Alien Movie Universe

Is it really impossible for David to be the creator of the Xenomorph?

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Jurassic Park Fan For LIFE

MemberOvomorphJun-06-2017 11:30 PM

If it turns out that the mural only had Protoxenomorphs and if Engineers fossilize not long after death then I would think it's possible.


18 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-07-2017 12:36 AM

It seems the way we're headed is David did indeed play the part of the creator of the Xenomorph. Ridley has stated so in interviews.

There will be a direct connect to the original ALIEN film coming and it's seeming like the Space Jockey on the derelict won't be as old as once thought.

At least that's the vibe I'm getting from all the interviews and posts on the forum. 

I still think it's possible that an Engineer will don his suit and make a last gasp effort to finish the job and wipe out humanity on Earth, using the Cargo of Xeno Eggs, but encounter some difficulties and set down on LV-426. 

With humans creation (David) running amok and causing so much chaos I think any Engineers left will view humans as more dangerous than they ever were 2000ish years ago when they (the Engineers) originally plannned to wipe us out.

If there are Engineers left I can't see them forgetting this mission (to wipe us out).

Capt Torgo

MemberFacehuggerJun-07-2017 6:59 AM

I have no issue with David being the father of the xeno or if shit is fossilized as to me the goo is far more scary. What is bone chillingly frightening is another trite, pretentious Robot Show with terrible characters per putting the final stake in these prequels. Ridley Scott means well he just has ADD and can't focus on the whole film. Walter is my guess but I don't see how he fits in those "newer" jockey suits since they appear to be much bigger than those in Prometheus. Bad movies have no chance with social media affecting box office results.


MemberOvomorphJun-07-2017 7:19 AM

I fear that is the last time we will see the Blackgoo, unless Walter is still kicking about.

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerJun-07-2017 8:35 AM

My answer is a resounding:  YES & I hope so!!!


MemberChestbursterJun-07-2017 8:59 AM

I wouldn't mind him being the creator but it contradicts the lore released since Prometheus. The same somewhat goes for RS's own movie Alien.

Therefor, YES it is impossible!

Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

Jurassic Park Fan For LIFE

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2017 8:46 AM

But what about if my theories turn out to be true? That way it won't be contradicting the lore.


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2017 7:55 PM

In one of my theoretical plots, the xenos were an indigenous life form that had been on the Engineer home world as long if not longer than the Engineers themselves. As soon as their existence was discovered and the Engineers tried to control them, they became a pestilence and the Engineers wanted them gone, so they loaded the eggs onto a ship so they could dump them far away. However, the pilot, who somehow got infected beforehand, crashed on LV426 and sent that warning before his inevitable demise. It would place the crash at least a few thousand years before the events of Prometheus.


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2017 11:10 PM


That seems like a whole lot of risk and unnecessary danger to just dump the Eggs somewhere far away. The Engineers could simply destroy the Eggs where they were, we see Ripley do it in ALIENS. The Engineers could then simply clean up the mess. I don't think they mind cleaning up mess. They cleanse planets if they get out of control and clean up the mess, they were planning on doing it to Earth 2000ish years ago. 

We should stick to what we're given and not confuse things. It seems quite clear the Engineers were experimenting and created the Egg/facehugger type deal, which likely did not have the full on Xeno end result. David, riding on the coat tails of the Engineers took what they achieved and then strove to further that accomplishment and create something more perfect which will be the later Xeno we all know well. 

This certainly seems to be the way we are going.

How the Space Jockey lands on Lv-426 is looking like it will be a recent type emergency and not something thousands of years ago. I personally see a high chance of Engineers returning to the screen in the next movie/s and using Davids creation (the Xeno Eggs) to finally finish their mission and cleanse Earth of humans, although obviously it has some trouble and has to put down on LV-426. 

This is just one way Ridkey can connect it to the ALIEN original film. And all that really effects things is that the Space jockey wasn't as old as first thought. It won't surprise me one bit if Ridley makes it that way (the Space jockey being more recent).


Ridley has said the Xenos were created by David in an interview/s. What he and FOX say goes and we will just have to swallow it. 


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2017 12:00 AM

Yeah, it's a strong possibility that RS is going to make the Derelict a more recent event, but my idea was framed within a larger, more complex story that is obviously just fan fiction at the end of the day. It seems such a shame that it will likely be more of a recent crash than an ancient one. It robs the discovery of the ship of its grandeur a little bit. I honestly don't think we should see it but know enough background information to go, "Ahhhh..." when it first shows up in Alien. Alas, wishful thinking and all that.


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2017 12:18 AM

Yeah it is a bit of a shame that Ridley seems to have made his mind up with the direction he is taking and it does kind of takeaway from that original ALIEN vibe where we were all like "woah that thing is ancient!!". 

Once we get over that initial disappointment I personally think I can get on board with it being more recent if done well with the involvement of more Engineers. 

I hope that in the next movie/s RS touches more on the history of the Engineers, and also reintroduces them very very angry at humanities audacity! 

I can see the Engineers killing David and then resolving to finally end human life once and for all. 

Humans have officially rose above their station and are now a much more dangerous race than they were 2000ish years ago. I think any Engineers we see in the future movie/s will surely feel that way. 

This can all be done with the addition of crazy Xenos running around to please the theatre masses I believe so it could please all involved. 



MemberChestbursterJun-09-2017 7:35 AM

Scott said this and Scott said that... Blah blah blah.. UGH! No offense, folks.

A couple of months ago Ridders himself stated "they made him" and "why would THEY create something like that" and now he's like "David made him". This is just one thing of the many RS said that did not come to pass.

I chose to ignore him.

Again, I mean no offense.

Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2017 7:55 AM


The directors words are a source we simply have to follow, until he contradicts it with something else. If his latest comments are that David created the Xeno as we know it then we simply have to run with it until he changes the goal posts on us no?, (if he changes them). 

His words hold some sort of weight, they have to lol. No matter how frustrating he can be, what he says can't just be swept under the rug because he's a frustrating pain in the ass and seems like he's lost the plot.




MemberChestbursterJun-09-2017 9:51 AM

That's why I solely go for what is in the canon-material (movies, novels, comics, games) that is something I can point at and say "See, right there!". And ignoring the old man who constantly "lost the plot"... or was it lost in the plot? Whatever... ;)

Everyone can decide what is canon for him, in the end. That's fine.

Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2017 10:45 AM

At this point, the Alien mythology is as immutable as the black goo, and perhaps it always has been. It has inspired filmmakers, writers, and artists to reconfigure and debate the broad strokes of where the movies could have gone or can go, and to me that's bigger and more interesting than anything RS has up his sleeve.


MemberChestbursterJun-09-2017 10:52 AM

Agreed, DG

Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.


MemberFacehuggerJun-09-2017 11:34 AM

What if the Derelict really is thousands of years old? What if that ship crashed with the original source of the black goo as its cargo? We know David has been experimenting, but maybe what he needs to create the perfected xenomorph is a sample of the black goo in its purest form, and not what the Engineers were developing. Perhaps, he seeks out to find the Derelict, and when he finds it, booby traps it with the different eggs that we see in Alien. I wonder if it could work, if the Derelict is a result of a much earlier event, and the eggs are a result of David’s handy work ?


MemberFacehuggerJun-09-2017 11:37 AM

This was the major complaint from fans.  I doubt AI or AP (Bishop) will have that capability and it ruined a lot of the speculation from the Space Jockey.  Again, I just do not agree with the screenwriters on this.


MemberFacehuggerJun-09-2017 11:37 AM

This was the major complaint from fans.  I doubt AI or AP (Bishop) will have that capability and it ruined a lot of the speculation from the Space Jockey.  Again, I just do not agree with the screenwriters on this.  Engineers were more feasible to believe if they were the creators.  Hey, they supposedly created us.  Why not?

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