MemberFacehuggerApr-28-2017 2:14 PMIt's amazing that Ridley Scott and 20th Century Fox invited our admin Chris and the Scified team to the world premiere of Alien: Covenant next week. Chris said the review embargo let's loose on May 6th so not too much longer to wait for that. I honestly want to know the entire film before I see the movie. Who else wants the whole movie spoiled? Maybe Chris and his team will be willing to write a very spoiler review of AC after the embargo lifts and posts it to this site. What I honestly want to know are these main things
- What happened to Dr. Shaw
- Is the Space Jockey in the movie and an explanation
- Does Paradise become LV-426
What else do you want to know before you see Alien: Covenant?

MemberPraetorianApr-28-2017 3:11 PMThey are!! I am absolutely ecstatic for them!!
I WISH I were going with them (who doesn't?) but I'm really just so very glad they've been Recognized by FOX and Ridley Scott!!! :)

MemberTrilobiteApr-28-2017 5:14 PMI would say they are more fortunate than lucky but I understand and agree with the sentiment. I can only imagine how much work, time and diligence goes into maintaining this site at the level that it does.

MemberDeaconApr-28-2017 5:21 PM^^^^^^ Exactly ;)
Its a Reward more than a Perk of the Job.
If Chris ever wanted to visit the 2nd City while he is over here in the UK i would be glad to oblige lol
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberFacehuggerApr-28-2017 5:32 PMJeez you guys are too much. I was just saying how cool it was that he's going to the world premiere. If it makes you feel any better I changed the post from lucky to fortunate..

MemberTrilobiteApr-28-2017 5:38 PMJem587 No one was arguing with you, just expressing opinions. Notice the up votes ;)

MemberFacehuggerApr-28-2017 5:39 PMNice okay..I honestly just want to know the answer to those three questions so bad...

AdminPraetorianApr-28-2017 5:56 PMThat's so kind of you Jem587, thank you! Just to clarify, only Chris got the invitation, but it still is wonderful and I for one am very happy for him. As for any early reviews, we are usually very careful about spoilers but we did have reviews up in a special section when Prometheus was released so that's up to Chris. x

MemberOvomorphApr-28-2017 11:51 PMI cant wait to see the movie myself. Do i wanna know everything before seeing it? No. That would be a personal let down. Sitting finally in theaters and know everything beforehand. Even though I am so curious about the plot and story that unfolds in the movie and i do understand that someone just want to know everything as soon as they can.
I would probably suggest for myself reading the spoiler too but i dont wanna though as i said. ^^

Deep Space
MemberFacehuggerApr-29-2017 12:32 AMYes I echo the sentiments above - well deserved Chris, enjoy :)