be heading to where David is.

This raises some Questions... because we can assume the Engineers do not arrive very close to after David leaves and thus are able to detect the Covenant ship... because the Company has many Ships in Space, we do not know how far the Covenant was away from Earth when it detected the Signal to Planet 4.

I would assume the Covenant would be some way on its way to i assume Origae-6 and so i fail to see how the Engineers can pin point that exact Ship unless they arrive on Planet 4 not to far after... which would mean surely they intercept and prevent David easy.

Nope... i assume David would be well on his way, if not already on Origae-6  before Engineers Turn up on Planet 4

David is in a Human Ship which the company have many in Space so it would be a bit Pot Luck for the Engineers to manage to intercept the exact correct ship.

So Logically the Engineers would have to find out where David was going, and the only likely way they could do this would be INDEED if they discover Walter and from HIM they manage to find Davids/Covenant ships destination.

So yes their is the Potential unless they are changing the Plans for the sequel? Then indeed its likely maybe we would see Walter again... The only way we wont is if we only see the Engineers arrive at where David is and via Dialog between David and Engineers we are made aware they found this place via Walter (unless Walter is with them).

But i would certainly think the Engineers only get knowledge of Origae-6 as the destination of the Covenant which David had left on... from Walter.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerAug-03-2017 10:28 AM


So Logically the Engineers would have to find out where David was going, and the only likely way they could do this would be INDEED if they discover Walter and from HIM they manage to find Davids/Covenant ships destination.

So yes their is the Potential unless they are changing the Plans for the sequel? Then indeed its likely maybe we would see Walter again... The only way we wont is if we only see the Engineers arrive at where David is and via Dialog between David and Engineers we are made aware they found this place via Walter (unless Walter is with them).

But i would certainly think the Engineers only get knowledge of Origae-6 as the destination of the Covenant which David had left on... from Walter.

I agree completely. The only way they could know what David did, would be to wake up Walter.

We also have to consider the fact that David didn't actually need to kill Walter in order to take his place. He just needed to incapacitate him for long enough to escape with the lander. We also know from the novel, that none of the Engineer ships are working because of the quarantine fail-safes, so David won't be worrying about Walter coming after him.

In any event, I'm looking forward to more Walter and more Engineers!


MemberChestbursterAug-03-2017 11:06 AM

@BigDave "This is the working Title"

According to who? The only mention of that title was when Ridley said this - "There will be another one before we kind of literally and logically, clockwise, back into the rear back head of Alien…It will go Prometheus, Awakening, Covenant.. fairly integral where this colonization ship is on the way...."

That sounds like the Awakening title is a prequel to Covenant, not a sequel. Everything Ridley has said since that quote indicates the next film is a sequel to Covenant.


MemberOvomorphAug-03-2017 11:33 AM

@kethol I would have to google it for you but there is a online interview where ridley confirms that the Engineers return and then inturn decide to find David. I agree with @bigdave I have the same feeling that they will need to get the info from Walter.


Which remindes me of another point that I wanted to bring up is in the book the fact Walter is probably still alive is WAY more apparent, David warns Daniels that "David" is alive and moving around. I'm assuming david is saying this because if walter is able to reach them in time before leaving, David would want her thinking that Walter is in fact david. 

And Kethol I WISH that the "awakening" was a prequel trust me buddy, there are so many questions i want answered not to mention there is PLENTY of content between the two movies to make a third. But there is a lot of speculation that it wont be, and anyway this is just fun theory crafting and wondering, like mentioned above ridley has been known to change his mind last second on things so who really knows lol


MemberChestbursterAug-03-2017 11:51 AM

But how will they wake up/repair Walter? Wasn't it said that the engineer did not know binary logic? By the power of retcon? The only thing there with robotics maintenance know how is an eviscerated body.


MemberFacehuggerAug-03-2017 12:08 PM

Maybe he won't need waking up. Maybe he will have awakened himself, but is just as stranded as David was?


MemberChestbursterAug-03-2017 12:25 PM

And also learn Babylonian as to no freak the Engineers out and rip off his head...yeah nice.


MemberChestbursterAug-03-2017 1:51 PM

@Amunet - "I would have to google it for you but there is a online interview where ridley confirms that the Engineers return and then inturn decide to find David."

Sorry, but what does that have to do with the title of the next movie? Ridley only mentioned the name Awakening when he stated the order of the movies. He said Awakening between Prometheus and Covenant, implying that name was for a prequel. The next film is a sequel, not a prequel, and it has never been named in any interview, other than Ridley saying "Let's call it Prometheus 2".

Also, Ridley said the Engineers arrive to find their planet decimated in that interview. He never said they decide to find David. His only mention of David regarding the sequel in any interview was to say David was going off to tend to the colony.




MemberDeaconAug-03-2017 3:21 PM


If i have time i will try and find the references, again however i can see your Point as far as coming directly from RS Mouth as quoted in a interview, where indeed he said something along the lines to hint Awakening was placed before Alien Covenant, as indeed you Quoted the comment in Question.

And he did-not mention Alien Awakening, but we have to safely assume the next movies will all contain the Prefix Alien:

The comment i made was saying, indeed this could be a working Title, and also indeed i also said while it was placed between Prometheus and Alien Covenant, in latter interviews regarding the Sequel, well next movie that it would follow directly after Alien Covenant and so we wont get a movie that sits between Prometheus and Alien Covenant and the next movies will fit between Alien Covenant and Alien.

However and i will not say this with 100% i will have to look at where this cropped up so maybe it never came directly from the Horses Mouth.  But i am sure but not 100% as sometimes with what appears to be good knowledge of the Franchise as SM used to have, i sometimes have doubts put in my head when you pick upon stuff and then i question my memory lol (always good to debate with people with such a in-depth knowledge or attention to detail however).

But i recall it being mentioned as Alien Awakening at least once more, but also it was mentioned that Alien Awakening was the Name of Blomkamps Alien 5 movie in the one piece of information out there... again i am trying to think if the source was from RS or not.

But i think regardless, it certainly appears the plans are to not take on any Side Plots or Past Plots, but to show us as far as the next 1-2 movies a series of events that chronologically run from the end of Alien Covenant... so 2104 ==> 2122 so the events of these movies will sit within that Time Line, they may have Flash Backs but for the most parts its a Direct Route towards Alien.

I will also add as far as the Engineers goes RS comment does allude to the Fact we will see the Engineers arrive and at some point will no doubt come into play and interact with David and his Experiments.

However again and often with RS, his comments may sometimes lead us off the track a little.... while he claimed that David is off to that Planet (Assume Origae-6) he said there will be 3-4 other players in the next movie.

One of which will be the Engineers, after they arrive to find Planet 4 decimated.

This however does not mean Engineers vs David, the next movie could show these 3-4 Players as Chess Pieces that will be shown making their move.  And so it could be shown the Engineers Discover what happened on Planet 4 and then that they are off to find the Culprit.....

So it does not have to mean they find David etc in the next movie, it could be that this set the Engineers up for a confrontation in the movie after the next one.

If this Plot that is to show How David Evolves those TWO Face Huggers into Thousands of Eggs, and Engineers are a eventual incoming party along with 2-3 others... and the aftermath of this will lead to the Derelict in Alien.

If this is a TWO Part Story then these Elements can be introduced slowly, if most of this will however be covered in the next movie i feel, with trying to cover so much. Maybe we only see the Engineers Arrive.

And so the way we find out they found out about what David had done would be them telling David, or indeed maybe What if they Bring Walter with them.

Its all pretty open at the moment, will we see Walter or not and how much of a role can he play or not...

I will Assume TWO Things now..

1) Logically it would be via Walter the Engineers are aware of the location of Origae-6 and David who had unleashed hell on their brothers and sisters, is off to this place with the Covenant Crew.

2) That the Covenant contains Walter Spare Parts and David rebuilds at very least himself a New Hand, as i cant see Fassbender playing a One Handed Android all movie.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberChestbursterAug-03-2017 3:31 PM

I am just strictly referring to Ridley's comments, not speculating on storylines.

Based on it being repeated in several threads here as fact, including the title of this thread, it seems people now think Awakening is the title or working title of the Covenant sequel. I was just pointing out Ridley never said that was the title of the next film. No one from Fox has either. The only working title Ridley has given for Covenant 2 was literally "Covenant 2".


MemberOvomorphAug-03-2017 5:45 PM

Hello all again, great replies and great Ideas! @kethol I'm sorry dear I think you are missing the point of the thread, if you want to talk strictly just the title, feel free to but what the rest of us are talking about is possible theorys on how Walter may still be alive, and if any of them have a solid chance of having him actually escape the planet, or even have a small part. 

I should have titled the thread *spoilers* Maybe Walter is in the next movie??? The reason I did NOT do that is a lot of fans know that awakening is a working title, I originaly thought and hoped it would be a prequel, then alot of articles and even some things mentioned by RS said that the next movie (covenant 2 essentially ) may also be titled Awakening.... I think your looking to into it, if you dont like my title and how I speak then I'm sorry, but no skin of my back, i dont know you there for dont mind, but again, you mention "I am just strictly referring to Ridley's comments, not speculating on storylines." but keep in mind, the rest of us are talking storylines, so if it seems we are not understanding you its just that you are talking about something off topic. no worries : ) 


MemberOvomorphAug-03-2017 5:49 PM

Darn forgot to mention, when we as fans go into theory crafting talk take what we say as our opinion, in my opinion I think the tie in would be amazing, and the fact that david easily picked up the language in Prometheus leads me to think that being stranded on that world for who knows how long that he would be able to pick it up as well.... in any case its just fun to think about. as my first and maybe only post on here its been cool seeing everyone reply and pitch in ideas, I should come here more often ^_^  

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerAug-04-2017 8:38 AM

@Amunet - I liked Walter & do hope to see him in future installments, too!


MemberChestbursterAug-04-2017 9:39 AM

@Amunet - "I'm sorry dear I think you are missing the point of the thread"

Not at all. I was just pointing out Awakening is not a working title for the next movie, which you imply it is in your original post. Carry on.


MemberFacehuggerAug-05-2017 2:34 AM

I think it's likely we will see two movies before the gap is bridged to Alien (1979), so there's plenty of ground to cover, not to mention it makes sense for us to see more Engineers. It was an Engineer they found on LV-426, so it'll be interesting to see how they go from David on the Covenant, to the Engineers rushing back to somewhere, only to get stranded on LV-426?

Purely for the sake of Canon, whilst I think and hope Walter will make a reappearance, it is unlikely he will survive the next two films. He is not in Alien, so, unless there is some after thought mention somewhere of his body being found, he is likely to be expired some time before 2122... Unless... He manages to get to Origae 6, and lives out his days with whatever colony is left? If there is indeed a colony after David...

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