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Life...nice little SciFi Horror Film

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Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2017 9:06 PM

I just seen life and found it pretty damn good. The director Espinosa did a great job of making everything look real, very functional and lived in adding to the  movie's setting which had so much realism I was able to buy in and the tension on screen worked better because of the realism of the setting and environment of the ship.

it has gotten mostly favorable reviews, but a few self important critics gave it sour scores for reasons that dont apply or shouldnt apply.

Even many people that gave it good reviews said it was copying Alien....but i dont see it that way. Its just a movie set in space where we have a collective of protagonists trying to survive against a formidable foe and circumstance. I mean its a compliment to Alien that any movie set in space thats slightly tense or scary gets tagged as copying Alien....i dont think its fair for subsequent movies unless they do note for note the same thing. Thats like saying all westerns are copies of each other because they are riding horses and have guns. Or every movie about a serial killer is trying to copy Silence of the Lambs.

Its about story telling and execution. Life was done in a smart way using science and safeguards, the characters are not dumb like Fifield or Milburn but a couple make poor decisions in a panic based on human emotions in a tense setting. Did i mention this movie has tension, and fear, the creature has a great deal of screen time and it works , it is truly a nice addition to the genre.

The movie while in space and has astronuats up against an alien menace is still a different story from Alien just like all westerns do not tell the same story. I think some critics just pigeonhole stuff. The movie is excellent in a way where that its fiction but what is happening on the screen is right on the edge of reality, we are probing Mars (that sounds bad) and we are trying to get samples, i found myself wondering and asking those questions to mysef the characters on screen had to deal with....What would you do if you actually found an organism in a sample, what protocols and safeguards would Nasa or the worlds govts have prepared. The realization that we could be trying to expand our knowledge but very quickly we could discover something that is beyond our control.


Anyway good movie, go see it if you havent, its tense and well acted and highly entertaining, if you are looking for super deep characters or some deeper social statement type movie this is not is scary, tense, paced wonderfully and thoughtfully scientific and well worth the money. Plus it just was like an appetizer of scifi horror while we wait for the main course coming on May 19th.....

If you have seen it, what are your thoughts.....


20 Replies


MemberTrilobiteMar-23-2017 9:10 PM

Thanks for sharing. I will preorder the blu ray since I don't have time to kill in a theatre. I envy you!


MemberPraetorianMar-23-2017 9:18 PM

Good to hear you enjoyed it!The critics are slamming it,not that i care what critics think 

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberTrilobiteMar-23-2017 9:24 PM

'Critics' have always slammed stuff I like from movies to music. I'm feelin' it for Life.


MemberPraetorianMar-23-2017 9:26 PM

If i listened to critics,my life would be much emptier 

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2017 9:27 PM


most of the bigger film lovers reviewers that have sites on YouTube like Collider, Jeremy Jahns, IGN, ComicBook News, Schmoes Knows all have very good praise of the movie...its just snooty film critics like those from Newsweek or CNN or the like that are crapping on it, they dont understand entertainment and probably not scifi either they usually get all deep and grade a movie lower than it desreves because it doesnt have what they seek or some social message etc... when a lot of movies are just trying to thrill, scare, amaze or entertain you...i trust people who are movie lovers like the ones i listed above more than the mainstream media's critics anyday, but obviously my opinion is what i value most on a film im interested in :)

But im with you who does care what critics think, mostly only the critics 

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2017 9:31 PM

back in the day the critics crapped all over John Carpenters The Thing....its a classic, after a few years it built a following and after more people seen what the critics missed or didnt value or understand that film rightfully is considered one of the greatest Sci Fi Films ever...just one example of many, when it comes to stupid critics


MemberTrilobiteMar-23-2017 9:32 PM

GDL good point. The snooty sites you mention seem to not like sci fi too much unless an AAA actor is in it. They will probably praise Blade Runner since Ford is in it regardless.


MemberPraetorianMar-23-2017 9:35 PM

Agreed.There's quite a few sci fi films i enjoy that critics said were crap,and i mean a whole list.I read a couple reviews today like Rolling Stone and they just flattened in.Wouldn't be the first time i disagreed with them,they tried to say David Fincher's Girl with the Dragon tattoo sucked,which i extremely disagree with.Its one of my top favorite Fincher films

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2017 9:35 PM


You are very right on that, sci fi never gets the respect it deserves from critics or awards etc, but critics do love social messages and big stars, they are like the bandwagon fans of the sports world....only backing something with a known commodity or an Oscar winner etc


MemberPraetorianMar-24-2017 1:26 AM

Thanks for your thoughts on the movie. Not had a chance to see LIFE yet, but looks interesting.

At the time of their release, many critics blasted A L I E N and BladeRunner in particular. After the reaction to BR, Ridley was pretty shocked and said he would never look at reviews again. Now both are rightly considered classics and genre defining. BR is one of the most influential movies of all time!

J C's The Thing is right up there with A L I E N. 

All proof that critics are merely people with a personal opinion, just like all of us, only difference, they get paid to pompously sound off and may have a degree in journalism. [No offence intended!]


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberDeaconMar-24-2017 2:11 AM

"back in the day the critics crapped all over John Carpenters The Thing"

From the Trailers, i would think that LIFE touches upon the Thing more than it does Alien, i get the impression it could be mixing things from The Thing with Prometheus, rather than Alien.

And there are many other movies in the past that have been similar,  i know there are some Fanboys who seem against LIFE especially on other sites...   but this does not mean they are Ripping anything off from Ridley Scott at all.

Both movies kept pushing dates back, i guess they dont want to be out at the same time as they could be touching upon similar things.

But this would only be the same as the Marvel not wanting to release a Avengers Movie at the same time DC release a Justice League one.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberTrilobiteMar-24-2017 2:26 AM

GDL- thanks for not dropping spoilers since it will be a while until I get the blu ray and watch for the first time.


MemberPraetorianMar-24-2017 2:28 AM


Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberPraetorianMar-24-2017 5:23 AM

Thank you Grinning & Dropping Linen for writing a review that has utility. Well thought out and articulated. I look forward to seeing Life.

BigDave, John Carpenter's The Thing is absolutely one of the best. Especially when Kirk Russel kills his computer with scotch because he loses a game of chess to it. What could you (critics) possible criticize about that film?

I'm sure Alien: Covenant's critics will say the film should look more like Independence Day.


MemberOvomorphMar-24-2017 6:08 AM

Our seats are booked for this afternoon (Opening day here in the UK). I've been looking forward to this for some time - and only 7 weeks until A:C :)



MemberFacehuggerMar-27-2017 6:36 AM

I saw LIFE this weekend. If you love brutal space horror, you owe it to yourself to see it. 

It is certainly indebted to many films that have gone before it. Many, not just Alien, most notably Green Slime from 1969. And why is Alien still going after 30 years? Because it's an idea we love, and Alien didn't originate it, it just polished it.

Everything about LIFE is an over the top study in foreboding and dread. And it works, from the first frame to the very last. As is my (bad) habit, I thoroughly spoiled this film for myself before seeing it. Didn't matter. Once I was in its grip my eyes protruded from their sockets like boiled eggs and I rode wave after wave of terror induced nausea, literally right to the very end. Couldn't have been happier.

This is what movies are supposed to be, fun and visceral. Our film makers here have created a truly loving homage to a B movie trope and did so with skill and style and it pains me to see reviewers burying it in a chorus of copy cat mediocrity. Yes, there are a couple disappointments here, but they exist in all films I love and in the end did nothing to prevent me from walking out of the theatre on rubbery legs, or flinching at furtive sounds in the dark while trying to fall asleep later that night. When's the last time you had that experience? 



MemberChestbursterMar-27-2017 6:42 AM

Pretty decent little movie. Definitely not a "feel gooder", lol.

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-27-2017 7:13 AM


Spot on analysis, and i feel the same way you do about the whole copy cat remarks. Do i wish there were a couple things done differently, sure, but overall it is a very watchable and  re-watchable movie, that will get under your skin and have you tense up in our seat. Its not set in some far off future with cryo sleep or laser or where we have explored the vastness of space and are familiar with "bug hunts" or similar tropes.

This movie is set in the here and now and we as NASA and human are doing exactly what we are doing now with the technology and limitation we have now. The movie is an imagining of what we would do, what safety precautions would we as humans have in case of the worst. It also uses our basic understanding of life as we know it (carbon, oxygen, environments etc), not some far fetched life in the Abyss or Close Encounters or ET or even Alien.

If one of these soil samples from Mars, or one of the moons on Saturn or Jupiter we are hoping to explore next contained some small microorganism or bacteria. What would we do? What if it was beyond our control or understanding? our desire for knowledge would lead to our demise.


We currently are playing with forces that are dangerous on earth we may not fully understand and could easily develop into something that in using a real world concept, could quickly be out of our playing with deadly viruses and bacteria as weapons or toying with the large hadron collider at Cern. We could accidentally mutate a germ or bacteria that could kill us all, we wouldnt know we had developed it until its too late or what if toying with dark matter and the hadron collider developed black holes. Thats what i love about this movie, its on the verge of realism and asks those questions of us and the characters on screen, what would we do if our normal day to day explorations of the unknown led to this.

See this movie, it needs an audience that doesnt listen to stuffy critics.


MemberFacehuggerMar-27-2017 9:15 AM

Grinning- Glad you enjoyed it! This whole idea that it's a poor copy of better things is so short sighted, monsters on spaceships have been done for decades and there aren't enough good ones, this movie needs to be embraced.

I too wish a couple of things were done differently, but my God the stuff they got right is so right

If you want movies like this you gotta vote with your dollars. I'm going to see it again this week, you need theatre quality audio to complete the experience. Did I mention the soundtrack? The music is frightening. Relentless. What an experience. Bravo Daniel Espinosa and company!

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-27-2017 10:35 AM


Totally agree on every level with you, they got sooooo much right with this film....why arent we in charge of Hollywood ?? lol

This movie was tense, and beautiful and frightening from the score to the aesthetics of the ship, claustrophobic and real feeling.

Annnndd i agree the whole idea of it being a poor copy is very short their mind everything is copying Alien, but as you mentioned creatures attacking people on screen has been happening for almost a century, its all about execution and quality...which LIFE has excelled at both!


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