MemberDeaconApr-22-2017 9:48 AMNice Captures there.... some very interesting clues as well to the fate of the remaining crew who leave the Planet.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianApr-22-2017 9:54 AMDave, thx, just for the members, :)
Is that the Cabin?
/just kidding/

MemberNeomorphApr-22-2017 10:31 AMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdbvVc0JSLQ
Here's the new spot!

MemberChestbursterApr-22-2017 11:31 AMati
the track listing says "a cabin on the lake"
so we have the lake
maybe thats the cabin
perhaps ur spot on with that?
Take This.... This is the blood of our lord

MemberFacehuggerApr-22-2017 2:43 PMSo could it be that the juggernaut hasnt been seen for two thousand years or longer, since the plan to bomb earth was enacted, and the engineers are awestruck that this ship has appeared?
makes sense that the black goo would be setup on a desolate moon in case of spillage.
As the prometheus was guided to lv223, where the weapons were All along, maybe the engineers were going to 'do' humans anyway, no matter what we did or didnt do.

MemberDeaconApr-22-2017 4:49 PM@Ati The Un-Cabin
I dont think this is the case, it seems these beings are flocking to the area of the Hanger in their Hundreds of Thousands if not more.
Like say when the Pope visits Countries and people flock in large numbers to attend or like the Hajj gathering in Islam.
I think they know about Space Craft, and it appears the Cathedral Dome or the Interior of the Hanger is where the Hall of Heads is located that has the Elder Engineers look to them.
Prometheus showed us the Tear Drop Ship dropped off a Engineer for Sacrifice, the full scene we see the Elders and so we know these Sacrifices are taken Ritually from some place Right?
So these beings must have been expecting the Elders/Hierarchy to be returning, and i dont think they know what the Juggernaught ships purposes are, as surely they would not be congregating around that Hanger.
To me it seems they thought their Hierarchy/Creators was paying them a visit.... but oh boy were they mistaken.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianApr-23-2017 5:07 PMIngeni - You're welcome - again. You're awesome, too. :D
sherris - Yes, I know this track-thing, 'cabin on the lake' can stand for 'cabin next to the lake' as well in Br English if I know correctly, soooo who knows? :)
I can imagine two scenarios:
1 - Linear story, cabin is shown at the beginning of the movie before the Cov ship's arrival, is it Shaw's cabin? - a mystery, when they arrive it is empty, etc...
2 - Not linear, the film starts with a scene showing the cabin with (or without) a survivor, but this is the end of the story, so after some moments we jump back in time to reveal what happened previously, so the ship arrives, etc...

MemberChestbursterApr-23-2017 5:17 PMIt's an invisible un-cabin. :P
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

MemberPraetorianApr-23-2017 5:20 PMBigDave said it was an uncabin, but if you copy the image and zoom-in, you can see something there. :) A rock? A bush? A cabin? - I don't know.

MemberChestbursterApr-23-2017 5:30 PMIt's an invisible un-cabin under a rock! :D
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

MemberChestbursterApr-23-2017 5:36 PMJokes aside. Maybe "a cabin on the lake" refers to the dropship.
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

MemberPraetorianApr-23-2017 5:39 PM'It's an invisible un-cabin under a rock! :D'
Or a visible rock behind a bush! :D
'Jokes aside. Maybe "a cabin on the lake" refers to the dropship.'
Very probable.

MemberChestbursterApr-23-2017 6:31 PMOH NOES! We seen too much. The movie's RUINED! I ain't ever gonna enjoy this. They RUINED it. What were THEY thinking???? I'm so sulky and mad and disgusted that I guess I may as well not even go because I've already seen the whole movie now and the pics and the videos are everything in the whole movie!!!
LOL...I'm really getting fed up with this mentality.

MemberPraetorianApr-23-2017 8:35 PMStarlogger, I'm going to punish myself with as much spoiler material as possible.
They are bringing down the drop ship in the middle of a bunch of burnt residents.

MemberTrilobiteApr-23-2017 10:05 PMStarlogger We have seen quite a bit and I have to click on everything! We are seeing some of the what but not the why or how.
I still think there is a lot we will not see until the movie drops.

MemberChestbursterApr-24-2017 2:27 AMati - speaking on the lake and lander, do you think that the object in the water may be a ships mast? with a wooden carved human like head on it? it makes sense that they find something remarkable seconds after landing.
after all its in the water?
Take This.... This is the blood of our lord

MemberChestbursterApr-24-2017 6:09 AMSeriously, good job on those pix. Thanks for the thread.

MemberChestbursterApr-24-2017 6:14 AM@dk And I certainly didn't mean to make that personal against you or anyone else...but I'm glad you're still "punishing yourself" too, like Ingeneiro said!

MemberFacehuggerApr-24-2017 9:34 AMSomething I just thought of, where did the second, larger Juggernaut ship disappear to I wonder?