MemberOvomorphJun-27-2017 2:24 PMGreetings to the Alien universe discussion community.
There has been quite a bit of speculation recently on possible connections between the Alien and Blade Runner universes, including the scenario that they might actually be the same one. This prompted me to rewatch the latter recently. In light of the mysterious "black goo" of Prometheus, which I understand has been the subject of much speculation, I was struck by the following lines, which appear during the scene in which Batty asks Tyrell to modify him so as to prevent his imminent death, and Tyrell mentions various unsuccessful experiments which have already been conducted to try to find ways of extending the lifespan of replicants.
Batty: What about EMS-3 recombination?
Tyrell: We've already tried it - ethyl, methane, sulfinate as an alkylating agent and potent mutagen; it created a virus so lethal the subject was dead before it even left the table.
The description of the way this mutagen affected the subject and the general context of a substance heavily involved with mutations, death, and the modification of life reminded me of the Prometheus liquid. Now, of course I'm not saying they're the same thing, but perhaps this could be a sign that they both originated in similar contexts and were designed, at least in part, with similar goals in mind?
MemberNeomorphJun-27-2017 7:11 PMWelcome to Scified, XenomorphAwakening!
And nice catch! There could definitely be a connection, although I must admit, much of the film is inherently vague.
For instance, Captain Bryant tells Deckard that Replicants have a four year lifespan because it was a safety measure. However, Tyrell explains to Batty that technicians actually haven't been able to create Replicants that lived beyond four years!
Nevertheless, great observation, upvoted!
AdminPraetorianJun-27-2017 9:12 PMOoh, interesting. I'll feature this.
A couple examples of a linked Blade Runner/Alien universe:
MemberFacehuggerJun-28-2017 1:40 AMI'm fairly sure that the pathogen has an extraterrestrial origin and isn't related to any of those terrestrial elements.
MemberOvomorphJun-28-2017 2:28 AMWriting and Re-writing was pretty much normal in the early phase of Ridley's career. To stick with same themes and even names in different "surroundings" - it's almost common. Lot of artists are doing similar things.
All those... moments... will be lost, in time, like tears... in... rain.
MemberFacehuggerJun-28-2017 6:29 AMNope. Ethyl methanesulfonate is a real thing used today in genetics as a mutagen.
MemberDeaconJun-28-2017 8:35 AMNice find hox
I think at this point we need to look at the connections as purely Easter Eggs until any concrete connections are made in future movies, as for the Mutagen i dont think its connected to the Black Goo as no Human as far as Modern times had came into contact or was even aware of the Engineers Bio-Weapon until after the Prometheus mission which was 75 years after the events of Blade Runner.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberOvomorphJun-28-2017 5:37 PMMaybe not a connection and I'm sure it's been mentioned already, but I couldn't help but notice that in Blade Runner the lights in Deckards apartment all light up when he walks near them, and turn off when he walks away. Exactly how they do in Davids workshop on the Engineers planet! =P
MemberPraetorianJun-29-2017 1:57 AMBen Procter about Prometheus:
’In one version of the script old man Weyland had some serious heavies accompanying him in secret cryostasis. Costume study. Yes, that's a compact version of the Aliens pulse rifle. Yes, his uniform says Batty.’
’As it went through conceptional design stages, Ben Procter recollected that one day Ridley Scott came in one day and said "You know, I'm thinking what if it's the Weyland-Tyrell Corporation? Is that cool?"
Those around him responded "Dude, that's really cool. You gotta do it!"
Scott continued "Maybe the bodyguards, you know, that come out with Weyland, maybe one of them says Batty on his uniform." referring to Roy Batty from Blade Runner.
MemberChestbursterJun-29-2017 4:39 AMI think that was just a nod to BR. Batty was already dead by the time of Prometheus.
MemberPraetorianJun-29-2017 5:01 AMThe focus is not on the Batty uniform, but on the line (by Scott) about the Weyland-Tyrell corp.