AdminEngineerApr-24-2017 11:43 AMSince creating this topic, I have announced I will be attending the world premiere of Alien: Covenant and will also have the opportunity to interview Ridley Scott, Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Demian Bichir and Danny McBride.
Please submit any questions you have, below! I will try to include as many as I can!

AdminEngineerApr-24-2017 11:46 AMReserved reply slot for 4.26.17

MemberFacehuggerApr-24-2017 11:58 AMWhy send humans to the surface prior to full vetting by drones and androids.

A L I E N 4 2 6
MemberFacehuggerApr-24-2017 1:09 PMTo Ridley Scott and cast:
Have you ever had Alien nightmares after a day on set?

MemberFacehuggerApr-24-2017 2:34 PMAs we know, the neomorph derives it's inspiration from the goblin shark.
With that said, what is the inspiration behind the black goo, and what is the official origin of the black goo in the Alien Universe?

MemberTrilobiteApr-24-2017 2:41 PMTo RS- Could you come up with a better name than "Black Goo"? That is almost as bad as Gooie Kablooie."

MemberOvomorphApr-24-2017 3:48 PMCan we get a seen of the Engineers on Earth and their perspective of what is going on??? And why their Creator need them in the first place???
Also would he direct a HADLEYS HOPE TV SERIES?????

MemberFacehuggerApr-24-2017 3:55 PMSame question as spearfish really, why would you go down to a non surveyed world, without a full space/environmental suit on and/or, not have a dozen Walters go down to investigate?
As I understand it, they have 2.38 MILLION David androids in the space industry department alone. (Source - https://www.weylandindustries.com/investor)

MemberPraetorianApr-24-2017 4:22 PMGood point about the drones and such. That's a point I address in my writing.
as for 'Black Goo' I'd ask him if he thought 'Hypermutagen' would be an acceptable term for it.
I'd love to ask him (Sir Ridley Scott) what he thought of crossing the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica with the ALIENverse, as BSG is set 150 millenia in the past, involves a different Version of Humans than what was encountered here on Earth in the final episode, and we all know the Engineers and such have been thunderig around the universe for a LONG time...so there are points-of-connection that could be used.
I'd also love to find out what his Dream-Team cast for an ALIENverse movie would be.

MemberDeaconApr-24-2017 4:35 PMI think some Questions he would certainly dodge as no doubt he would be keeping his cards close to his chest, i think some could be answered weeks or months after the movie is out.
I am sure when the DVD hits, he would be more willing to explain some of the stuff.
So if i was to ask ONE...
it would be...
Seems the Hall of Head Apostles are related to the Elder Engineers was this the intention and how far down the Rabbit Hole does the Layers of Hierarchy go as surely these Superior Beings are not limited to the confines of our Galaxy.
If i could expand with another, then it was Mentioned that you had one being who went to all the parties got all the Girls and i assume we are talking the Engineers here, then the other being who stays at home being Boring, would this Home be Far beyond the Boundaries of our Galaxy.
How he would answer these Questions would surely tell us if there is the possibility this would expand to explore their Culture or if they are now brushing it under the carpet and keeping to limited confines to Shoehorn the Xenomorph connection in a less complex and straight forwards way that steps away from the Engineers influence, and brings in the Company, Synthetics and Xenomorph back into it.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberFacehuggerApr-24-2017 7:57 PMTo expand, they must have spent millions of dollars per person to send on this trip, then treat them like a gallon of milk (commodity) upon arrival. If the company wanted the alien tech/goo they could have done that with androids and a herd (?) Of cats. And my guys on the ground would be a fire team. At least one with heavy support - minigun. Sexual Tyrannosaurus kind of stuff. *Edit: the cats are face hugger/spore bait.

MemberPraetorianApr-25-2017 3:42 AMHerd of cats....yeah, they'd be a big help :D

MemberOvomorphApr-25-2017 5:00 AMI would ask him when and if he will ever make justice to the engineers ?
Because up to now they are underwhelming, disappointing and i have a hard time to acknowledge them as gods.

MemberChestbursterApr-26-2017 12:11 PMFor Ridley: Was there anything you did differently as a filmmaker to tackle this bevy of prequels/sequels? I would assume that the process is a different than the thought process and planning for one completely standalone film or what not.
For Michael Fassbender: What challenges were there to play two different (although similar) characters in one movie?
Did you have a specific way that you saw the story from Prometheus continuing? Covenant seems to have evolved and changed a lot form the original plans for the sequel to Prometheus, but did you think it was going this route tone/story wise, or was there another way you envisioned it?
For Katherine Watson: When you were auditioning/cast as the lead in Covenant, was there any doubt in your mind about taking the role? What was your mind set going into this movie, which sort of continues/somehow also kicks off a new part of this iconic franchise?
Not a map, an invitation

MemberNeomorphApr-26-2017 3:35 PMTo Ridley Scott:
How has your visual sense changed from Legend (1985) to now, Alien: Covenant?

MemberChestbursterApr-26-2017 3:53 PMMine would be more of a command:
"Would you PLEASE devote the rest of your living days to developing the Alien Universe through Alien films? Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

MemberTrilobiteApr-26-2017 4:14 PMTo RS- After seeing the Quadriloy, if you could go back and adjust the scenes to keep the pacing like you wanted, would you include the egg morph scene?

MemberTrilobiteApr-26-2017 5:27 PMTo RS- Please release a proper DC of Prometheus. It would greatly improve the movie IMO. Is there a plan to do that?

MemberFacehuggerApr-26-2017 7:24 PMFor Michael Fassbender - How does it feel to portray a character who has been given a huge story arc in such an iconic franchise?
What's the story, MUTHUR?

MemberFacehuggerApr-27-2017 12:06 AMI would ask Ridley Scott, according to the Alien making of info, the first cut of Alien was over three hours long. Will we see the day that this original cut released as a fans collection?

MemberPraetorianApr-27-2017 12:30 AMI would ask only that when/if you have a chance, that please extend all our appreciation and respect to Sir Ridley Scott and the cast, and maybe ask him if he's aware of the true scope of the fanbase and how much we love him?

MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2017 6:05 PMTo RS- It was suggested that the Alien and Blade Runner universes were in the same space. Are there any plans to have those two franchises meet up on day?

MemberPraetorianApr-30-2017 6:39 PMRidley Scott - Does the Queen have a place in your universe or do you feel it brings the Xenomorph down to a human understanding - too much like an insect species, losing its alien and terrifying qualities?

MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2017 7:49 PMTo any actor- What was your impression of the movie from shooting to seeing the theatrical version?